[ Traci Brooks ] Relax, babe.. You're still the champion.. -[[ He looks over at her, clutching the belt tighter now.. ]]- [ Michael Shane ] I know I'm still the champion, Traci.. And I'll always BE the champion.. My downfall tonight was the fact that I had to count on someone else.. Kurt Angle failed to hold up his end of the bargain and got himself pinned by Storm.. No big deal... I have bigger things in my future.... -[[ A chuckle can be heard from out of the shot.. Michael Shane's eyes grow wide with anger. ]]- [ Michael Shane ] You bastard.. What do you want? -[[ Randy Orton and "Cowboy" Bob slowly walk into the shot.. Orton has a smug look on his face.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] Michael Shane... I don't know what to say.. -[[ Shane looks at his championship belt and back at Orton.. ]]- [ Michael Shane ] You don't have to say anything, Orton.. Because I'm the champion.. And there's nothing you can do about it... So, why don't you take your ass back where you came from.. -[[ Orton smirks.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] I don't think so, Shane.... Because once again.. I beat you tonight, just like everyone KNEW I would.. And soon enough.. I'm going to be invoking my rematch clause.. And I'm going to take BACK.. Your television championship.. Which.. In the near future...... Will become MY championship.. -[[ Michael Shane gets right in Orton's face.. ]]- [ Michael Shane ] Orton..... You don't have a future. -[[ Orton turns his head... Spins back around... And SPITS right in Michael Shane's face!! Michael Shane calmly reaches up and wipes the spit from his face and looks back up at Orton with fury in his eyes.. And before a single punch can be thrown, Team Canada storms onto the scene... Lance Storm, Petey Williams, Major Gunnz, Mike Awesome, Elix Skipper, and Scott D'Amore.. Storm is the first to speak.. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] Stay right where you are, Shane.. -[[ Mike Awesome yells. ]]- [ Mike Awesome ] YEAH!! STAY!! FUCKIN' STAY!! LIKE LISA FUCKIN' LOEB!! DON'T FUCKIN' MOVE!! -[[ Michael Shane looks confused.. Traci speaks.. ]]- [ Traci Brooks ] Stay? ...How is that like Lisa Loeb? -[[ Lance Storm grits his teeth and points at Traci as if he were cutting a promo on her. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] Lisa Loeb's song, entitled "Stay" is the only single to reach the top of billboard charts while the artist was currently without a label.. Hence the relation.. Hence why "Stay".. Is like Lisa Loeb.. -[[ "Cowboy" Bob Orton removes his hat.. ]]- [ "Cowboy" Bob Orton ] Shit, son.. And you know this WHY? -[[ Lance Storm looks down.. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] Irrelevant. -[[ He looks back up, eyeing Shane.. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] But what IS relevant.. Is the fact that tonight, while in a tag team match involving the television champion.. Yes, you, Michael Shane.. I registered the winning pin fall.. And as of tonight, I am undefeated here in Solid Gold Wrestling.. So, I feel I am most deserving of a shot at your television championship.. [ Michael Shane ] You want a shot... You can have one any time you want it.. [ Lance Storm ] Splendid. -[[ Randy Orton busts in. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] Hold on just a damn second... Michael Shane didn't even beat me and he's walking around with my championship belt.. I deserve the rematch, Storm... While you were playing grab-ass over the Canadian flag, I was in the ring with an SGW legend!! -[[ Storm doesn't even hesitate. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] And you lost. Moving on now.. -[[ "Cowboy" Bob whispers into Storm's ear.. Storm looks confused, but speaks... ]]- [ Lance Storm ] Would you like... Some ointment.. To go on that burn? -[[ Orton grits his teeth.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] Dammit, dad!! Stop!! [ "Cowboy" Bob Orton ] Sorry, son.. -[[ Randy Orton turns back to Storm and Shane.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] The bottom line is this... I deserve the shot.. Not YOU, Storm.. You Canadians.. You're pathetic.. While you're on your big winning streak.. Petey there is doing the exact opposite.. He hasn't won a damn match since he showed up here.. And yet, you embrace him.. Your team is a joke.. And that alone disqualifies you from coming after MY title!! -[[ Michael Shane raises his belt.. ]]- [ Michael Shane ] MY TITLE!! -[[ Orton spins and gets right in Shane's face.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] IT'S MINE AND YOU GOD DAMN WELL KNOW IT!! -[[ Both men stare each other right in the face, breathing heavily.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] I don't care when the match happens, Shane.. But it will.. And I'm going to take what's mine.. -[[ Orton looks at the belt and back at Shane.. He walks off with "Cowboy" Bob in tow.. Lance Storm looks Shane up and down, his eyes resting on the championship belt.. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] In time. -[[ Team Canada walks away, leaving Shane and Traci by themselves.... As Team Canada walks away, Storm turns to Petey Williams.... He has a stern look on his face.. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] Petey... Orton made a valid point about your record here in Solid Gold Wrestling.... So, tonight.. If you can't pull out a victory and win your Lucky Seven match... You're out of Team Canada... Forever.
Petey Williams gulps
loudly, knowing this could be the end..
]]- |
Ken Kennedy
Title on the Line:
SGW United States Championship
Scott James
Winner: Muhammad Hassan via Referee's Decision
The Rock versus
John Cena
Title on the Line:
Pick Your Title Shot Tournament
Round One
Charles Robinson
Winners: The Rock via Pin Fall
He tips his hat and
walks off camera, leaving Maria pouting and alone..
]]- |
Saturn versus
Cactus Jack
Petey Williams
Justin Credible
Chris Jericho
Alex Shelley
Title on the Line:
Pick Your Title Shot Tournament
- Round One
Jimmy Cordaris
Cactus Jack stands up,
celebrating... And he's suddenly blasted from behind by William Regal and
Fit Finlay!! Both men begin putting the boots to Cactus as the fans boo...
What the hell are these two men doing!?! They whip Cactus into the
ropes... SUPER STIFF DOUBLE BACK ELBOW!! Cactus goes down hard and Regal
drops down on him....... REGAL STRETCH!! Finlay kicks Cactus in the face
as his head is yanked back in the hold... Referees flood the ring and try
to separate the competitors.. What the hell do these two men want with
Cactus Jack!?
]]- |
Winner: Cactus Jack via Pin Fall
[ Orlando Jordan ] Oh yeah.. Val Venis is ready to go!! -[[ He slaps Venis on the chest, smiling.. ]]- [ Orlando Jordan ] Feel o'dat!! You rock hard, man!! Gonna kick the Undertaker's ass!! -[[ Orlando shakes his head, laughing.. ]]- [ Orlando Jordan ] And if he wants to come outside that ring and get a piece o'Orlando... He's gonna find it's gonna be more beneficial to his health to drink MILK!! -[[ He bellows out with a big, cheesy smile.. ]]- [ Orlando Jordan ] 'CAUSE O.J. KILLS!! HA HA!! -[[ Venis even has to chuckle at that one.. He stops his preparation and looks at Orlando.. ]]- [ Val Venis ] You saw what I did to Edge last week... Tonight, you're going to get an education on how a true Solid Gold Wrestling legend gets the job done... My loss last week, even if you can even call it that... [ Orlando Jordan ] Lord knows I don't.. You beat his ASS, Val!! -[[ Venis smiles. ]]- [ Val Venis ] That loss was only a minor set-back.. Tonight.. Is the first step on my journey to the world.. Heavyweight.. Championship.. And no one... No one is going stand in my way.. Not Edge.. Not Jarrett.. Not even our wonderful locker room leader... Oh no.. Tonight, I make a statement, O.J... -[[ Orlando swings his fist around next to his head, doing the Arsenio Hall "woop woop" motion.. ]]- [ Orlando Jordan ] Oh yeah.. You makin' a statement, alright!! -[[ Suddenly, Teddy Long shuffles onto the scene, doing his raise the roof dance.. Venis and Orlando look surprised. ]]- [ Teddy Long ] If anybody knows anything about makin' a statement.. It's Teddy Long! Belee-dat!! -[[ Venis laughs.. ]]- [ Val Venis ] T-Long!! Heh heh... I didn't think you were going to make it tonight.. [ Teddy Long ] Teddy Long is full o'surprises, playa', belee-dat.. [ Orland Jordan ] Yes, he is!! HA HA!! -[[ Venis reaches over and straightens the collar on Long's jacket.. ]]- [ Val Venis ] You're lookin' sharp, Teddy.. Fit for a champion! -[[ Orlando slaps Venis on the back.. ]]- [ Orlando Jordan ] The man couldn't be more right! -[[ Teddy Long looks around, suddenly look scared. ]]- [ Teddy Long ] The man?! Where he at, playa'!? -[[ Venis smiles, shaking his head. ]]- [ Val Venis ] You kill me, Teddy.. -[[ Teddy Long suddenly goes serious.. ]]- [ Teddy Long ] But seriously now, playa'.. I'm here to see you a kick dead man's ass.. So let's stop our talkin' and start our actin', playa', belee-dat, because if you wanna be a champion in SGDubya', ya' gotta be a man o'action! Holla' if ya' hear me, playa'!! -[[ Orlando cups his hands around his mouth. ]]- [ Orlando Jordan ] HOLLA'!! -[[ Teddy Long raises the roof as Venis looks on. ]]- [ Teddy Long ] Because where goes the belt, goes the money! Show me the money! -[[ Orlando laughs out loud. ]]- [ Orlando Jordan ] Show me the money! Say it, Val!! -[[ Venis shakes his head, laughing. ]]- [ Teddy Long ] Say it, playa'! You wanna be the champion!? SHOW ME THE MONEY!! -[[ Venis nods.. He can't believe he's doing this.. ]]- [ Val Venis ] Show me the money.. [ Teddy Long ] Put some gusto behind that, Val!! SHOW ME THE MONEY!! [ Orlando Jordan ] YEAH!! SHOW ME THE MONEY!! -[[ Venis yells, looking uncomfortable as hell.. ]]- [ Val Venis ] SHOW ME.. THE MONEY!! -[[ Teddy Long slaps Venis on the chest.. ]]- [ Teddy Long ] That's right, playa'!! Now you go win that damn match!! Let's go!! -[[ As they all turn to head to the ring, Venis spies someone out of the corner of his eye..... He has to look closer to make sure he knows who it is... And then.. It dawns on him.. The black pants.. The leather jacket... The orange shirt..... IT'S TAZ!! TAZ IS HERE!! Taz stares at Venis, shaking his head in disgust.. He stomps up to Venis and gets right in his face.. Both men look ready to swing at any moment.. Orlando looks ready to back Val up at a moment's notice.. ]]- [ TAZ ] We got unfinished bidness.. [ Val Venis ] You're god damn right we do. [ TAZ ] I'm here tonight.. For one thing... -[[ Venis doesn't move, staring hard into Taz's face. ]]- [ TAZ ] To look you right in ya' god damn face... And tell ya'.. Man to man.. -[[ Taz spits as he yells in Val's face. ]]- [ TAZ ] I'M BACK!! -[[ Both men are trembling with anger.. Taz looks Venis up and down... ]]- [ TAZ ] I'm gonna choke you out. -[[ Taz looks at Long and Orlando... Then back at Venis, smiling now.. ]]- [ TAZ ] Still can't get nothin' done on ya' own, huh? -[[ Taz shakes his head. ]]- [ TAZ ] Bitch. -[[ Taz walks away, leaving Venis alone with Long and Jordan... Venis doesn't watch Taz as he walks away.. He just stares straight ahead... Jordan and Long look concerned.. ]]- [ Val Venis ] You two...... Tonight... Stay back here.. I'm doing this on my own..
Orlando and Long just
nod as Venis exits through the curtain to begin his match.
]]- |
Val Venis
Title on the Line:
Pick Your Title Shot Tournament
- Round One
Nick Patrick
Winner: Val Venis via Pin Fall
[ Jillian Hall ] And now.. The moment you have all been waiting for.. -[[ Everyone, from the wrestlers to the ring announcer, is crowded into the small office that once belonged to Jeff Jarrett.. Jillian Hall is clutching the clipboard to her chest.. The tension is so thick that you could cut it with a knife.. After a few seconds, Val Venis enters, dripping with sweat after his hard fought battle with the Undertaker.. ]]- [ Val Venis ] Did I miss anything? -[[ "Cowboy" Bob Orton points at himself, smiling. ]]- [ "Cowboy" Bob Orton ] That big tittied woman was about to name ME the new interim owner!! -[[ The Rock laughs.. ]]- [ The Rock ] HAH! Ya' hear this guy? Hey.. Hey Buffalo Bill.. Don'cha have a gay cowboy movie to star in? -[[ No one laughs.. The Rock waggles his head around, smiling. ]]- [ The Rock ] Get it? The Rock's insinuating that he's.. LIKE 'DAT... Hey! -[[ He adjusts his belt buckle.. ]]- [ The Rock ] I'm the Rock, baby! -[[ Kennedy smirks.. ]]- [ Ken Kennedy ] Silence your tongue, Rocky.. Because you, I, and all of these men standing here with us today know.. That there are only four men that can fill the shoes left by our FEARLESS LEADER, Jeff Jarrett... One of them.. Is "Cowboy" Bob Orton.... The other is his son... The Legend Killer.. AND FEE-YOOTCHER TELEVISION CHAMPION, Randy Orton... And of course, THE BIG NASSSTY........ BIG SHOW!! And especially.. The man speaking before you today.... Myself... -[[ He tilts his head back.. ]]- [ Ken Kennedy ] MISTERRRRRRRR...... KENNEDYYYYY!!! [ Carlito ] Carlito.. As the-- [ Ken Kennedy ] KENNEDYYYYY!! -[[ Carlito looks irritated, but he continues. ]]- [ Carlito ] Carlito.. As the new interim owner... Dat's cool! -[[ Chris Jericho shakes his head. ]]- [ Chris Jericho ] No, it's really not. [ Lance Storm ] Obviously, a Canadian would be best suited for the position. [ Mike Awesome ] YEAH!! A FUCKIN' CANADIAN!! LIKE BRYAN FUCKIN' ADAMS!! GET FUCKIN' CRUSH IN HERE! KONA FUCKIN' CRUSH!! DEMOLITION!! YEAH!! RIGHT HERE!! -[[ Storm shakes his head. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] That is a DIFFERENT Brian Adams, Mike. [ Mike Awesome ] GET FUCKIN' CRUSH IN HERE ANYWAY, YEAH!! -[[ Jillian clears her throat and removes an envelope from the inside of her coat.. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] Inside of this envelope is the name of the person who will be taking over the duties left behind by Mister Jarrett..... If everyone will quiet down, I'll gladly make the announcement... -[[ She opens the envelope and pulls out a piece of paper... She looks at the name on it.. And her eyes go wide. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] Wait... This can't be right... This isn't who Melina said-- [ Ken Kennedy ] Who is it, woman!? SPEAK! [ Jillian Hall ] She said..... She said it was Ricky Steamboat.. This... This.... -[[ Jillian looks up with tears in her eyes... ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] ........It's.. -[[ Everyone is dead silent, awaiting the answer... Jillian almost whispers.. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] ......Maria. -[[ Dead silence. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] Maria.... Is the new.... Owner.. -[[ One voice pipes in from the back.. Everyone separates to reveal this person.. ]]- [ Maria ] Wow... Wow! Golly gee.. Oh, man! I never win anything! -[[ She seems extremely excited, the only one, actually.. Confusion washes over her face.. ]]- [ Maria ] Wait... What's an owner? -[[ Everyone groans. ]]- [ Ken Kennedy ] Mother of God... -[[ Randy Orton shakes his head, fuming mad. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] God has nothing to do with this.
Fade out.
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