Caged Heat |
July 1st, 2006 | Live From:
Mobile, Alabama
| Commentators: Joey
Styles & Don Callis
[ Carlito ] Lance.. Storm.. SGW World Champion... -[[ He nods, smiling. ]]- [ Carlito ] Das' cool. -[[ A pause.. ]]- [ Carlito ] Know what else is cool, Lance Storm? -[[ Storm doesn't answer him. ]]- [ Carlito ] Carlito.. Unifying his belt.. With YOUR belt.. Next week.. On Stroke! -[[ Carlito goes serious for a second.. ]]- [ Carlito ] But most of all.. Carlito.. Getting revenge for you spitting in de' face of your home.. APW! -[[ Storm stands up, grabbing the SGW title as he does.. He turns around and faces Carlito.. Carlito has the APW Championship over his shoulder.. He stands his ground as Storm goes face to face with him. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] Let me make one thing perfectly clear, Carlito.. -[[ Dramatic pause. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] What I have done here in Solid Gold Wrestling.. Has nothing to do.. With All-Pro Wrestling. -[[ Storm is dead serious.. Carlito has really gotten under his skin. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] My choice to come here.. Was not because I am anti-APW.. -[[ He points in Carlito's face.. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] Nor was it because I am pro-SGW.. -[[ Carlito looks around.. Storm takes a step forward, making Carlito take one back.. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] I am pro-wrestling.. Pro-world championships..... -[[ And the exclamation point. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] And pro-Lance Storm. -[[ Carlito reaches behind him and pulls an apple from nowhere.. He tosses it in the air.. ]]- [ Carlito ] You better take a step away from Carlito, Lance Storm.. Or-- -[[ He tosses it in the air again.. It doesn't come back down.. Carlito's eyes go wide.. He slowly turns around and sees the apple in someone else's hand.. A hand that belongs to "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.... ]]- [ Steve Austin ] Or what, son? -[[ Carlito stammers for words but Austin speaks before he does. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] You gonna spit in his face? -[[ Carlito opens his mouth but Austin stops him. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] ..What? [ Carlito ] Carlito was-- [ Steve Austin ] ..WHAT?! [ Carlito ] Carlito-- [ Steve Austin ] Were you gonna spit in the face of the SGW World Champion!? -[[ Carlito is sweating bullets. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] Because if ya' spit in the face of the SGW World Champion.. You're spittin' in the face of SGW!! -[[ Austin gets right in Carlito's face.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] And that means you're spittin' in the face.. OF STONE COOOOLD.. STEVE AUSTIN!! -[[ Spit flies from his mouth as he yells at Carlito.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] ..HELL YEAH!! -[[ Carlito is breathing heavily.. ]]- [ Carlito ] Jeff Jarrett says.. You can not touch Carlito! -[[ Austin almost laughs in his face.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] Do you think I give a damn about Jeff Jarrett and his.. Orders!? -[[ He suddenly snaps. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] HELL NO!! -[[ Austin takes a big bite of Carlito's apple and begins chewing it.. He chews it for a while, Carlito knows what's coming.. Austin stops chewing, stares Carlito right in the face..... Carlito braces for it.. And Austin-- ......Swallows. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] Get the hell out of my sight, kid. -[[ Carlito takes his belt and walks away.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] Pray to God it ain't me ya' face next week. -[[ Carlito disappears around the corner.. Austin and Storm are left alone.. Austin looks at the belt and then up at Storm.. They lock eyes.. They clearly don't like each other.. But there's some semblance of respect here.. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] No interference.. No bullshit. -[[ A pause. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] Just us and that cage.. -[[ Storm doesn't break his gaze. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] That means whoever wins.. They deserve that belt.. -[[ Another pause. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] You ready for this? -[[ Storm nods. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] I am. -[[ Austin stares him hard in the face, maybe hoping for some insecurities to show on Storm's face.. They don't. ]]- [ Steve Austin ] ...Good. -[[ Austin takes one last look at the belt and turns to walk away.. As Austin walks away, we cut to another part of the backstage area where we see Carlito Caribbean Cool still escaping with his championship belt.. He looks furious that he's been disrespected and he kicks open the exit door and walks out into the parking lot... And he's suddenly blasted from behind.. BY ROB VAN DAM!! Rob Van Dam stands over Carlito in a pair of shorts.. And an 'APW' t-shirt.. Paul Heyman walks out of the shadows, smiling that Cheshire cat's grin... Carlito stares up at Van Dam and Heyman in shock.. Heyman walks closer, staring down at Carlito.. ]]- [ Paul Heyman ] Carlito, Carlito, Carlito...... -[[ Heyman laughs. ]]- [ Paul Heyman ] The audacity of you.. The BALLS! -[[ Van Dam nods, looking pissed. ]]- [ Paul Heyman ] APW World Champion? You're not the APW World Champion! -[[ He points at Van Dam.. ]]- [ Paul Heyman ] This man.. Was the last REAL APW champion!! -[[ Van Dam points at himself with his thumbs. ]]- [ Paul Heyman ] ROB.. VAN.. DAM!! -[[ Carlito clutches the belt tightly.. ]]- [ Paul Heyman ] And I've already had a word with Mister Jarrett.. And you're not facing the winner of the SGW World Title match next week.. OH NO!! You see.. What's fair is fair, Carlito.. And what's fair.. Is Rob Van Dam taking back what belongs to him.. NEXT WEEK ON STROKE!! -[[ Van Dam smiles. ]]- [ Rob Van Dam ] And THAT.. Is cool! -[[ He nods to himself.. ]]- [ Paul Heyman ] And of course, once you're out of the way.. Rob Van Dam will move on into the main event of the NEXT week's show.. And defeat the SGW World Champion.. To unify THAT belt.. With the REAL world title.. The APW WORLD TITLE!! [ Rob Van Dam ] Main event of WrestleBrawl.. Here I come! -[[ Heyman laughs, rubbing his hands together. ]]- [ Paul Heyman ] See you next week... Champ! -[[ He cackles loudly and walks away, leaving Carlito on the ground by himself.. ]]- [ Carlito ] Dat.... Das NOT cool...
]]- |
John Cena
Title on the Line:
Charles Robinson
Winner: John Cena via Pin Fall
[ John Cena ] Is THAT.. The best you got, Kurt? -[[ Angle has sweat pouring off of him, he's furious.. ]]- [ John Cena ] Because if.. THAT... Is the best you got... -[[ Cena shrugs. ]]- [ John Cena ] I might just have to KICK YO' ASS!! -[[ Huge pop.. Angle grits his teeth, even more angry. ]]- [ John Cena ] For weeks.. You been givin' me grief.. Why? -[[ He shrugs again.. ]]- [ John Cena ] Iiiiiii don't know. -[[ He walks closer to Angle now.. ]]- [ John Cena ] You hit me wit' what ya' got.. And I'm still here.. -[[ He pounds his chest. ]]- [ John Cena ] I'M STILL.. STANDIN'!! -[[ Another big pop.. ]]- [ John Cena ] Let's get one thing straight, Kurt.. -[[ Kurt is shaking all over, he wants to destroy Cena.. ]]- [ John Cena ] Don't unda'estimate me. -[[ They're almost nose to nose now.. ]]- [ John Cena ] 'Cause these eyes you lookin' into right now.. These ain't the eyes of just.. Some otha' wrestler.. Nah.. It ain't like that.. You're starin' into the eyes of a desperate man... A man that's got nothin' to lose.. Everything to gain.. Surrounded by the enemy, the odds are stacked.. It ain't lookin' too good... But dammit, I ain't givin' up for nothin'!! Because jus' like our troops over in Iraq, I've got a goal.. I'M A SOLJA' FIGHTIN' MY WAY OUT!! -[[ Cena is screaming in Angle's face now. ]]- [ John Cena ] AND I LOVE THIS COUNTRY!! I LOVE SOLID GOLD WRESTLIN'!! AND AT WRESTLEBRAWL TWO.. STIPULATION OR NO STIPULATION!! I'M GONNA LOVE KICKIN' YO' RED, WHITE AND BLUE ASS!!! HOO-RAH!! -[[ Cena immediately ducks down and scoops Angle up for the F-U.. But Colt Cabana hits the ring and Cena throws Angle aside and begins trading shots with Cabana!! Cena stomps Cabana into the corner and turns around and begins trading shots with Angle again!! John Cena whips Angle into the ropes.. FLYING HIP TOSS!! Cena springs back up, flailing his arms around.. Angle staggers back to his feet and Cena catches him... F-U!! NO!! NO!! THE SPIRIT SQUAD FLOODS INTO THE RING!! They take out Cena's legs and knock him down, forcing him to drop Angle again.. It's a five on one beat down as the Spirit Squad stomps away at Cena.. They spread him out on the mat...... HIGH SPIRIT!! Cena is out.. Cabana and Angle get their shots in and Angle grabs Cena's microphone.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] You idiot, Cena.. You've got no integrity, no intensity.. No intelligence.. -[[ He yells. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] AND NO DAMN SPIRIT!! IT'S TRUE!! -[[ Mikey and Colt Cabana hold up Cena so that Angle can grip his face and yell into it.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] You little punk.. How dare you disrespect me!? -[[ He screams. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] I'M KURT ANGLE!!!! -[[ Angle is spitting all over Cena as he speaks.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] As for that stipulation, Cena... It's not just.. Any match.. -[[ Angle smirks.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] IT'S A SUBMISSION MATCH!! -[[ Angle slaps Cena across the face.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] And this is one war.. You CAN'T fight your way out of! -[[ Angle takes a step back.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] It's true.. It's DAMN true!
He throws the
microphone down..
We fade up.. And your
screen is filled with this graphic..
]]- -[[ When it fades, you see Shane Douglas sitting in a folding chair in the back, wearing only under a pair of white underwear and going to town on a bowl of Cheerios... Douglas sees the graphic on his monitor and spits Cheerios all over the screen, eyes wide, cheeks puffed out like an angry monkey.. Milk streams down his disgusting hairy chest and over his round stomach.... He finally speaks. ]]- [ Shane Douglas ] ......FUCK!!!! -[[ He smashes the bowl of Cheerios on the wall before gripping the sides of his head. ]]- [ Shane Douglas ] ..NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! FUCK NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
He begins to openly
weep. ]]- -[[ We fade up in the interview area where we see Chris Jericho standing by with Eric Bischoff and Stephanie McMahon.. There's no interviewer present, this is all Jericho.. Jericho has a smug look on his face, obviously in street clothes as he doesn't have a match tonight..... Jericho begins to speak. ]]- [ Chris Jericho ] Hello, Solid Gold Wrestling fans.... Hi there! -[[ His fake smile is greeted only with boos.. ]]- [ Chris Jericho ] We just thought we'd drop in.. Say hello.. And let you know, of course.. That.. -[[ He tilts his head back and yells. ]]- [ Chris Jericho ] Y2J IS BACK, BAY-BEE!! -[[ He stops and stares into the camera.. ]]- [ Chris Jericho ] And I'm not here for Steve-O Austin.. He's old news.. You see.. He can hold on to that memory he has of beating me in my last match a few weeks ago.. Because now that's he's out of the main event thanks to my fellow Canadian, Lance Storm... He's going to need all the MEMORIES he can get, baby.. -[[ He smiles.. ]]- [ Chris Jericho ] Because his glory days.. Are behind him.. -[[ He puts his hands on his hips, smiling that movie star smile. ]]- [ Chris Jericho ] But Chris Jericho's glory days? Oh yeah.. They're right up ahead! They're right there! You can almost SEE THEM!! I GOTTA PUT ON SUN GLASSES, BECAUSE MY FUTURE IS SO BRIGHT, JERKY!! -[[ Bischoff and Stephanie are taking great amusement in this.. ]]- [ Chris Jericho ] And once I win the WrestleBrawl battle royal and get my match for the world title.. I promise you.. SGW.. Will NEVER......... EEEEEEVVVVVVEEEEEERRRRRRRR....... BE THE SAME...... A-GAIN!
]]- |
Shelley & Rob Conway
Jack Evans & New Jack
Title on the Line:
Scott James
Winners: Alex Shelley & Rob Conway via Pin Fall
Rey Mysterio
Title on the Line:
Jimmy Cordaris
Winner: Johnny Nitro via Pin Fall(???)
[ Vince Russo ] I got it.. I fuckin' got it! [ Alex Shelley ] What've you got, Ru? [ Vince Russo ] ..The next fuckin' step! That's what! -[[ Shelley stands up, using his foot to kick the chair out of the way.. ]]- [ Alex Shelley ] Cool! Let me get this on tape! -[[ He raises the camera.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] I've decided.. WrestleBrawl.. Is gonna be OUR night.. -[[ He notices Conway still toying with his phone.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] Conway... You mind? -[[ Conway looks up, shaking his head. ]]- [ Rob Conway ] Nah. -[[ He goes back to his phone.. Russo clears his throat.. Conway looks back up.. ]]- [ Rob Conway ] Oh.. Yeah.. You meant.. Yeah.. I get it. -[[ Conway puts the phone away.. ]]- [ Rob Conway ] Continue. [ Vince Russo ] I fuckin' will.. Thank you. -[[ And he does. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] I want us leavin' wit' double gold.. -[[ Conway nods.. ]]- [ Alex Shelley ] Double gold? [ Vince Russo ] Yeah.. Double gold.. Not only do I want Shelley walkin' out with the unified title.. I want more.. I want everyone that sees that fuckin' pay-pa-view to know that I ain't blowin' smoke out my ass by sayin' you guys are tha' fuckin' future... And I want both of ya' to not only walk out with belts.. I want the both of ya'.. To make a fuckin' mark.. -[[ He pauses.. They wait for him to explain.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] Shelley's make a damn big mark when he unifies the Gimmick title with the Hardcore title.. But Conway.. I'm gonna make sure ya' make a damn big mark ya'self... Last week.. At Total Destruction.. Raven unified that Inta'continental title with the United States title.. And on top o' that.. He's the longest reignin' Inta'continental champion eva'... And dammit, he's on his way to bein' the longest reignin' champion of any kind EVA'.. -[[ Conway lowers his sun glasses to the tip of his nose.. ]]- [ Rob Conway ] You're giving me an Intercontinental title shot? [ Vince Russo ] I'm puttin' history right in ya' damn hands. -[[ Conway smiles.. Shelley just sits in awe, filming this.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] Ya' just gotta.. Grab it. -[[ A pause.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] The end o' his reign.. Is the beginnin' o' your career.. -[[ There's a silence in the room... Shelley sighs, still holding the camera.. ]]- [ Alex Shelley ] This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.. -[[ Conway/Raven at WrestleBrawl II!? ]]-
]]- |
Kennedy versus
The Rock
Title on the Line:
Charles Robinson
Winner: Ken Kennedy via Pin Fall
[ Shannon Moore ] What's wrong? -[[ Striker shakes his head.. ]]- [ Matt Striker ] Nothing, Shannon.. -[[ A pause. ]]- [ Matt Striker ] I'm just.. Thinking. -[[ Shannon Moore looks confused.. ]]- [ Shannon Moore ] About what? [ Matt Striker ] About what happens from here.. From Total Destruction. -[[ Moore nods.. ]]- [ Shannon Moore ] ..Oh. -[[ Striker turns to Moore.. ]]- [ Matt Striker ] The sensei is hurt, Shannon.. [ Shannon Moore ] I know.. -[[ Striker shakes his head.. ]]- [ Matt Striker ] No, you don't. -[[ Striker turns back to the building.. ]]- [ Matt Striker ] He's hurt.. Not in the way you're thinking. -[[ Striker taps his chest.. ]]- [ Matt Striker ] Here.. -[[ And then taps his temple. ]]- [ Matt Striker ] ..Here. -[[ He looks back at Moore.. ]]- [ Matt Striker ] Understand? -[[ Moore nods.. ]]- [ Matt Striker ] The people of Solid Gold Wrestling have no idea what awaits them when Matt Hardy is well-enough to return to action.. No idea, whatsoever.. But that is why I'm here, Shannon.. While Matt Hardy rests and heals and prepares for his eventual return to glory... To claim the championship that should have been his at Total Destruction.. I will be here.. On Stroke, week after week.. To remind the ignorant masses of his return.. -[[ Moore listens.. ]]- [ Matt Striker ] To teach them.. That Matt Hardy and his ideals.. That Mattitude.. Is the way. -[[ Striker seems passionate about this. ]]- [ Matt Striker ] The sensei's contributions.. His sacrifices he made at Total Destruction.. Will not be forgotten.
He turns and climbs
inside the vehicle.. Moore follows.. What is this leading to?
]]- -[[ The dressing room door swings open and Randy Orton staggers out, gasping for air.. He uses the door frame to pull himself up.. He looks like he's seen a ghost... Terrified... Orton staggers out of the room and slams into the wall with his shoulder... ]]- [ Randy Orton ] ..Taz...... Taz.... -[[ He covers his face with his hands.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] .....TAZ!! -[[ He wanders out into the hall some more, staggering down toward the corner and occasionally touches his throat where he was choked unconscious earlier tonight.. Orton is totally fucked up.. ]]- [ Randy Orton ] Not real..... Not.. Real.. -[[ And as he rounds the corner...... WHAM!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC!! Randy Orton goes down, unconscious for the second time tonight.... Shawn Michaels stands over him, no amusement on his face at all.... ]]- [ Shawn Michaels ] Told you I'd get ya' for you did to Chyna's bags.. -[[ Michaels spits on Orton. ]]- [ Shawn Michaels ] See you next week.
Michaels leaves.
]]- |
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Title on the Line:
SGW World Heavyweight Championship
Steel Cage Match
Pin Fall
Scott James & Mike Chioda
Winner: Double Pin
[ Lance Storm retains
...and the next induction into the new hall of fame...
multi-time champion | results innovator | roleplay style innovator