Whodunnit? | April 1st, 2006 | Live From:
Tijuana, Mexico | Commentators: Joey Styles &
Don Callis
Michael Shane def.
Kenny via
Pin Fall w/The
Sweet Shane Music
AJ Styles def.
Nicky via
Pin Fall w/The
Styles Clash
Tommy Dreamer def.
Mitch via
Submission w/Tazmission
Chris Jericho def.
Mikey via
Submission w/Walls
of Jericho
Mike Awesome def.
Johnny via
Pin Fall w/Awesome
-[[ The fans immediately erupt in boos as Edge and Christian make their way through the backstage area wearing their tights and a set of old school Edge & Christian "Totally Reeking of Awesomeness" t-shirts.. Each man has their half of the SGW World Tag Team titles strapped around their waists.. Christian has the clipboard containing the petition to get rid of Maria in his hand.. Each man is wearing a smug grin on his face.. ]]- [ Edge ] I gotta hand it to ya', Christian.. Political stroke.. Rules! Ha ha.. -[[ Christian smirks with a quick shrug. ]]- [ Christian ] What can I say, bro? It's not what you have in the ring... -[[ He laughs.. ]]- [ Christian ] It's who you know! -[[ They high five, a throw-back to the E&C days of old.. Edge gets a quizzical look on his face.. ]]- [ Edge ] But I've been meaning to ask you.. Who DO you know? -[[ Christian and Edge stop dead in their tracks.. Edge continues speaking. ]]- [ Edge ] I mean.. You took out Jeff Jarrett... And Maria and Jillian.. They HATE us!! -[[ Edge puts his hands out in a "I don't get it" manner.. ]]- [ Edge ] Who's giving you... Us... These opportunities? -[[ Christian smirks.. ]]- [ Christian ] You really wanna know? [ Edge ] Yeah, more than anything. -[[ Christian nods toward the camera. ]]- [ Christian ] You know.. The guy who runs this place. -[[ Edge and Christian both stare into the camera.. ]]- [ Edge ] ..Him? -[[ Christian nods. ]]- [ Christian ] Yep. -[[ Edge just shakes his head, not fully getting it.. ]]- [ Edge ] But.. How!? -[[ Christian shrugs. ]]- [ Christian ] Hey.. Don't ask me.. Ask those ass hats over in APW.. -[[ Edge and Christian begin walking again.. Edge seems more at ease. ]]- [ Edge ] I guess I should.. They do seem to know more about Solid Gold than Solid Gold itself. -[[ Christian shakes his head. ]]- [ Christian ] Idiots. -[[ Christian then stops and points.. A surprised look on his face. ]]- [ Christian ] Hey, it's Shawn Michaels! -[[ The camera pans over to reveal Shawn Michaels standing by the water cooler with Sid Vicious.. Neither man is dressed to wrestle just yet.. Shawn is in jeans and an HBK t-shirt.. Sid Vicious is wearing too-tight jeans, a really tight t-shirt, and a tiny baseball cap that barely clings to the back of his head... Shawn and Sid look over at Edge and Christian as they hear Shawn's name come out of Christian's mouth. ]]- [ Shawn Michaels ] What's going on? -[[ Edge and Christian walk over and Christian holds out the petition.. ]]- [ Christian ] Here, sign this. -[[ Shawn chews his gum rapidly, looking down at the paper.. ]]- [ Shawn Michaels ] The hell's this? [ Christian ] A petition.. To get Maria kicked out of the owner's office. -[[ Shawn looks up at Christian, smiling that trademark smile of his.. ]]- [ Shawn Michaels ] You kiddin'? Get this out o'my face. -[[ Sid is shaking all over with intensity.. And he takes a sip of water from a paper cup.. He begins speaking before he swallows, allowing water to flow down his chin and all over the front of his t-shirt.. ]]- [ Sid Vicious ] Christian!! Edge!! -[[ Edge and Christian look at each other... Then back at Sid.. ]]- [ Edge ] Yeah? -[[ Sid points at them with one shaking finger.. ]]- [ Sid Vicious ] YOU TWO.. WANNA BE THE MASTERS.. AND THE RULERS.. OF SOLID GOLD!! -[[ His eyes grow wide.. ]]- [ Sid Vicious ] But Sid Vicious.. IS THE MASTER.. AND RULER.. OF THE WORLD!! -[[ He turns his hand upside down and opens it wide.. Before clenching it slowly.. ]]- [ Sid Vicious ] AND YOU.. CAN NOT.. BEEEEEE... THE MASTER.. OF THE MASTER!! -[[ He points at the ceiling. ]]- [ Sid Vicious ] POWER BOMB! -[[ Edge and Christian stare at him, not impressed. ]]- [ Christian ] Okay. -[[ Edge and Christian turn to walk away and find themselves face to face with Jillian Hall and Maria.. Jillian looks rather pissed off while Maria looks like she's going to begin crying at any second.. Jillian looks down and sees the petition in Christian's hand.. She places her hands on her hips.. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] Again with the petition? -[[ Christian holds it up.. ]]- [ Christian ] Again with the petition? Oh yeah, baby.. AGAIN.. With the petition! -[[ Maria wipes her eyes. ]]- [ Maria ] But Christian, I'm trying my bestest to be the best owner I can be!! -[[ Christian fakes a sympathetic look. ]]- [ Maria ] I just don't understand why you want me gone.... -[[ Christian gets a prickish look on his face and holds up the petition.. ]]- [ Christian ] It's not just me that wants you gone, sugar!! -[[ He uses his other hand to flip through the pages on the petition.. ]]- [ Christian ] Two thousand signatures... -[[ Edge slides in, laughing. ]]- [ Edge ] .......Bitch! -[[ Maria covers her eyes and begins bawling. Jillian squints her eyes and says in disbelief.. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] Two thousand signatures?! -[[ And then she looks closer.. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] Does that say Eddie Guerrero!? -[[ And closer.. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] ...And Dino Bravo!? -[[ Christian rolls his eyes.. ]]- [ Christian ] For Christ's sake, Jillian.. THE DEAD ARE WRESTLING IN APW!! -[[ He waves his arms around like this is causing him a complete meltdown. ]]- [ Christian ] WRESTLING!! WRESTLING!! -[[ Edge gets in her face, eyes wide.. Dead serious tone. ]]- [ Edge ] They're winning matches, Jillian. -[[ Christian shoves the petition in her face, holding it with both hands. ]]- [ Christian ] And you're freaked out by a couple of post mortem signatures? -[[ Christian scoffs. ]]- [ Christian ] Weirdo. -[[ Jillian shakes her head, frustrated by the entire thing. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] Shouldn't you be less concerned with your petition.. And more concerned with your match tonight? [ Christian ] Uh, no. -[[ She looks confused. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] And why not? [ Christian ] ...Because I'm going to win? [ Jillian Hall ] How can you be so confident.. It's Kevin Nash. -[[ Christian shrugs.. ]]- [ Christian ] Because he didn't make the deadline. [ Jillian Hall ] ..What? [ Christian ] Nevermind. -[[ He looks back at Edge, smiling.. Then back at Jillian.. ]]- [ Christian ] I'm so confident I'm going to beat Kevin Nash tonight, Jillian.. That I'm going to make the gimmick for the match... A POWER BOMB MATCH!! Where the only way to win... Is to hit your opponent.. With a power bomb!! -[[ Christian laughs.. Jillian and even Edge looks like they can't believe this.. ]]- [ Christian ] What? -[[ He tucks the petition under his arm.. ]]- [ Christian ] I'm like.. Twelve and zero.. I must be doing SOMETHING right. -[[ Edge and Christian walk away, leaving Jillian and Maria by themselves.. Maria wipes the tears from her eyes.. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] Don't worry, Maria.. Two can play at this game. -[[ Maria looks up with big, watery doe eyes. ]]- [ Maria ] What kinda' game? I can beat anybody at Candy Land!
-[[ Jillian
just stares straight ahead, ignoring her as best she can.
]]- |
Benoit & Bret Hart versus Rhyno & Vampiro
on the Line: None
Stipulation: None
Referee: Nick Patrick
Winner: Chris Benoit & Bret Hart via Submission
[ Ken Kennedy ] Randy! Hey!! Whoa!! CALM DOWN!! -[[ Orton grabs Kennedy and slams him hard against the wall.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] You bastard, Kennedy!! Why'd you do it!? -[[ He pulls Kennedy's head back and smacks it into the wall a second time.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] Tryin' to take me out.. WHY!? -[[ The Big Show storms up behind Orton and grabs him by the shoulders.. He pulls Orton away and stands between he and Kennedy.. Kennedy feels of his jaw and touches his lip, making sure Orton didn't draw blood.. ]]- [ Ken Kennedy ] Hear me out, Orton.. There's a perfectly good explanation... For ALLLLL.. Of this.. -[[ Big Show holds Orton back.. Orton is prepared to fight.. Kennedy shrugs.. Smiling. ]]- [ Ken Kennedy ] I put a bomb in your car.. So what? -[[ Orton's eyes go wide and he begins fighting Show hard, but Show isn't letting him go.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] BASTARD!! I'LL KILL YOU, KENNEDY!! I.. WILL.. KILL YOU!! -[[ Kennedy puts his hands up in defense.. Shocked look now.. ]]- [ Ken Kennedy ] WHOA!! HEY!! APRIL FOOLS!! APRIL FOOLS!! -[[ He points at Orton.. ]]- [ Ken Kennedy ] You need to.. COOL IT, mister!! -[[ He puts his hands on his hips.. ]]- [ Ken Kennedy ] Me and Show are a lot o'things.. But murderers... We're NOT! -[[ Big Show releases the hold on Orton.. Orton stares hard at Kennedy.. There's no love lost here.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] If you didn't do it... Who did? Venis? -[[ Orton shakes his head.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] He doesn't have the balls to try something like this.. -[[ Big Show strokes his beard.. ]]- [ The Big Show ] I don't know, Orton.. He did blow the safe in League of Champions.. -[[ Kennedy raises a finger in the air.. ]]- [ Ken Kennedy ] That's a solid point, if I may say so myself.. -[[ Big Show nudges Orton in the side.. ]]- [ The Big Show ] You don't think it's.. Him.. Do you? -[[ Orton just stares at him.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] Who? Taz? Don't make me laugh. [ Ken Kennedy ] I don't think he's being funny, Randy.. I've pondered the same thing!! -[[ Orton shakes his head with a disbelieving look on his face.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] Don't pawn this off on Venis... And don't you DARE.. Try to pawn this off on a dead man!! -[[ Kennedy tries to plead his case. ]]- [ Ken Kennedy ] That note said THE DEAD WALK, Randy!! -[[ Orton grows even more pissed.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] That can mean anything!! Maybe it's an APW invasion!! I don't know!! But it's NOT TAZ!! -[[ Orton rolls up right in Kennedy's face, making Big Show prepare for a fight behind them.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] This... This bullshit is why I'm kicking you two to the curb.. -[[ He looks back at Big Show.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] You're both idiots.. Pathetic.. And when you were given the golden opportunity to take out Edge and Christian... YOU FAILED!! You don't deserve to represent Jeff Jarrett... As a matter of fact.. Posing as Taz and trying to take me out.. Is suitable.. Because just like Taz.. Your careers are dead as far as I'm concerned. -[[ Kennedy looks devastated that Orton is lowering the boom on him like this.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] Tonight.. You stand in my corner.. And you watch GREATNESS.. Get the job done.. -[[ Orton shakes his head.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] And if ya' can't do that... Then don't even bother showing up.. I'll win the match MYSELF!! -[[ Orton turns and storms out the door, furious.. ]]- [ Ken Kennedy ] Oh, I'll be there, Orton... -[[ Kennedy spits on the ground.. And looks at the Big Show.. ]]- [ Ken Kennedy ] WE'LL be there..
-[[ A smile
creeps across Big Show's face.
]]- |
Caribbean Cool versus William Regal
on the Line: None
Stipulation: World Warrior Tournament - Round
Referee: Jimmy Cordaris
Winner: William Regal via Submission
[ Dean Malenko ] Are you sure you want to do this? -[[ Benoit stares straight ahead. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] I'm going to get some answers.. -[[ He turns to Malenko.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] Whether he wants to give them to me... Or not!! -[[ And then Benoit sees the man he seeks.. Sprawled on the floor... Benoit's eyes go wide.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] ...Bret? -[[ Benoit and Malenko jog over to the fallen "Hitman" and the first thing they notice is the pool of blood underneath his head.. Benoit and Malenko kneel kneel next to him and try to wake him up, but it's no use.. He's totally unconscious.. And then.. They hear the laughter.. It makes Benoit's blood run cold.. He stands and turns around, coming face to face with a man he did not expect to see again... The man smiles right in Benoit's face. ]]- [ John Bradshaw Layfield ] Howdy, good buddy. -[[ Benoit is so mad, he spits when he talks.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] What.. Did you.. DO!? -[[ Bradshaw tips his cowboy hat.. ]]- [ John Bradshaw Layfield ] What can I say.. I like to make an impact. -[[ He throws his arms out to the side.. ]]- [ John Bradshaw Layfield ] And what better way to make an impact.. Than to take out Solid Gold Wrestling's last standing bridge to its very own past? Ha ha... Moments like this.. Is what I'll be remembered for!! -[[ Benoit points at himself with his thumb.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] What about me, Bradshaw!? Your business... IS WITH ME!! -[[ Bradshaw smiles.. ]]- [ John Bradshaw Layfield ] You're an idiot, Benoit.. How can you compare yourself to the "Hitman" ? -[[ He gets right in Benoit's face.. ]]- [ John Bradshaw Layfield ] He's an SGW legend.. The first world heavyweight champion!! And what could it possibly mean to you anyway? He treated like you garbage.. He treated you.. Like exactly what you are... AND THAT.. IS A LOWLY.. JOBBER..... Heh.. That's why he stole your pin fall.. Or submission.. Or whatever the hell it was you had planned... That is why he STOLE YOUR VICTORY!! -[[ Benoit shakes his head.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] That's not true-- [ John Bradshaw Layfield ] IT IS TRUE!! And that.. Is why you're furious.. That's why you were hunting him down in the first place.. And because of me, you will never get your closure with Bret Hart.. You will never have your day in the sun with the SGW LEGEND!! -[[ Bradshaw removes his hat and holds it at his side.. ]]- [ John Bradshaw Layfield ] And now.. With no Bret Hart.. And THANK GOD, NO CACTUS JACK, your closure... Lies with John.. Bradshaw... Layfield... We have unfinished business, kid. -[[ Benoit looks down and then back up into Bradshaw's eyes.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] ...You're damn right we do. [ John Bradshaw Layfield ] No more games.. We meet in the ring one more time.. I don't care when.. I don't care where.. But when we do, I will do what I should have done at Heartbreaker.. And that is take the Hardcore Championship away from you... Not so I can reign as the champion of a dead division.. But so I can shove it up your Canadian ass!! -[[ Bradshaw then looks at Malenko and laughs.. ]]- [ John Bradshaw Layfield ] If there's any room left, that is.. -[[ Benoit grits his teeth.. ]]- [ John Bradshaw Layfield ] I'll be seein' ya'll.
-[[ Layfield
walks away, leaving Benoit and Malenko fuming mad..
]]- |
versus Kevin Nash
on the Line: SGW Gimmick Championship
Stipulation: Power Bomb Match
Referee: Mark Yeaton
[ Christian ] Remember when I said this match.. Was a power bomb match!? -[[ Huh? ]]- [ Christian ] APRIL FOOLS, BITCHES!! -[[ Confusion. ]]- [ Christian ] This is a CON-CHAIR-TO MATCH!!
-[[ He throws
down the microphone.. Edge and Christian wind up.. CON-CHAIR-TO ON KEVIN
NASH!! Blood squirts out of Nash's ears and he slumps forward to the mat
as the bell rings.. Edge and Christian have just destroyed Nash's
skull!! Christian raises the championship in one hand and the chair in
the other.. This just isn't right.. That's not what the Gimmick title
MEANS!! ]]- |
Winner: Christian via Con-Chair-To
[ William Regal ] Gentlemen.. Does anyone know why we have been brought here? -[[ Masters shakes his head, looking visibly annoyed. ]]- [ Chris Masters ] I don't know.. But I wish they'd get ON with it!! -[[ Chavo looks at Pepe.. ]]- [ Pepe ] .. .. .. ... . . . .. -[[ Chavo looks at Masters with a smirk. ]]- [ Chavo Guerrero ] In a hurry to get your ass kicked, Masters? -[[ Masters storms up in Chavo's face. ]]- [ Chris Masters ] Who's gonna kick my ass, jumping bean? YOU!? -[[ Austin steps between them, staring right into Masters' face. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] Me, ya' mealy mouthed little bastard. -[[ Masters licks his lips, looking pissed. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] Make a move, hot shot. -[[ Chris Benoit then jumps in between them.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] Enough!! We have been brought here for a reason.. Have patience!! -[[ William Regal walks up casually, smiling.. ]]- [ William Regal ] Yes, gentlemen.. I'm sure we'll be rewarded handsomely should we wait-- -[[ Austin stares at Regal hard.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] SHUT YER TRAP!! -[[ Regal sneers and walks closer to Austin, that smile turning menacing.. ]]- [ William Regal ] If you ever stop me whilst I'm talking again.. I'll cut your bloody Jacobs off. -[[ A woman clears her throat. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] That's enough of that.. -[[ Everyone turns their attention to her. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] You're right.. You ARE here for a reason.. And it is concerning the World Warrior tournament.. -[[ Ricky Steamboat emerges from the shadows with the United States Championship in his hand.. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] Due to the unfortunate circumstances surrounding our former United States champion-- -[[ Austin's voice is cold. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] Who did it? -[[ Jillian shakes her head.. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] We.. Don't know yet.. -[[ Austin shakes his head, not looking satisfied with her answer.. Steamboat steps up. ]]- [ Ricky Steamboat ] But what we DO know.. Is that no longer is this tournament win.. For nothing.. -[[ He smiles.. ]]- [ Ricky Steamboat ] Now.. The winner of the tournament.. Will be granted the United States Championship! -[[ Everyone looks at each other, realizing more is on the line than pride now.. ]]- [ Ricky Steamboat ] You five are the last men remaining.. In your future encounters, keep this in mind.. -[[ He holds up the championship belt... ]]- [ Ricky Steamboat ] There is more at stake here than.. Just a belt... There is.. -[[ The belt flickers in the light.. ]]- [ Ricky Steamboat ] Immortality.
-[[ Fade.
]]- |
Ken Kennedy & Randy Orton versus Raven & The Blue Meanie
on the Line: None
Stipulation: None
Referee: Charles Robinson
Winner: Ken Kennedy & Randy Orton via Disqualification
[ Vince Russo ] For those of you who don't rememba' me... My name is Vince Russo... -[[ He shrieks. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] AND I AM THE ANTI-CHRIST OF SOLID GOLD WRESTLIN'!! -[[ Boos. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] And oh yeah.. You betta' believe it, bay-bee... I'M ABOUT TO SHOOT!! -[[ Louder boos.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] FROM THE HIP.. AND FROM MY GOD DAMN, BLACK HEART!! -[[ Kennedy slaps Russo on the back.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] And for all of you mutha' fuckers that said you'd leave.. Or quit watching when ol' Vinnie Ru made his comeback.... THERE'S THE GOD DAMN DOOR!! DON'T LET IT HIT YOU ON THE ASS ON THE WAY OUT!! -[[ Russo is shaking with anger.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] YOU DON'T WANNA WRESTLE FOR ME!? FINE!! YOUR RELEASE IS WAITIN' IN YOUR FUCKIN' DRESSIN' ROOM!! SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE, PACK YOUR SHIT.. AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BUILDIN'!! GO HOME, GO TO THE COMPETITION.. OR GO STRAIGHT TO FUCKIN' HELL, BECAUSE MY NAME IS VINCE RUSSO.. AND I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!! -[[ The Big Show shakes his head, laughing.. Orton just stares, not fully comprehending what's going on.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] And speakin'... Speakin' of the competition..... -[[ He laughs a dry laugh and runs his hand through his hair.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] I keep hearin'.. I keep hearin' these guys.. These mutha' fuckers.. Sayin' they're betta' than us.. They're betta'.. Than SGDubya'.... They don't like our television show.. They don't like our talent.. They don't even like our god damn headquarters!! BUT THESE MUTHA' FUCKERS ARE SO MUCH BETTA' THAN US.... THAT THEY DON'T WANT A FUCKIN' WAR!! -[[ Russo screams loudly.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] SMART THINKIN', BITCHES!! BECAUSE THE THINGS THAT SEPARATE US FROM YOU AIN'T JUST OUR SHOW OR OUR IMAGE AND IT GOD DAMN SURE AIN'T JUST OUR FUCKIN' HEADQUARTERS.... IT'S THE FACT THAT OUR MAIN EVENTERS GOT AIR IN THEIR FUCKIN' LUNGS.. AND THE DEAD MUTHA' FUCKERS... STAY FUCKIN' DEAD!! SOLID GOLD WRESTLIN' DELIVERS.. WEEK AFTA' FUCKIN' WEEK!! NO OFF-WEEKS, NO BULLSHIT!! ONE HUNDRED FUCKIN' PERCENT EVERY GOD DAMN MINUTE, EVERY GOD DAMN HOUR, OF EVERY GOD DAMN FUCKIN' DAY!! SO, KISS.. MY.. ASSSSSS!!!! -[[ Surprisingly huge pop for all the heat he's gotten so far.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] And as for the last guy that went head to head with tha' SG-Dub... -[[ Russo shrugs.. Then screams into the microphone.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] NICE SHOOT, ASSHOLE!!! NOW GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN, COOK MY TACOS AND BAG MY FUCKIN' GROCERIES, YOU GOD DAMN FUCKIN'-FUCK!!! -[[ Huge pop. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] VINCE RUSSO.. IS FUCKIN' BACK!! -[[ Randy Orton is now fully standing in the middle of the ring, staring down at Russo and the Colossal Towers.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] And now that we got THAT business out o'the way... That brings me to... -[[ He points at the ring.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] You, mista' Orton.. -[[ Boos.. Orton is listening. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] I been gone a while.. But I been watchin'... -[[ Russo nods.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] Yeah.. I been watchin'.. And when I saw this guy.. This Randy Orton.. Usin' Jeff Jarrett's name to get ahead in this god damn company, I almost puked my fuckin' guts out!! Let me ask you somethin', Orton... Who named you president of the Jeff Jarrett fan club!? -[[ Orton calls for a microphone of his own and receives it.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] Russo.. I'm bringing the championship home at World Warrior-- [ Vince Russo ] Oh, you're right.. That championship is comin' home at World Warrior... -[[ He points at the ring.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] BUT NOT WITH YOU!! -[[ He smiles.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] Ya' see.. I'm sick an' tired o'seein' you treat these two like they're a couple o'god damn morons.. Accusin'em of tryin' to car bomb ya' ass.. Accusin'em of blowin' their big shot against Christian and Edge.. But I guess.. Since these two guys are such big fuck-ups... Ya' ain't gonna mind this announcement I got for ya'... -[[ He looks over at Kennedy.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] Ya' see.. Since Maria is the interim owna'.. And I'm just the Director o'Authority after Melina's ho-ass stepped down... I can't take anybody out o'the world title match at World Warrior... But I can damn sure put somebody IN IT!! AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'M GONNA DO!! -[[ Orton's eyes go wide and he begins shaking his head.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] At World Warrior, it's gonna be VAL VENIS.. DEFENDIN' THE WORLD TITLE.. AGAINST RANDY ORTON... AND MISTA' FUCKIN' KENNEDY!!! -[[ Kennedy leans into the microphone.. ]]- [ Ken Kennedy ] ........KENNEDY! -[[ Russo laughs.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] And I'm gonna be.. In his mutha'.. Fuckin'.. Corna'!!
-[[ "Iron
Man" hits as the fans boo loudly.. Vince Russo and the Colossal Towers
head to the back as Orton stands in the ring in disbelief... Good God,
the world title match at the pay-per-view is now a triple threat.. What
could possibly happen next!?
]]- |