[--We see
Johnny the Bull walking through the hallways before his
match... He walks into his dressing room and prepares to
get suited up for the bout, but in his chair is a small
black duffel bag... The Bull doesn't know what to think,
but he unzips it and looks inside... It's stacks and
stacks of one hundred dollar bills, and a note.... The
camera pans around and all we get to see of the note is..
"Do the right thing, come to our side...."...
We can't see the rest of the note, but the Bull looks
awfully confused.... We cut back to the ring...--]
dominates with some power moves, and he puts
Christian to the mat with a lot of stiff punches
and kicks... Christian fights back and puts Hall
down with some high flying maneuvers, and keeps
him down for a two count after a flying head
scissors!! Hall has a little trouble keeping up
for a few moments as Christian picks him apart
with a series of dropkicks and takedowns... Hall
makes a comeback and drops Christian with a
series of punches and kicks and puts him down
hard with a powerbomb!! It only gets two, and
moments later, Hall whips Christian into the
ropes, Hall goes for a clothesline, Christian
ducks it and hooks Hall from behind for the
reverse DDT!! Hall's down, and Christian
covers...1.....2..... CHRISTIAN PUT HIS FEET ON
THE ROPES!! 3!!!! Christian has just screwed over
Scott Hall!! Christian quickly leaves the area as
fast as he can as Hall stands up VERY pissed
[--We cut
backstage where we see Steve Austin talking to two men..
We can't see who they are, they're in the shadows, but
Austin seems to be barking orders at them... All we can
hear clearly are numerous "What?"s and
"SHUT UP!"s... Austin continues talking to
these two mystery men... The camera finally pans around
to them, and we see that the two men are wearing
luchadore masks, barring any chance that we might see who
they are.... Austin shakes each ones hand and leaves with
a sick smile on his face... The two men in masks begin
talking among themselves as we cut to the ring....--]
ladder is sitting on the ramp... Johnny brings
weapons into the match quickly as he produces a
baseball bat to use on Storm, but Storm uses a
drop toe hold to bring Johnny to the mat!! Storm
uses a barriage of classic wrestling holds to
take the Bull apart and Johnny doesnt know what
to do!! The Bull flounders around the ring as
Storm kicks his ass with all kinds of wrestling
holds!! Storm plants Johnny with a brainbuster
and he gets up and looks over at the ladder...
The fans roar as Storm goes out to get the
ladder.. He slides it into the ring and Johnny
gets back up, they begin having a little tug of
war over the ladder that Johnny the Bull's
strength wins for him!! But Storm superkicks the
ladder in Johnny's face!! Suddenly, the fans
begin booing as Shane McMahon begins walking down
the ramp... Storm sets up the ladder and begins
climbing it as Johnny lays unconcious.. Shane
gets in the ring and before he can even do
anything, Storm dropkicks him from the top of the
ladder!!!!! The fans roar as Shane hits the mat
and Storm turns him over..... MAPLE LEAF!!!!!
Storm has Shane in the Maple Leaf!!!! Johnny
wakes up and grabs the ladder, and he SMASHES
STORM in the back of the head with it!!! The fans
begin booing loudly as Shane staggers back to his
feet.. "Set it up!! Grab that damn belt,
baby!! Yeah!!", Johnny sets up the ladder
and climbs, and... GRABS THE BELT!! Dammit,
Johnny the Bull is STILL the champion!!! Shane
leaves the ring and Johnny celebrates the win,
but wait.... It's VAL VENIS!! In a suit and tie!!
Val comes from behind and lays Johnny out with a
blue thunder powerbomb!!!! The fans begin booing
loudly as Val raises his hand in the air and the
RTC music begins playing... Val leaves and we cut
to the back....--]
[--We cut
backstage where we see Michael Cole standing by with...
RIC FLAIR!! The fans in the arena are cheering as Flair
stares into the camera... Before Cole can even speak,
Flair is ranting and raving....--]
Ric Flair: Michael!!
WOOO!! BY GOD!! Cole!! Good to see ya', pal, but right
now's not the time nor the WOOOO!! Place!! Kurt Angle!!
Tonight's the night, bucko, and tonight I'm goin' to show
ya' exactly why I AM the NAYTCHAAAAAA BOOOY!! And exactly
why, Angle, I am goin' to be the next SGW World
Heavyweight Champion!! TWO TIME!! WOOOO!! WORLD
begins breathing heavily and Cole speaks....--]
Michael Cole: Yes, Mr.
Flair, you ARE the former World Champion, but do you
think your ankle is one hundred percent after the
gruesome assault by Kurt Angle last week?
Ric Flair: One
hundred percent!?! One HUNDRED percent!?! What does it
matter, Cole!?! WOOO!! The Naaaytchaaaa Booooy would be
here even if he was in a damn wheelchair, pal, and even
then, I'd carry the damn match, because Kurt Angle may be
talented, but he's no Ric Flair!! He'll never be Ric
Flair, and tonight....
Michael Cole: Yes?
Ric Flair: Tonight,
I'm going to kick...WOOOOO!! HIS ASS!!!!
walks off camera and we cut to the ring....--]
other tag title is on the timekeeper table...Nash
dominates with some stiff offense... Kanyon is
having trouble fighting back because Nash is
using a wide variety of high impact powermoves..
Nash lays him out with the big boot and Kanyon
tries to get back up but Nash gets him by the
hair... He sets Kanyon up for the Jacknife!!
Kanyon clubs Nash in the face and Nash drops
him!! Kanyon hits Nash in chest with a
clothesline and Nash no-sells it and hits Kanyon
with a big right! Kanyon whips Nash into the
ropes and Kanyon charges at him, but Nash tosses
Kanyon into the referee!! The ref is out, and
Nash picks up Kanyon.... JACKNIFE!!!! Nash tries
to wake the referee up, but he doesnt notice Edge
and Christian getting in the ring with chairs!!
CON-CHAIR-TO on Nash!!!! E&C high five and
here comes Scott Hall!! Hall slides in and ducks
a chair-swing from Christian but takes one from
Edge!! Hall, Nash, and Kanyon are all laid out!!
Edge and Christian take off through the crowd
laughing!! Nash crawls over and throws an arm
over Kanyon's body but here comes Tajiri!! Tajiri
pulls Hall's body out of the ring, and he sets
the dazed Nash up on his knees and it's the
BUZZSAW KICK!!! Tajiri throws Kanyon on top of
Nash and gets out of the ring!! The ref wakes
up...1........2.........3!!!!!! Kanyon has
defeated Kevin Nash!! Tajiri then laughs
gleefully as he takes the other tag title from
the timekeeper!! Tajiri then helps Kanyon to the
[--We cut
backstage where we see Michael Cole standing by with Val
Venis and the rest of the Right to Censor, Steven
Richards and Ivory... Cole speaks...--]
Michael Cole: Val
Venis? You just interfered in one of the most anticipated
matches since SGW re-opened, and you interfered by
attacking, of all people, Johnny the Bull!! Can you
please inform me, and I'm sure, all of the fans who are
wondering, exactly what you were thinking!?!
[--Val is breathing heavily, and he
has a sick smile on his face as he speaks.....--]
Val Venis: You see,
Michael Cole, the Right to Censor is about getting rid of
everything that is immoral, everything that is wrong with
the world... And most importantly, everything that is
wrong with Solid Gold Wrestling....
Michael Cole: And that
Val Venis: Let me
finish, Cole... There are many things wrong with Solid
Gold Wrestling.. We've got a man who CHEATS to win as our
World Champion, we have chair swinging tag team
champions.... And we have a title belt that is based
solely around.... EXTREME wrestling... And if there's one
thing in SGW that the RTC is against.. It IS extreme
Steven Richards: Right...
Ivory: Right....
Michael Cole: What do
you plan on doing about it?!
Val Venis: Cole, I'm
standing before you today to make a challenge for next
week on Shock... To Johnny the Bull... And just to ensure
that you accept the challenge... We'll make it a street
fight, falls count anywhere, but there IS a catch!! Oh
Steven Richards: Oh yes...
Val Venis: If I beat
you, Johnny, your extreme behavior ENDS.... Forever...
[--Suddenly, Cole, Richards, and Ivory
dive out of the way as JOHNNY THE BULL launches onto the
scene with a kendo stick!! He smacks Venis in the head
with it and begins plowing the shots into Venis's back
and chest!! The Bull throws down the stick and begins
stomping on him, but SGW security floods the area and
drags him away as Venis tries to get up.... We cut to the
beings dominating the hell out of the Undertaker
in no-time... Taker has trouble fighting back and
Steiner just tosses him all over the ring...
Taker tries going for some powermoves, but
Steiner fights back vicious and puts the
Undertaker in the position for a jumping
piledriver, but Undertaker flips Steiner over his
back... Steiner no-sells and gets right back up!!
He STEINER-LINES the Undertaker in the neck and
turns him over.... STEINER RECLINER!!!!! The fans
begin booing as Steiner pulls back on the hold
and the Undertaker passes out from the pain
rather than tap out.. The ref stops the match and
Steiner throws the Taker out of the ring as he
walks around pissed off....Steiner has won the
[--We see
Edge and Christian backstage celebrating their respective
matches... Christian is celebrating especially as he
shines one half of the tag titles with his
"E&C" t-shirt.. Edge suddenly snaps from
the celebration and speaks....--]
Christian?... When we so totally kicked Kevin Nash's
ass.... Did you happen to pick up a tag title on the way
Christian: Uh oh....
[--Edge suddenly becomes frantic...--]
Edge: DUDE!!
Where's my title belt!!
Christian: DUDE!!
I'm sorry, I forgot!!
Edge: DUDE!!
How could you forget!?! That's the only reason we went
out there!!
Christian: DUD---
[--Christian is cut off as their
dressing room door opens up and Kanyon and Tajiri walk
Chris Kanyon: Hey hey,
jabronies, missin' somethin'? Hahaha!!
[--Tajiri holds the belt close to his
face as he begins squealing in Japanese jibberish...--]
Chris Kanyon: We were
gonna play nice, boys, and give this thing back, but we
figured 'what the hell', and decided to keep it, after
all, it's gonna be ours legally soon enough!!
Christian: Excuse
me? Is your name Tattoo? Are you seeing airplanes? Cause
I so totally swear you're living on Fantasy Island!!
[--Tajiri begins laughing his ass off
as Kanyon just looks around all confused... Suddenly, the
door opens up again and Shane McMahon steps in, none of
the others have any idea what he wants until he
Shane McMahon: Boys,
I've been watching this non-sense all night over the
stolen belts, and if there's one thing I hate, it's
situations like this... So, Tajiri, can I see your belt?
[--Tajiri hands him the tag title
Shane McMahon:
[--Christian hands Shane the other
belt... Shane looks at the belts, seems to think things
over a bit and then... Hands one belt to Edge.... and the
other belt to... KANYON!?!?!--]
Shane McMahon: Say
"hello" to the new tag team champions, Edge and
Kanyon!! Now, here's a few rules, boys, you're defending
the belts on Shock next week, but here's the catch, I
know you dont like each other, so... If Kanyon costs Edge
the match, or if Edge costs Kanyon the match, then you're
both going to be suspended, get it? got it? Good.
[--Shane leaves the room and Kanyon
has a big girlish grin on his face while looking at the
Chris Kanyon: I'm a
champion!! I'm a champion!! WHO BETTA' THAN KANYON!!
[--Tajiri and Kanyon leave... Edge is
kind of weary of the situation... Christian looks very
pissed off...--]
Christian: Why do
YOU get to keep the damn belt?
[--Christian shoves past Edge and
leaves the room, Edge looks baffled as we cut to the next
and Angle begin ripping into each other with
stiff punches and chops, and Angle gets the early
advantage... Angle whips Flair into the ropes and
hits a few hard hitting maneuvers... He drops
Flair with a belly-to-belly suplex, and he
eventually begins kicking Flair in the leg to
keep him down, the fans boo Angle loudly as he
tries to apply the ankle lock.. He almost hooks
it at one point but Flair manages to kick away
from it... Flair makes a brief come back and puts
Angle down with some classic wrestling moves, and
begins working Angle's knee in return!! Flair
works it over with a few stiff kicks and it's no
time before Angle is limping around the ring
holding his knee... Flair keeps working it over,
but Angle delivers a stiff kick to Flair's ankle
and hits him with a solid vertical suplex!! Flair
tries getting back up, but it looks like his
ankle has finally given out under the pressure!!
Angle stomps away at it and keeps yelling
"WOOOO!!" as he does it... Angle picks
Flair up and hits him with an atomic drop!! Angle
celebrates and...puts Flair in the ANKLE LOCK!!!!
Flair yells out in pain and tries reaching for
the ropes but he's just too far away!! Flair wont
tap out!! Flair keeps yelling but he can't reach
and Angle keeps cinching up tighter on the hold!!
The ref tries motioning to stop the match but
Angle stands up and OLYMPIC SLAMS the referee!!!
The fans boo loudly... Flair holds his ankle in
pain, Angle is pissed as hell and he's stomping
around the ring looking ready to snap... But wait
a damn second!! From the crowd is CHRIS
JERICHO!!!! Jericho, who Angle put out of action
last week with the ankle lock!! Jericho slides
into the ring and hits the FACEBUSTER!!!! He goes
to the ropes and it's the LIONSAULT!!!! The fans
are roaring as Jericho leaves... Flair staggers
back to his feet and he locks in the FIGURE
FOUR!!!! The ref barely wakes up and he sees
Angle in the Figure Four with his shoulders
down....The ref counts..1.........2......Angle
throws the shoulder up!! Flair keeps wrenching
the move on Angle's knee, and Angle begins trying
to turn the move over!!! AND HE SUCCEEDS!! The
move goes over and puts the pressure on Flair's
ankle!!!! Flair begins yelling in pain and he
tries to get to the ropes but it's not working!!
The ref stops the damn match!! He stops the match
before Flair's ankle is totally snapped and Kurt
Angle has won this damn match!!--]
[--We cut
backstage where we see Michael Cole standing by with Bret
Hart... Cole speaks...--]
Michael Cole: Bret
Hart, you were just pinned, cleanly I might add, by Taka
Michinoku and right now, we don't exactly know what
direction you're going to be going in the SGW... Can you
try to enlighten us a bit?
Bret Hart: Yeah,
I'll enlighten you a little bit, tonight's was a major
turning point in my career.. Losing to Taka Michinoku?
That may be the lowest point in my career, but I'll tell
you what, Cole, something like that will never happen
[--Bret Hart
is cut off suddenly as he's hit with the GORE!! GORE!!!
GORE!!!! out of nowhere from RHYNO!!!!!! Hart hits the
floor hard and Cole tries to run away but Rhyno grabs him
by the arm and makes him hold the microphone for him....--]
Michael Cole: Rhyno!!
What the hell are you doing!?!
Rhyno: Shut the
fuck up, Cole!!! Let it be known that tonight, Rhyno's
path of destruction BEGINS!!!!!
shoves Cole out of the way and takes off....--]
submission, and escape rules....The cage lowers
and Benoit and Austin begin brawling like mad
men... Austin slams Benoit into the cage numerous
times, and Benoit does the same to Austin.. The
fans are going nuts everytime Benoit is on
offense... Benoit whips Austin into the corner
and Benoit hits him with a running lariat!! The
fans are roaring as Benoit hooks Austin and hits
him with SIX rolling German Suplexes!! Austin
staggers back to his feet and hits Benoit with a
stiff clothesline!! Benoit hits the mat hard and
Austin stomps on him!! Austin keeps on stomping
until Benoit kicks up and hits Austin in the
groin!! Benoit gets back up and sends Austin
crashing into the cage, BUSTING HIM OPEN!!!!
Austin's head is gushing blood as Benoit rubs his
face into the mat!! Austin gets back up and
Benoit tries to hit him with a lariat but Austin
ducks it... STUNNER!!!!! Benoit's down!! Austin
covers..1........2.......... Benoit kicks out!!
Benoit gets back up and Austin lays into him with
a stiff kick to the gut, he goes for another
Stunner, but Benoit grabs him around the waist
and hits him with a German Suplex out of
nowhere!! The fans erupt as Benoit rolls through
and hits him with another!! And another!! He
releases Austin, and Austin is barely able to
stand!! Benoit runs at him, but Austin is able to
hit the Thesz Press and punches!! Austin punches
away, but Benoit rolls him over and begins
striking him in the neck and head!! But as Benoit
lays the shots into Austin, we see two men making
their way down the ramp.... It's those two men in
the Luchadore masks we saw Austin talking to
earlier!! One of them has a pair of bolt cutters
and he cuts the lock open!! The fans boo as the
two masked men get in the ring!! Benoit is
distracted, and Austin hits the STUNNER!!! One of
the masked men leaves the cage, as he thinks the
job is done, Austin covers...1.......2..... The
other masked man, with the bolt cutters, PULLS
AUSTIN OFF!!!! He rips off the Luchadore mask and
it's BILLY GUNN!!!!! Benoit and Austin stand up,
almost side by side, Gunn raises the bolt cutters
over Austin's head.....and HITS BENOIT!!!!! The
bolt cutters split open Benoit's head and blood
splatters all over the ring!! The other masked
man gets back in the ring, and just as he's about
to unmask, here comes RIC FLAIR!!!! Flair limps
into the ring and tosses the still masked man out
of the ring!! He begins sending shots into Billy
Gunn's body and slams him into the side of the
cage really hard!! He throws Gunn out the door,
and follows him out, Flair beats on the two
masked men!! Benoit wakes up and sees Austin with
his back turned!!! Benoit comes from behind and
it's the German Suplex!!!! Austin is OUT!!!
Benoit begins climbing the cage, it looks like
he's going to win via escape but as Benoit gets
to the top, he stops and looks down... The fans
are buzzing with electricity!! BENOIT SWAN DIVES
OFF THE TOP!!!!!!! He hits Austin!!!! Benoit has
damn near killed himself!!!! He throws an arm
over Austin... The ref
counts...1.........2.......3!!!!!! WE HAVE A NEW
CHAMPION!!!! BENOIT HAS DONE IT!!!! Benoit leaves
the cage and grabs the belt as Ric Flair
congratulates him on the outside... Flair raises
Benoit's hand in the air as Billy Gunn and the
Still-Masked Man help the bloodied Austin to his
Golden-Tron suddenly flashes to life and the fans take
notice... Flair is still congratulating the bloody Benoit
on his title victory, and Austin is still splattering
blood all over the ring with Billy Gunn and a masked
man... What's Billy's connection to Austin anyway?
Anyway, on the Golden-Tron we see none other than SGW's
owner, Shane McMahon... He speaks...--]
Shane McMahon:
Congratulations, Austin, you're officially the shortest
reigning SGW World champion in history! Hahahaaa.. But
let's not dwell on that, it seems that we just cant have
a World Title match without interference out the wazoo...
So, I figure I'll make a match tonight... A match for the
World Title at the pay-per-view, No Remorse... Since
Benoit is the champion, and Kurt Angle is the number one
contender, that seems to be the logical choice, but let's
look at a few other options here... Steve Austin just
lost his title in a match with tons of interference, and
technically, Ric Flair never even lost his match because
he was not pinned and he didn't submit... So, let's
see... Angle and Benoit for sure, but let's add one more
person... Austin or Flair... Flair or Austin... I guess
we'll just have to find out next week on SHOCK!! When
Austin and Flair battle it out to see who the OFFICIAL
NUMBER ONE CONTENDER IS!! The winner goes to the
pay-per-view, no questions asked!! Haha... Oh, and
congrats on the win, Chris.... Hahahaa...
gives the camera a cocky smirk and the show ends as
Benoit holds up the World Title belt with Flair
applauding in the background....--]