Florida Dreamin' |
August 12th, 2006 | Live From:
Orlando, Florida
| Commentators: Joey
Styles & Don Callis
[ Vince Russo ] Put this mother fuckin' piece of shit through this table! I wanna' see a spike powerbomb right now on his Adam Bomb ass! -[[ And as soon as he gets it out of his mouth, DOUBLE POWERBOMB ON THE TABLE! The contents on the table go everywhere. Brian Lee gets up and hits a few shots on Conway, but Shelley helps change the tide of the fight, playing the numbers advantage to the Pulse's advantage. Conway hits a dropkick on Lee, sending him to the ground. Shelley grabs Lee up and grabs him in a bodyslam position, Conway grabs the right side of Brian Lee's body.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] I wanna' see a lawn dart into that wall! I want his skull to be cracked like a damn walnut! -[[ The Pulse take a few steps, and LAWN DARTS BRIAN LEE INTO THE WALL! Brian Lee is immediately busted open with the impact. The Pulse look around, observing their damage, looking very proud of the job they did just then. Russo strokes his beard with delight. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] Beautiful.. Fuckin' beautiful work, guys. [ Alex Shelley ] It is good stuff. [ Rob Conway ] I dropkicked Brian Lee. [ Alex Shelley ] I know. Hey Russo, Conway dropkicked Brian Lee. -[[ Russo shakes his head. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] The fuck didn't you just kick 'em in the nuts? -[[ Conway shrugs. ]]- [ Rob Conway ] I don't do things the easy way, Russo. [ Alex Shelley ] Obviously. [ Rob Conway ] I do things the RIGHT way. -[[ Conway chuckles. ]]- [ Rob Conway ] I mean.. Just look at me. -[[ Alex Shelley rubs his hands down his face in frustration. ]]- [ Alex Shelley ] Jesus. [ Rob Conway ] What? [ Vince Russo ] Forget it, Conway. This shit, it's fantastic! But the bad news about what just happened, Brian Adams sure as fuck ain't makin' it to the tag match tonight against you guys. Looks like the back flip kid will need a new partna'. [ Rob Conway ] They're planchas, Russo. [ Vince Russo ] Excuse me? [ Rob Conway ] They're called planchas.. The back flips AJ Styles does.. -[[ Russo looks at Shelley and then back at Conway. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] The fuck eva'.. Anyway, tonight, it's gonna' be the fuckin' Pulse, the fuckin' sports entertainment crusada's, takin' on AJ Styles, that no charisma, no catchphrase usin' piece of shit.. And his new tag team partner.. -[[ Russo cracks a smile. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] Christy Hemme! [ Alex Shelley ] Excellent choice! [ Vince Russo ] 'Cause I dunno' if you guys know this or not.. But guys kickin' girls' asses rules.. And it equals ratings. [ Alex Shelley ] Makes perfect sense. [ Vince Russo ] I know. I mean, who doesn't want to watch that annoyin' red headed bitch get a fuckin' foot stuffed down her god damn throat? -[[ Shelley shrugs. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] I wanna' see it! And if I do see it, I'd stand up and cheer like I was watchin' a fuckin' sports game. And ya' know what I'd do afta' that? -[[ He doesn't give them time to respond. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] I'd scream for one of you two to do that shit AGAIN, bay-bee! I wanna' see Christy Hemme DIE! [ Rob Conway ] I want to see her on my bed, wearing nothing but a smile. [ Alex Shelley ] Shut up. [ Vince Russo ] Anyway, we outta' go before Dumb n Shitface wake-up.
The Pulse walks off
as we catch one last close-up view of Brian Lee and Brian Adams laying
unconscious on the floor. Vince Russo's put AJ Styles into a tough
predicament tonight on Stroke!
]]- |
The Rock
Ken Kennedy
Title on the Line:
Charles Robinson
Winner: Ken Kennedy via Pin Fall
-[[ We fade up with the view of Scott Steiner and Bill Goldberg standing face to face. The tension is high, you could cut it with a knife. Neither man says a word, they just stare at one another, waiting for the other to make the first move. Several seconds go by, the fans are popping huge for this confrontation. Finally, Steiner breaks the silence. ]]- [ Scott Steiner ] Look at you, Goldberg, you think you're a real World Champion? [ Goldberg ] That's why I have the title on my shoulder. [ Scott Steiner ] Well, newsflash you piece of shit, you ain't! You ain't a real World Champion! Why? 'Cause PWO FUCKING SUCKS DICK! -[[ The fans pop and a small "S-G-DUB!" chant starts. ]]- [ Scott Steiner ] I've been in Solid Gold Wrestling since day fuckin' one, Goldberg. Four times the Big Booty Daddy's won the SGW World Heavyweight title! I led the charge against Pussy Wrestling Organization week in and week out.. And you wanna' know what the hell happened to PWO? -[[ Goldberg's cut off. ]]- [ Scott Steiner ] Big Poppa Pump SHUT THAT BITCH DOWN! BECAUSE IT'S SHIT! [ Goldberg ] That was then.. This is now, Scotty. -[[ Goldberg stares at Steiner, not making a move. ]]- [ Goldberg ]PWO and SGW had a lot of wars in the past, but evidently, boy.. Your memory's slipping. -[[ Steiner looks at Goldberg, interested. ]]- [ Goldberg ] Because evidently, you're forgetting that PWO is the only company to force SGW to close it doors because it was dominated. When Solid Gold was being crippled with talent raids, poor television ratings, and non-existant pay-per-view buyrates, PWO was setting records not even touched today. [ Scott Steiner ] You weren't even there, Goldberg. [ Goldberg ] You're right, I wasn't. But I know the history, I know how big of a deal the PWO World Heavyweight title is being brought onto SGW television. And that's why I'm doing what I'm going to do. [ Scott Steiner ] And what's that? [ Goldberg ]Murder you. Murder the greatest SGW World Heavyweight Champion in the company's history.. Proving PWO was better than SGW then.. And NOW! [ Scott Steiner ] That so? [ Goldberg ] Damn right. [ Scott Steiner ] Fuck you, Goldberg! You don't know shit, boy! See these? See these muscles? These are weapons you ain't never gonna' have, because you're a fuckin' loser! -[[ Crowd pop. Steiner points to his crotch region. ]]- [ Scott Steiner ] See this cock? If you think PWO's better than Solid Gold Wrestling, you can get down and suck it, you bastard! Because at Fallout, I'm gonna' treat you like the little punk bitch you are! HOLLER IF YOU HEAR ME! [ Goldberg ] We're not going to wait and see at Fallout. -[[ Goldberg charges at Steiner, but Steiner's ready! The two big men trade blows back and forth, both hitting the ground. Steiner's on top and he's just laying Goldberg out with lefts and rights! Security and Dusty Rhodes hits the scene to break this up. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] So you boys wanna' hurry up and get it on, huh? [ Scott Steiner ] I'LL MURDER YOU, GOLDBERG! [ Dusty Rhodes ] Well that's great, I'm all 'bout two hosses settlin' differences. 'Specially with the stakes as high as they are right now. PDubyaO against SGDubya is a feud the wrestlin' wurld's waited years for.. And at Fallout, the wurld's gonna' get it, daddy! [ Goldberg ] You're next, Steiner. [ Dusty Rhodes ] But what da' wurld ain't gettin', is any more of this. No more confrontations! No more fightin' between the two of you before Fallout! -[[ Security struggles to hold both men back. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] This has gone on long enough and it stops right now! 'Cause as of this second, if either of you touch the other one before Sunday night, July 27 at Fallout.. You both are suspended without pay, daddy! [ Goldberg ] No big deal to me. -[[ Dusty turns his attention to Goldberg. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] 'At so, Goldberg? Well, let's add a little more wood to fire why don't we? [ Goldberg ] I'm all ears. [ Dusty Rhodes ] You or Steiner touch one another before Fallout, you and Scotty's suspended without pay until fudda' notice.. And you're NO LONGA' da' PDubya O Wurld Champyun! -[[ Big pop. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] OOOO WEEE!! THAT'S FUNKY!
Goldberg is pissed
and Steiner continues the stare down of his Fallout opponent. SGW versus
PWO is the match the wrestling world's been wanting to see since the
early 2000s, and it's coming to a head at Fallout!
]]- |
Dude Love versus
Triple H
Title on the Line:
Scott James
Winner: Dude Love via Pin Fall
-[[ Lance Storm is seen walking around in circles, rubbing his head. You can tell something's bothering him deeply. Dusty Rhodes come into view and he speaks to Lance. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] Hey Wance. [ Lance Storm ] Oh, hello, Dusty. [ Dusty Rhodes ] What's wrong wit'cha? [ Lance Storm ] Nothing, Dusty. [ Dusty Rhodes ] Wance, we all know somethin's botherin' ya'. [ Lance Storm ] It's just something I have to attend to myself. [ Dusty Rhodes ] Nonsense.. C'mon, step into my office and spin me a yarn. -[[ Lance looks around. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] This is the parking lot.. Where's your office? [ Dusty Rhodes ] Right there. -[[ The camera turns and sure enough, we see a white, Ford pick-up truck sitting in the middle of the parking lot. The tailgate is full of hay. Hank Williams, Jr. is blasting out of the radio inside the cab of the truck. Dusty lets down the tailgate and flops down on a bail of hay. Lance stands beside the truck, looking it over. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] C'mon in. [ Lance Storm ] Is.. Is.. That hay? [ Dusty Rhodes ] Yep. [ Lance Storm ] Right. -[[ Lance hops on the tailgate and looks down at the hay. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] Sit. [ Lance Storm ] I'm fine right here. [ Dusty Rhodes ] Aw naw, I insist. Sit down. -[[ Lance wipes off a hay bell and sits, looking very uncomfortable. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] Now Wance, what's da' problem? [ Lance Storm ] Well, as you know, I was the SGW World Heavyweight Champion for thirty-five days. I was on top of the mountain in Solid Gold, and I was doing it with my pure wrestling talent and abilities, not by my catchphrases and charisma. [ Dusty Rhodes ] I'm followin' ya' like a stray dog. [ Lance Storm ] Alright. -[[ He continues. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] Anyway, Wrestlebrawl came around, and I was going to be the first man who beat Edge, snapping his winning streak. I was not only standing up for my beliefs, but I was fighting for pure wrestling. But.. I lost my title. And then the week after, I was upset by Colt Cabana. [ Dusty Rhodes ] "I see," said da' blind man. [ Lance Storm ] Right.. But now. instead of me being seen as the wrestling threat that I am, I'm no longer treated as a former SGW World Heavyweight champion. Steve Austin has been getting by week after week on the simple fact he held that title fifty-eight days. He's getting by strictly on the fact he 'saved' that title. Me on the other hand, I gave pure wrestling its spot in Solid Gold. I brought it to the forefront.. And yet, I lose my title, I also lose all the respect people had for me. -[[ You can tell this is eating at Storm's soul. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] And tonight, tonight topped it all off for me. I cheated to defeat the Undertaker. Cheated. Dusty, what I'm trying to say is.. I'm beginning to question my abilities in the squared-circle.. Especially when I had to cheat to win a match and could not rely on my skills to get me the win. [ Dusty Rhodes ] Wance, baby, you ain't got nothin' to worry 'bout. You think Wic Flair doubted his abilities every time he lost his World title? Of course he did! Hawley Wace, same thing. Christian even contemplated shootin' himself in da' head afta' Tom Cruise got his title! [ Lance Storm ] That is true. [ Dusty Rhodes ] Look, Wance.. You're one of da' best 'rassla's I've ever seen. You've gotten by on that talent Stu Hawt taught ya' all 'dem years ago in Calgary. Tonight you cheated, yes, but you have 'at survival instincts you gotta' have to get back to da' top! You snapped da' skid you were in, and that's all that matters. -[[ Lance is eating this up. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] No matta' if the people say you suck or you're still the man to 'em, they don't matta'. Don't let anyone else's thoughts 'bout you effect what you think about you and your abilties! If I let da' people determine how far I was gonna' make it, I'd still be in da' ditches diggin', daddy! I'd still be da' sonuvaplumba' in Austin, Texas! I'd not been chasin' da' American Dweem I've chased for thirty years! -[[ Lance nods. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ]If I had let people's thoughts of me effect me.. Those yells of me bein' heavy, ugly, and unable to speak fluently.. I'd not be able to be the man I am today. Wance, daddy, you gotta' shut the thoughts and opinions of udda's out of ya' mind. You gotta' focus back on da' SGDubya title, that ten pounds of gold, daddy! It's time to tell the critics to take a hike and get back on da' trail! [ Lance Storm ] You're right. -[[ Storm nods. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] I know what I have to do now. -[[ Storm stands up and offers a handshake to Dusty. ]]- [ Lance Storm ] Thank you, Dusty. [ Dusty Rhodes ] It was my pleasure. Keep ya' head up. That title's gonna' be yours again someday. [ Lance Storm ] I know. -[[ Lance jumps out of the back of Dusty's office and walks away. The scene fades. ]]- |
John Cena
& Rodney Mack
Matt Hardy & "Alpha Male" Monty Brown
Title on the Line:
Jimmy Cordaris
Winners: Matt Hardy & "Alpha Male" Monty Brown via Pin Fall
[ Dusty Rhodes ] Whoa, whoa, whoa, boys.. Da' fun ain't ova' yet. -[[ The three turn and look at Dusty. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] Ain't too manly of ya' to beat down three men and use the numba' game to your advantage and then high tail it when the wadda' gets too hot! -[[ The fans pop. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] Now it seems we got ourselves some issues between the six of ya'll. Well, that's when da' American Dweem comes in and he fixes those problems! -[[ Austin, Hardy, and Monty can't believe this is happening. This is obviously not going according to their plan. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] I was expectin' just to sit back tonight and let things run smoothly, and not really have to make a lotta' tough decisions.. But I guess I'm left wit' no choice. So now, at Fallout.. Steve Austin.. You're gonna' take on KEN KENNEDY! -[[ Austin is PISSED! Kennedy looks very satisfied in the ring with the decision. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] Matt Hahday, ya' got a mess of ya' own come Fallout, daddy. You're gonna' be takin' on CHRIS BENOIT, DA' RABID WOLVERINE! -[[ The fans pop huge for that match as Hardy points and threatens Rhodes. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] Ladies and gentlemen, Fallout's gettin' more funky and funky as the time goes by!
Dusty's music hits
and the fans pop as he goes backstage, leaving the six men to stare down
one another. Dusty Rhodes has ran SGW with an iron fist so far tonight!
]]- |
Kurt Angle
& Colt Cabana
versus Randy Orton &
Dave Batista
Title on the Line:
Stipulation: Four Way
Referee: Mike Chioda
Winners: Kurt Angle & Colt Cabana via Pin Fall
-[[ Shane Douglas is backstage, ready to interview SGW newcomer, Chris Masters. Masters is cracking his knuckles one by one as the Franchise begins to speak to him. ]]- [ Shane Douglas ] CHRIS MASTERS, YOU STEROID INFESTED BASTARD, WELCOME TO SOLID GOLD! [ Chris Masters ] Thank you, Shane. [ Shane Douglas ] NOW TONIGHT, YOU LOST TO STING, YOU LOST TO THAT FACE PAINTED SON OF A BITCH IN YOUR DEBUT MATCH! HOW DOES LOSING YOUR FIRST MATCH MAKE YOU FEEL? [ Chris Masters ] Angry. [ Shane Douglas ] ANGRY? ANGRY? IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT GETTING OWNED, MOTHER FUCKIN' OWNED IN YOUR FIRST MATCH AGAINST THE FUCKIN' CROW WANNA-BE STING? -[[ Masters takes offense to that. ]]- [ Chris Masters ] Shut it, Shane! It was a fluke! It wasn't supposed to happen! [ Shane Douglas ] NEITHER WAS YOU BEING BORN, YOU FUCK! [ Chris Masters ] Why are you attacking me for? What have I ever done to you? [ Shane Douglas ] YOUR SLUT MOTHER OWES ME MONEY FROM LAST NIGHT! SHE SUCKED MY DICK, MASTERS! MY GOD DAMN FUCKIN' DICK! -[[ Masters shakes his head. ]]- [ Chris Masters ] Whatever, Shane.. But it's like this and listen up.. SGW is in for a rude awakening come next week. Because, let's face it, it's a known fact, Shane.. NOBODY BREAKS MY MASTERLOCK! -[[ Masters flexes. ]]- [ Chris Masters ] You, you can't break my Masterlock. The ten cups of coffee you had before this interview.. The caffeine cannot break my Masterlock. [ Shane Douglas ] WHAT ABOUT THE ROCK? CAN HE BREAK YOUR MASTERLOCK? [ Chris Masters ] Shane, I told you.. NOBODY can break my Masterlock. Not even The Rock, Mr. Hollywood himself. He especially couldn't be able to do it. [ Shane Douglas ] WOULD YOU TELL IT TO HIS FACE? [ Chris Masters ] Well yeah, and I'd enjoy every second of it. [ Shane Douglas ] GOOD YOU FUCKIN' FOOL, BECAUSE HE'S BEHIND YOU! -[[ Masters turns around and there's The Rock! Masters slides his right hand down his face as The Rock slides his sunglasses down a little on his nose so he can get a good look of Chris Masters. ]]- [ The Rock ] So.. You wanna tell it to the Rock's face? -[[ Masters doesn't move an inch. ]]- [ The Rock ] Well.. The Rock's face is right here. -[[ The Rock gets right in Masters' face. ]]- [ The Rock ] So.. Why don'cha tell the Rock.. Right now?
Masters looks down..
And then throws a punch, but the Rock blocks it and begins punching away
at Masters! The two begin trading punches back and forth and security
floods the area, separating the two men before the fight escalates any
further.. ]]- |
Ron Harris
Rob Van Dam
Title on the Line:
Raven's Rules
Scott James
Winner: Ron Harris via Pin Fall
[ Kurt Angle ] Tonight, Colt, tonight's what Team Angle's all about! [ Colt Cabana ] Definitely, Kurt. [ Kurt Angle ] What we did tonight, Colt.. It's the same thing that John Cena's going to have coming to him in our Falls Count Anywhere match at Fallout! He wants my Television title? [ Colt Cabana ] He can't have it! [ Kurt Angle ] Darn right he can't! [ Colt Cabana ] Randy Orton and Dave Batista got served tonight! [ Kurt Angle ] Darn tootin'. Just like John Cena. -[[ Angle opens the locker room door, and there in the doorway, arms crossed, is John Cena! Angle and Cabana take a few steps back as Cena remains still. ]]- [ John Cena ] 'Sup Kurt, Colt? [ Colt Cabana ] Nothing much, you? -[[ Angle nudges Cabana. ]]- [ Colt Cabana ] What? I don't have beef with him! [ Kurt Angle ] Get out of my locker room, Cena! That's tresspassing! [ John Cena ] I will in a minute. I just gotta' check somethin' first. Did my ears deceive me, or I did I heard you say you, Kurt Angle, was gonna' "serve" me at Fallout? [ Kurt Angle ] Absolutely! [ John Cena ] Thought so. Kurt, man, I feel bad for ya', really I do. -[[ Angle is confused. ]]- [ John Cena ] Because if I had my head so far up my ass like 'chu, I don't guess I'd be able to see what I had comin' to me at Fallout eitha'. [ Kurt Angle ] What do you mean, Cena? [ John Cena ] Kurt Angle, at Fallout, Falls Count Anywhere.. I'm gonna' storm into that match, fight with all my heart, fight for my beliefs, my life.. Like da' soldja's in Iraq! Kurt Angle, I will unleash HELL ALL OVER YO' ASS! -[[ You can hear the crowd popping off-camera. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] Screw you, Cena! I'm the Television Champion! I refuse to lose my title to someone like you! I beat you once, and by golly Miss Molly, I'll do it again! [ John Cena ] Kurt, dawg, 'chu ain't ready for round two. I'm stronga', fasta', more ready this time than eva' before! You had to cheat to take me out last time, but this time, you're comin' into my element. Falls Count Anywhere, Kurt.. Your little submission moves ain't gonna' help you now. Fallout, you enter my yard! You come into my element! And as the sayin' goes.. -[[ Pause. ]]- [ John Cena ] My house, my rules.. And Fallout, they are NO RULES! NO WAY OUT! NO CHANCE OF YOU RETAINING YOUR TV TITLE! BECAUSE ME AND MY CHAIN GANG'S GONNA' TAKE WHAT'S OURS! HOO-RAH! [ Kurt Angle ] I HATE YOU, CENA! -[[ Angle charges at Cena and Cena's ready. Dusty Rhodes hits the scene before any punches or this scuffle can progress any farther. Dusty stands in between the two, checking to make sure neither man tries rushing at the other. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] Now, I'm as big of a fan as da' next man of a good, bitta', feud.. But boys, dis' one here's gone on long enough. There's too much heat between it! The passion is gettin' out of hand, and before we know it, we're gonna' have a hell of a situation nobody can control! [ Kurt Angle ] It's all Cena's fault, Dusty! It's all his fault! -[[ Angle points at Cena, Cena shrugs, being never nonchalant. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] It don't matta' who's fault it is, Kurt. But now, da' Dweem's got an idea for Fallout to make dis' here match even betta'! [ Kurt Angle ] Loser Leaves SGW! [ Dusty Rhodes ] Not qwite, Kurt. [ Kurt Angle ] It ought to be! [ Dusty Rhodes ] But here's what it's gonna' be.. At Fallout, I'm addin' a third man to da' mix for da' Television title to cut down on some of da' heat between you two. -[[ Angle and Cena both look taken aback by this decision. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] A triple tweat match for da' Television title! We gonna' see Kurt Angle defendin' his title against John Cena.. -[[ Dusty pauses to milk it. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] And da' third man in 'dis match.. -[[ Dramatic pause. ]]- [ Dusty Rhodes ] COLT CABANA! -[[ Cena nods, seemingly fine with the match. Kurt gasps and looks over at Cabana, who's pumping his fist. ]]- [ Colt Cabana ] YES! [ Kurt Angle ] COLT! -[[ Colt notices Kurt's angry, so he stops and puts on an angry face. ]]- [ Colt Cabana ] Horrible decision, Dusty! You fool! -[[ Colt stands behind Angle, winking at Dusty and giving him a thumbs up. ]]- [ Colt Cabana ] I can't believe this garbage! -[[ Another wink. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] Me either! Darn it!
Cena/Angle gets more
interesting as the weeks go by! Will Colt Cabana work for his own
championship dreams, or will he help his mentor out against John Cena at
Fallout? ]]- |
AJ Styles
& Christy Hemme
Alex Shelley & Rob Conway
Title on the Line:
Mike Chioda
Winners: Alex Shelley & Rob Conway via Pin Fall
]]- |