[ Carlito ] So... You say 'dis.. Is to get rid of Maria? -[[ Christian nods.. ]]- [ Christian ] Totally, man.. She's corrupted the entire SGW system!! -[[ Carlito raises an eyebrow.. ]]- [ Carlito ] Really? How's dat? -[[ Christian puts his hands on his hips and speaks in a disbelieving tone.. ]]- [ Christian ] Where do I start!? She plays favorites.. She gives certain people, like, anything they ask for.. She screws people over.. She's a backstabber!! And she makes sure that the world title stays around the waist of her favorite wrestlers.. It's ridiculous. -[[ Carlito looks at the petition and then back up at Christian. ]]- [ Carlito ] Wait.. Dat's all da' things Carlito has heard about you! -[[ Christian is quick to respond. ]]- [ Christian ] Yeah, but those are lies. -[[ Carlito nods, smiling. ]]- [ Carlito ] Oh, okay.. Where does Carlito sign? -[[ Christian points to a spot on the petition.. ]]- [ Christian ] Right there, underneath Todd Grisham.. -[[ Carlito scribbles his name down and hands the pen and clipboard back to Christian.. ]]- [ Christian ] Thanks, you won't regret it, man.. I'll make sure you get a.. U.S. title shot or something. -[[ Carlito's eyes light up.. ]]- [ Carlito ] Really!? You do that.. For Carlito? -[[ His face then goes serious. ]]- [ Carlito ] Wait.. HOW you do that.. For Carlito? -[[ Christian smirks.. ]]- [ Christian ] Haven't you heard? I can do anything I want.. I know the guy who runs this place. -[[ Carlito looks confused.. ]]- [ Carlito ] But you told Carlito-- -[[ Christian winks and turns away, walking down the hall with Edge.. ]]- [ Edge ] That's cruel, bro.. Promising title shots you can't deliver.. -[[ Edge laughs. ]]- [ Edge ] I love it! Ha ha ha... -[[ Christian sees someone and begins walking quickly down the hall... ]]- [ Christian ] Hey, Sanders!! Come here.. -[[ Mike Sanders and Mark Jindrak turn around and see Edge and Christian coming toward them.. ]]- [ Mike Sanders ] The hell do you two want? -[[ Christian holds the petition out.. ]]- [ Christian ] You guys are young and impressionable.. Sign this petition to get Maria kicked out of SGW.. -[[ Sanders looks down at the petition and then back up at Christian, looking confused. ]]- [ Mike Sanders ] Why? Doesn't that mean Jeff Jarrett comes back? -[[ Christian shakes his head.. ]]- [ Christian ] Jeff Jarrett's out of action indefinitely.. Courtesy of the Christian Coalition. [ Edge ] And me. [ Christian ] And Edge. -[[ Sanders doesn't seem convinced. ]]- [ Christian ] With Maria out of the way, we can get a real owner in the spot for the first time in... SGW history!! -[[ He begins counting on his fingers.. ]]- [ Christian ] No Anderson, no McMahon, no Dibiase, no Terry Taylor or JJ Dillon... And definitely no Slapnuts... -[[ Sanders takes the petition and looks at it.. He's thinking.. ]]- [ Mike Sanders ] Don't you think Jillian will just run the show for a week before revealing someone that nobody's going to expect like Dusty Rhodes or Terry Funk as the new owner? I mean, come on guys.. There's worse owners out there than Maria.... Worse on the eyes, too, ya' know.. -[[ Christian scoffs. ]]- [ Christian ] Don't be an idiot. [ Edge ] Yeah, besides.. What's it matter to you? You won't be on the roster next week anyway. [ Christian ] Yeah, what's up with that? You're here.. Then you're gone.. Then you're back.. And gone again. -[[ Sanders just stares at them blankly. ]]- [ Mike Sanders ] Give me the damn pen. -[[ Sanders grumbles and signs the petition.. ]]- [ Mike Sanders ] There.. Signed.. Assholes. -[[ Sanders and Jindrak wander off as Christian looks down at the petition and smiles.. Edge also looks down at it and grins really big.. Trish Stratus wanders in from nowhere and stands next to Christian.. ]]- [ Trish Stratus ] How many have you got? [ Christian ] Plenty.. Check it out. -[[ He hands her the petition.. He places his finger on one spot. ]]- [ Christian ] That one's my favorite. -[[ She looks at it and reads.. ]]- [ Trish Stratus ] Ken Kennedy.... Sucks. -[[ Christian pumps his fist. ]]- [ Christian ] I KNOW!! -[[ She shakes her head.. ]]- [ Trish Stratus ] No.. That's what it says here.. Ken Kennedy Sucks. -[[ Christian nods.. ]]- [ Christian ] I said I know.. I wrote that myself.. The 'sucks' part.. He actually did sign. -[[ Christian shakes his head smiling.. ]]- [ Christian ] Idiot.
Edge and Christian
laugh as Trish just stands there, not finding it funny. Fade.
]]- |
Matt Hardy
Title on the Line:
SGW Television Champion
Scott James
Winner: Randy Orton via Pin Fall
[ Maria ] HA HA~!! I HOPE YOU'RE ALL THIRSTY!! -[[ Tickle Me Elmo slumps forward, his face knocking the cup over.. Maria looks shocked. ]]- [ Maria ] Tickle Me Elmo!? Did you spike your drink!? -[[ She raises his little red arm up and slaps his hand.. ]]- [ Maria ] That's no good! -[[ Maria leans back in her chair, pouting.. And the door to her office swings open.. Jillian Hall walks in with Val Venis behind her.. She's trying to explain something to him.. He doesn't appear happy with her explanation at all.. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] I'm not trying to discredit your accomplishments, Val.. [ Val Venis ] There's no excuse for it.. You make it sound like I can't handle myself in the ring!! [ Jillian Hall ] Val.. You're one of the most decorated competitors in Solid Gold Wrestling-- [ Val Venis ] Then what the hell is the problem with me defending my championship before the pay-per-view!? -[[ She sighs.. Defeated. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] Because.. Orton is right.. The facts are the facts... I-- -[[ Venis' face turns red with anger.. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] I'm sorry.. I.. It's just.. -[[ Venis shakes his head.. ]]- [ Val Venis ] That's fine.. Good to know that even as champion.. -[[ She looks terrified of what he might do.. ]]- [ Val Venis ] I can't even get any respect from the damn management in this place.. -[[ The office door swings open hard and slams against the wall.. Chavo Guerrero, Jr. stands there, clutching Pepe frantically.. He looks like he's going to vomit... Jillian and Venis both look concerned, Maria is still scolding Elmo.. ]]- [ Chavo Guerrero, Jr. ] Oh.. Oh my God... Jillian... It's Muhammad Hassan!! [ Jillian Hall ] What's wrong?! [ Chavo Guerrero, Jr. ] He's hurt.. He's hurt BAD!! [ Jillian Hall ] Okay.. Get some EMTs.. Where is he? -[[ Chavo swallows hard.. ]]- [ Chavo Guerrero, Jr. ] .....E.. Everywhere.. -[[ They all rush out of the room, leaving Maria behind.. Following them down the hall, they see the blood before they see Hassan.. On the walls, on the ceiling... Pooled everywhere.. Hassan's body is contorted in ways that were never intended by God... Jillian immediately turns her head and begins throwing up.. Chavo, seeing her vomit, turns and vomits himself.. Venis just stares and drops to one knee next to Muhammad Hassan.. ]]- [ Val Venis ] Get up, Chavo!! Get some medics!! -[[ Chavo wipes his mouth and scrambles away.. ]]- [ Val Venis ] He's breathing.. But what... What the hell is this? -[[ Venis reaches down and touches Hassan's face.. When he pulls it back, his fingers have a powdery white residue on them.. He rubs his fingers together, staring at them quizzically.. ]]- [ Val Venis ] What's going on here?
]]- |
Chris Jericho
Title on the Line:
World Warrior Tournament - Round One
Charles Robinson
Winner: Chris Benoit via Submission
[ Carlito ] Ha.. Carlito knows.. What William Regal.. Is thinking! -[[ Regal turns around, looking disgusted.. ]]- [ William Regal ] How dare you intrude within my quarters? -[[ Carlito smiles, revealing the apple in his hand.. ]]- [ Carlito ] Carlito comes bearing a message for William Regal.. -[[ Regal curls his lip, he doesn't want anything to do with Carlito.. ]]- [ William Regal ] I care not for your message.. Bugger off, you sodding little skid mark. -[[ Carlito tosses the apple up and catches it.. ]]- [ Carlito ] Carlito wants you to know.. That you may get past Lance Storm tonight... -[[ He smiles.. ]]- [ Carlito ] But next week.. In the next round of the World Warrior tournament.. Carlito... -[[ He looks at the ceiling, that smile getting bigger. ]]- [ Carlito ] Is going to win! -[[ He looks back down at a disgusted Regal. ]]- [ Carlito ] And dat... Dat's COOL! -[[ Regal shakes his head and turns his back.. Carlito frowns. ]]- [ Carlito ] 'Ey!! You do not turn your back on Carlito!! -[[ Carlito takes a bite of his apple and begins chewing it.. ]]- [ Carlito ] Turn around!! FACE CARLITO!! -[[ Regal turns around and just as Carlito prepares to spit, Regal punches him down with the brass knuckles!! Carlito goes down, clutching his jaw, spitting apple all over the place.. Regal smiles and puts the knucks back in his tights.. ]]- [ William Regal ] Very well then.. If you don't mind, I've a match to prepare for.
Regal steps over
Carlito and disappears down the hall.
]]- |
Jack versus
The Undertaker
Triple H
Title on the Line:
Jimmy Cordaris
Winner: The Undertaker via Pin Fall
[ Shane Douglas ] SHAWN FUCKIN' MICHAELS!! YOU GOD DAMN KLIQ BASTARD!! -[[ Michaels turns to Douglas and raises an eyebrow.. ]]- [ Shane Douglas ] YOU FUCKED ME IN THE WWF, YOU BASTARD!! HA HA HA.. AND NOW... -[[ He waves his head around like he's a dog trying to shake off water.. ]]- [ Shane Douglas ] ..NOW!! I'M GONNA INTERVIEW YOUR FUCKIN' ASS!! GIMME A FUCKIN' SCOOP!! -[[ Michaels almost laughs out loud and looks away for a second.. And that's when Todd Grisham slides into the shot.. ]]- [ Todd Grisham ] If you don't mind, Shane.. I'd like to interview the Heartbreak Kid myself.. -[[ Douglas stares a hole straight through Grisham.. ]]- [ Shane Douglas ] FUCK YOU, FOUR EYES!! THIS IS MY SCOOP!! IT'S MY SCOOP!! IT'S MY GOD DAMN FUCKIN' SCOOP!! WHAT YA' GOTTA SAY ABOUT THAT, FUCKER!? -[[ Grisham grits his teeth and looks frustrated.. ]]- [ Todd Grisham ] God dammit!! -[[ He wanders off, leaving Douglas and Michaels alone once again.. ]]- [ Shawn Michaels ] Shane Douglas.. I'm gonna tell you exactly what I plan on tellin'.. Everybody else! -[[ Michaels runs his hands over his hair, smiling into the camera.. ]]- [ Shawn Michaels ] Nobody in this business entertains quite like.. The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels.. -[[ He turns and looks at Douglas and pokes his finger into Douglas' chest.. ]]- [ Shawn Michaels ] Not you.. Dean Douglas.. And not anybody else.. And if there's anybody around here who even THINKS.. That they can out do me in that ring....... Well... Step up.. Take a shot.. And I will dance... -[[ Michaels does a few pelvic thrusts, just because he can.. ]]- [ Shawn Michaels ] All over your FACE! -[[ He turns back to Douglas.. ]]- [ Shawn Michaels ] What ya' gotta say about that.. Jackson? -[[ Michaels wanders off, leaving Douglas by himself for a few seconds.. Until Steve Corino walks into the shot with a cocky look on his face.. He's being flanked by Jack Victory and has Dawn Marie on his arm.. Corino leans into Douglas' microphone.. ]]- [ Steve Corino ] Excuse me, Shane.. But I'm hereby HIJACKING this interview segment! [ Shane Douglas ] HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT!! YOU GOT MY ATTENTION, CORINO!! HA HA HA... -[[ Corino nods, ignoring the overly loud and excited Franchise.. ]]- [ Steve Corino ] Much like Shawn Michaels.. I've got a message for everyone in Solid Gold Wrestling.. -[[ Corino looks hard into the camera.. ]]- [ Steve Corino ] And that message is-- -[[ A shadow looms over Corino and looks over, ceasing his message mid sentence.. He's looking up at the Undertaker, still sweating and breathing heavily from his victory just moments ago.. Corino swallows hard.. The Undertaker throws his hair back and rolls his eyes.. ]]- [ Steve Corino ] And, uh.. That message is.. This interview is over.. Yeah, that's the ticket. -[[ Corino and his crew take off, leaving Douglas and the Taker alone.. ]]- [ Shane Douglas ] TAKER!! YOU BIG, DEAD FUCK!! SAY SOMETHING!! -[[ Taker looks at the microphone and back up at Douglas... Before he can say anything.. Maria wanders calmly into the shot with a giant sucker for no reason.. She walks up and stands next to Douglas, looking innocent as ever.. She looks up at the Undertaker and her already large, doe-like eyes become even bigger. ]]- [ Maria ] WHOA! Holy.. Wow... Who are you!? -[[ The Undertaker stands there, not saying a word.. ]]- [ Shane Douglas ] WHO IS THIS!? WHO THE FUCK IS THIS!? IT'S THE FUCKIN' DEADMAN, YOU BROAD!! -[[ She drops the sucker in shock. ]]- [ Maria ] DEAD MAN~!? -[[ She rests the back of her hand on her forehead and looks woozy. ]]- [ Maria ] FAINT~! -[[ And she falls flat on her back.. Even Douglas looks weirded out by this.. He looks at the Taker, back at her, and back at Taker.. Undertaker puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head before walking away.. ]]- [ Shane Douglas ] HA HA HA.... -[[ Douglas leans down to the fainted Maria and begins to lift her already too short skirt.. Just as we're about to see her panties, a tattooed arm grabs Douglas' arm and yanks him up off the floor.. Douglas is staring into the eyes of the dead man.. Undertaker just shakes his head.. ]]- [ The Undertaker ] Don't. -[[ He rolls his eyes.. And the front of the Franchise's pants go dark with piss. The Undertaker stalks off and "The Franchise" looks down at his soaking wet crotch.. He grits his teeth.. ]]- [ Shane Douglas ] FUCK!!
Fade. ]]- |
Storm versus
William Regal
Title on the Line:
Scott James
Winner: Lance Storm via Pin Fall
[ Dean Malenko ] Do you want me to get your back? -[[ Benoit doesn't even look back at Malenko, but confusion washes over his face.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] Get my back? [ Dean Malenko ] Yeah, your back.. You want me to towel off those hard to reach spots? -[[ Benoit shakes his head.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] For God's sake, Dean.. The rumors.. -[[ Malenko's turn to look confused.. ]]- [ Dean Malenko ] What rumors? -[[ Benoit turns quickly and gets right in Malenko's face. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] The rumors... About.. US!! -[[ Malenko holds his hands out.. He doesn't get it. ]]- [ Dean Malenko ] What rumors about us, big boy? -[[ Benoit tilts his head back and places his hand over his eyes.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] Dean.. About us.. Being GAY!! -[[ It hits Malenko. ]]- [ Dean Malenko ] Oh yeah. -[[ And then they both turn their heads and see Carlito standing off to the side with an apple in his hand.. Carlito's eyes are as big as saucers as he's stared down by Benoit and Malenko... Carlito swallows hard.. ]]- [ Carlito ] 'Ey... If that's what you're into.. Then dat... Dat's cool. -[[ Benoit snaps. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] GET OUT OF HERE, CARLITO!! -[[ Carlito drops his apple and quickly hurries off.. Benoi turns back to Malenko.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] See what you did!? -[[ Malenko plays innocent.. ]]- [ Dean Malenko ] What I did!? Me? You're the one yelling and screaming about being GAY, Chris.. -[[ Benoit hangs his head in shame.. And then a warbling voice from behind startles him.. ]]- [ Cactus Jack ] Does that make you feel pain, Chris? -[[ Benoit turns around slowly.. He's mere feet away from Cactus Jack and Raven.. ]]- [ Cactus Jack ] The thought that.. People judge you.. Form opinions about you... Without even sitting down.. -[[ He runs his hand through his hair.. ]]- [ Cactus Jack ] And getting to know you? [ Chris Benoit ] What are you playing at, Cactus? -[[ Cactus ignores him.. ]]- [ Cactus Jack ] That kind of pain.. It doesn't hurt as much as.. Thumbtacks.. Or a steel chair.. But it's real.. It's.. VERY REAL.. And even though that pain may fade... It lingers.. And it waits... For that moment.. When it can come back.. I know that pain, Chris... I LIVE.. WITH THAT PAIN!! -[[ Benoit steps up closer to him, showing no fear. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] If you cross my path again, Cactus.. You're going to feel.. A lot more.. Pain.. Than that!! -[[ Cactus smiles.. ]]- [ Cactus Jack ] Are you going to hurt me, Chris? -[[ Cactus punches himself in the cheek.. ]]- [ Cactus Jack ] ARE YOU GOING TO HURT ME!? -[[ He reaches up slowly and pulls a handful of hair from his skull.. ]]- [ Cactus Jack ] You can't hurt me, Chris... You can't.. Hurt me.. -[[ Cactus and Raven take a step closer to Benoit.. ]]- [ Raven ] Not as much as we can hurt you, Christopher.. -[[ Raven smirks. ]]- [ Raven ] And do you know WHY that is, Christopher? [ Chris Benoit ] Why's that? [ Raven ] Because unlike you.. We have nothing left to lose. -[[ A pause.. ]]- [ Raven ] Your wife, your children..... You value your life. [ Chris Benoit ] This business.. IS MY LIFE!! [ Raven ] Prove it, monkey!! [ Chris Benoit ] I.. WILL!! -[[ Benoit and Malenko go toe to toe with Cactus and Raven.. And it looks like a fight might break out at any moment.. But.. It doesn't.. There's a loud crack and Cactus Jack slumps to the side with blood drizzling out of his face... Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko can only stare in shock.. Raven sees Cactus goes down and takes off before anything else can happen.. Cactus lays there, twitching, and Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko lay their eyes on the man holding the chair that took out Cactus.... ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] Bret.. -[[ Hart smirks.. ]]- [ Bret Hart ] You can thank me later.
Hart turns and walks
away, leaving Benoit and Malenko confused..
]]- |
Kurt Angle
& Chyna
Dallas Page & The Hurricane
Title on the Line:
Mark Yeaton
Winner: "The Franchise" Shane Douglas via Pin Fall
[ Shane Douglas ] HA HA HA... HERE I AM, SOLID GOLD WRESTLING!! -[[ He holds the microphone and rubs his goatee.. ]]- [ Shane Douglas ] IT'S ME!! THE FUCKIN' FRANCHISE.. SHANE DOUGLAS!! -[[ He points at Austin with this thumb.. ]]- [ Shane Douglas ] AND I'M HERE.. WITH THE SELF PROCLAIMED.. BADDEST MOTHER FUCKER ALIVE.. STONE COLD STEVE FUCKIN' AUSTIN!! HA HA HA!! AND EARLIER TONIGHT...... THIS BAD MOTHER FUCKER GOT CHALLENGED BY ONE SHOOT WRESTLING CRAZY... SON OF A BITCH!! AND OF COURSE, I'M TALKIN' ABOUT LANCE STORM!! -[[ Douglas cackles.. Austin doesn't even look at him.. He takes another drink of his beer.. ]]- [ Shane Douglas ] STEVE AUSTIN.. LANCE STORM CHALLENGED YOUR ASS TO AN ULTIMATE SUBMISSION MATCH.. AT WORLD.. FUCKIN'.. WARRIOR!! HA HA HA...... A MATCH.. THAT QUITE FRANKLY... NOBODY KNOWS THE RULES TO AT THIS FUCKIN' MOMENT..... WHAT DO YA' GOTTA SAY ABOUT THAT!? HA HA HA... -[[ Douglas jams the microphone in Austin's face and Douglas gets a look on his face that looks like someone stuck something up his ass... Austin stares straight ahead.. Takes another drink of his beer... And speaks.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] If that's what he how he wants to die.. I reckon that's fine by me.. -[[ Douglas begins to pull the microphone back, but Austin keeps talking.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] If Lance Storm thinks he's bad enough to get the job done on ol' Stone Cold.. I welcome him to try.. All I know is that durin' Total Elimination.. He had to have the Rock's help to get the job done... At Heartbreaker, I stomped a mudhole in all o'Team Canada's ass and walked it dry... And t'night.... -[[ Austin takes another drink.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] I 'bout damn near broke that Masterlock 'til he stuck his damn nose in my business.. -[[ Austin nods.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] The way I see things, Franchise... There's some kind o'alliance goin' on here... I go into World Warrior against Lance Storm.. I ain't just fightin' Lance Storm.. I'm goin' up against Mike Awesome, that Chris Tucker lookin' fella'.. Big chested bimbo... And the so-called Masterpiece.... -[[ Douglas just sits there, his face frozen as he listens to Austin speak.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] Some people might say.. That the odds are stacked against "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.. -[[ Austin shakes his head.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] But "Stone Cold" Steve Austin might say... That's just how I like it!! -[[ Douglas laughs.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] And as for your little challenge... Ultimate submission.. I don't care what it means, you little bastard, because I WILL DO.. WHAT I HAVE TO DO.. TO GET THE JOB DONE!! I'M GONNA DO WHATEVER I GOTTA DO.. TO GET IT THROUGH THAT STINKIN' HEAD O'YOURS.. THAT "STONE COLD" STEVE AUSTIN IS NOT SOME DAMN PUSHOVER YOU'RE GONNA HAVE YOUR WAY WITH!! AND EVEN THOUGH I'M GONNA WIN THE DAMN TOURNAMENT.. I AIN'T JUST ROLLIN' INTO THE FINALS AFTER OUTLASTIN' FIFTEEN OTHER MEN.. I'M ROLLIN' INTO THE FINALS AFTER MAKIN' YOUR CANADIAN ASS TAP OUT!! TWO MATCHES!! THREE MATCHES!! HELL, FOUR MATCHES IN ONE NIGHT AIN'T NOTHIN' FOR "STONE COLD" STEVE AUSTIN!! IN SHORT..... -[[ Austin stares straight into the camera.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] ..I ACCEPT!! -[[ Austin stands up and walks toward the camera.. Douglas scrambles to keep the microphone close to his mouth.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] And at World Warrior.. It ain't gonna be OH, CANADA.... -[[ He's going OFF. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] It's just gonna be OH, MY ASS JUST GOT WHIPPED BY "STONE COLD" ... STEEEVE AUSTIN!! -[[ He waggles his head around as he finishes.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LIIIIIIIIINE.... BECAUSE "STONE COLD" SAID SO!! -[[ And then Austin turns.. Middle fingers.. KICK WHAM STUNNER ON "THE FRANCHISE" SHANE DOUGLAS!! Douglas falls flat on the floor and Austin begins dumping his beer all over him.. The fans are going ape shit.. Austin grabs Douglas' microphone and begins rambling into it.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] NOW WHAT'CHA GOTTA SAY 'BOUT THAT!?
He drops it on
Douglas' chest and stomps off.
]]- |
Kennedy & The Big Show(c)
Edge & Christian
Title on the Line:
SGW World Tag Team Championship
Nick Patrick
Winners: Edge & Christian via Pin Fall
[ "Cowboy" Bob Orton ] Easy, son... -[[ Randy shuts his eyes tight and then opens them before ripping the monitor from its place and slamming it hard on the floor, sending glass and pieces of metal all over the surrounding area... Randy turns and flips the table it was sitting on over and then yells.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] IDIOTS!! -[[ Orton runs his hands through his hair and then grips the back of his head like something is trying to escape.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] That.. Didn't just happen.. -[[ "Cowboy" Bob puts his hand on Orton's shoulder.. ]]- [ "Cowboy" Bob Orton ] Easy... It ain't the end o'the world.. -[[ Randy doesn't say anything.. ]]- [ "Cowboy" Bob Orton ] April sixteenth, son... You'll become the champion... -[[ Randy stands there, staring at the floor.. ]]- [ "Cowboy" Bob Orton ] You'll become... GREAT.. -[[ Orton turns his head slowly toward his father.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] I AM great, dad... -[[ He turns and looks deeply into nothing in particular.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] I won the television championship on my first night.. I killed Taz.. And I made it into the Solid Gold Wrestling Hall of Fame faster than any other man in the history of this company... Because I took the initiative... And put myself there... -[[ A pause. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] And on April sixteenth.. At World Warrior.. When Val Venis becomes another.. Legend.. Killed... -[[ He turns back to his father.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] I will become the world champion.. And I will cease being.. The Legend Killer.. -[[ "Cowboy" Bob seems confused... ]]- [ Randy Orton ] And I will become Randy Orton..... LIVING.. LEGEND.. -[[ "Cowboy" Bob claps his hands together and laughs out loud.. ]]- [ "Cowboy" Bob Orton ] That's my boy... That's my boy!! -[[ He hugs his son tightly.. ]]- [ "Cowboy" Bob Orton ] Forget those two jokers in the ring.. Jeff'll be proud o'you, son. -[[ Orton stares straight forward, no emotion evident. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] I know. -[[ They break the hug and begin walking.. ]]- [ "Cowboy" Bob Orton ] Where to, son? [ Randy Orton ] The hotel.. -[[ Randy stops and gets a 'thinking' look on his face. A smile spreads across his face. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] On second thought.. Let's hit the clubs.. Everything's on me. -[[ "Cowboy" Bob looks hopeful.. ]]- [ "Cowboy" Bob Orton ] Really, son? [ Randy Orton ] Really, dad.. -[[ Orton and "Cowboy" Bob push through the door marked 'exit' and walk out into the parking lot.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] Let's celebrate my upcoming world title win.. In style.. -[[ They approach their vehicle and once they're a few feet away from it-- ]]- -[[ IT EXPLODES!! ]]- -[[ The car erupts and flames and shrapnel go all over the place.. The sound echoes throughout the parking lot and Randy Orton is laying flat on his back, mere feet away from the flaming wreckage of his vehicle... He begins to stir.. He raises his head a bit, there's a vacant look in his eyes.. Blood trickles down his nose from a wound on his forehead.. His clothes and singed and torn.. Orton manages to sit up, but slumps back down.. He tries to roll over.. And then spits blood on the pavement.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] ..D-..Dad... DAD!? -[[ No answer.. Orton pulls himself to all fours and then slowly stands.. He staggers around, bleeding from various parts of his body... He turns and looks at the wreckage.. His eyes grow wide.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] What the-- ...DAD!! -[[ Orton staggers around the flaming pile that used to be a vehicle and sees "Cowboy" Bob Orton laying motionless, face down on the other side... Randy scrambles over next to him and turns him over.. "Cowboy" Bob is also bleeding profusely from various parts of his body.. He's breathing.. Orton shakes him.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] Dad!! Talk to me!! -[[ No answer.. Randy looks worried... ]]- [ Randy Orton ] GET SOME GOD DAMN EMTS OUT HERE!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!! -[[ And then a flaming piece of paper slowly descends from nowhere in particular and rests on the chest of "Cowboy" Bob Orton... Randy Orton wipes the blood from his eyes and looks at the paper.. He reaches down and picks it up.. He waves it around, putting out the flame and then looks at it... And the text scrawled on it sloppily in black ink makes his eyes grow wide with fear.. ]]- ThE dEAd waLk -[[ Orton's complexion goes pale. ]]-
Fade. ]]- |