02 / 22 / 2020 | Wells Fargo Arena | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Commentators - Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone, & "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner Dark Matches
The Best Friends
Taylor & Trent?)
Orange Cassidy) def.
Private Party via Pin Fall w/
in 3:11 Earlier today. There's tension in the air. We find ourselves in a board room with a long wooden table. Sitting at the table, we see "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, Bret Hart, and Christian sitting on one side. On the other side, we see Chavo Guerrero, Jr., Val Venis, and Edge. At the head of the table, we see Jeff Jarrett. Everyone is dressed in three piece suits or polo shirts and slacks. It's real fancy like. Jeff Jarrett is leaning forward, hands clasped on the table. Everyone is listening intently. [ Jeff Jarrett ] So, it's decided, boys... WrestleBrawl 3... thirty-man battle royal, two minute intervals... and the last man standin' walks away with a Golden Ticket they can cash in for anything they want that's within our power t' give. Bret Hart removes his plastic pink shades and places them on the table in front of him, unimpressed. [ Bret Hart ] What do you mean when you say... anything, Jeff? [ Jeff Jarrett ] Anything. [ Ric Flair ] Anything?! ANYTHING!? Jus' what are we talkin' about here, pal?! [ Jeff Jarrett ] I'm sayin' whoever walks outta' WrestleBrawl 3 with the Golden Ticket can stand before this Committee and cash that sucker in for an SGW World Heavyweight Title shot... or they can demand to be Director of Authority for the night and book the whole damn card for all I care. Jarrett holds his hands out to the side, throwing out more options. [ Jeff Jarrett ] Hell, maybe they wanna cash it in for a date with that interview gal we got that everybody's so damn fond of... what's her name? [ Christian Cage ] Cathy Kelley. [ Edge ] And she would absolutely not be cool with that. [ Jeff Jarrett ] Well, I'm just sayin'... it's an opportunity for one o' the boys to get creative. [ Chavo Guerrero, Jr. ] Maybe one of them could use it to get Pepe back for me! [ Bret Hart ] Brother, nobody's cashing in that ticket to get Pepe back for you. [ Ric Flair ] Not a chance. [ Chavo Guerrero, Jr. ] But maybe if-- Flair stands up and points at Chavo, his face blood red. [ Ric Flair ] NOT! A! CHANCE! WOOOOOOOOOO! [ Chavo Guerrero, Jr. ] I mean-- [ Ric Flair ] WOOOOOOOOO! [ Jeff Jarrett ] Alright, that's enough. That's the plan for WrestleBrawl 3. The winner gets a Golden Ticket and they can cash it in for whatever they want, end of discussion. Now, we got bigger fish to fry. Everybody's wonderin' about the state o' the world title headin' into WrestleBrawl 3. All o' ya'll know we got that no good son of a bitch Adam Cole as champion right now. Edge smirks. [ Edge ] Right now, sure... but he's gotta get past Jimmy Havoc tonight. Edge goes for a high five but Bret Hart completely no-sells him. Edge looks at Chavo. [ Edge ] Am I right, brother Chavo?! Chavo also completely no-sells the high five attempt, just looking sad. Edge lowers his hand. [ Val Venis ] Jimmy Havoc isn't exactly what we're looking for in a champion either. [ Jeff Jarrett ] Exactly. Look at the title histories, gentlemen... Bret Hart, Bill Goldberg, Scott Steiner, Ric Flair! Those are champions, boys. Those are the guys you can build a company around. Even in the later years, Edge and Christian, Lance Storm, Steve Austin! [ Christian Cage ] Tom Cruise, fellas. [ Edge ] Yeah, I think that pretty much opens the door for anyone to be champion. [ Christian Cage ] It has to, right? Jarrett huffs. [ Jeff Jarrett ] We're tryin' to move away from that abomination. Christian looks to the side, rolling his eyes. [ Christian Cage ] Well, I mean, you booked it, Dubba' J. [ Jeff Jarrett ] Randy Orton done that sumbitch in once 'n for all at 12 Large. Mark my words, gentlemen, Tom Cruise will never step foot in an SGW ring again as long as this Championship Committee holds power. [ Val Venis ] Damn right. [ Ric Flair ] Amen. Jarrett looks from Edge to Christian and back again. [ Jeff Jarrett ] Now, let's never speak o' that slapnut ever again. Jarrett gestures toward Venis. [ Jeff Jarrett ] Venis, tell 'em what ya' got. Venis stands up and clears his throat. [ Val Venis ] I assume you all received the memo I e-mailed out this morning about our options for the SGW World Championship at WrestleBrawl 3... what happens if Adam Cole wins tonight... what happens if Jimmy Havoc wins tonight. [ Bret Hart ] Neither scenario is ideal, Val. I'm not gonna lie. [ Val Venis ] The state of the company isn't ideal right now, Hitman. Arn Anderson is leading a full-on infiltration on Solid Gold Wrestling... an insurgency, if you will. I know this man. He's driven. He's going to do everything in his power to undermine us and ensure that this... this Origin succeeds. Flair leans forward. [ Ric Flair ] Pal, you know if you go through with that plan, there's no goin' back. Chavo shakes his head, looking troubled. [ Chavo Guerrero, Jr. ] It's literally everything or nothing, esse. [ Christian Cage ] It's definitely not my first choice. Venis looks sideways at Christian. Christian looks up at him and shrugs. Edge stands up. [ Edge ] Given our options, if Adam Cole is walking into WrestleBrawl 3 as the SGW World Heavyweight Champion, I think it's our best shot at getting the title off of him, fair and square. You guys know how much it makes me want to throw up in my mouth to agree with Val Venis... but the plan is solid and... Edge looks at Venis and nods. [ Edge ] I support it, one hundred percent. Jarrett smacks his hand on the table. [ Jeff Jarrett ] Seconded. Jarrett looks around the table, eyeing each man. [ Jeff Jarrett ] Anybody got a problem with Plan A? No one says anything. Jarrett nods, satisfied. [ Jeff Jarrett ] Then let's get on to Plan B... Jimmy Havoc, SGW World Champion. Ric Flair looks disgusted, shaking his head. [ Ric Flair ] I support the proposed idea... make the son of a bitch work for it. [ Bret Hart ] I think it's excessive... if he walks out with the belt tonight, you know he's gonna walk through fire to get it. You're a fool if you think he's just fighting Adam Cole tonight. He's gonna have to deal with Arn Anderson, Steve Corino, Britt Baker, and Shane Douglas, too. If he gets through that and walks out as the champion... maybe we should consider showing him the respect he deserves. [ Christian Cage ] The dude's been nothing but trouble since he got here. [ Ric Flair ] And he's only gettin' the title shot 'cause o' that damn Elevation title! Whose idea was that anyway!? I thought this was a wrestlin' company! That belt is a damn participation trophy! Anybody can use it to get a world title shot! [ Edge ] But that's the point. [ Ric Flair ] Used t' be, only men got title shots! A voice is suddenly heard from the doorway. [ Jimmy Havoc ] But am I not more than a man, Ric? The camera pans over to reveal Jimmy Havoc walking into the board room, dressed in a black three piece suit with a bright red tie. He drags an ax behind him, the head scraping along the floor as he walks into the room, eyeing the Championship Committee. Jarrett stands up, looking pissed. [ Jeff Jarrett ] What the hell are you doin' here, Havoc? This is Committee members only! Havoc doesn't even pay attention to Jarrett as he walks up to the table, glaring at everyone. [ Jimmy Havoc ] Am I not a perfectly imperfect representation of the direction this company is heading? At one time, Solid Gold Wrestling was everything a pure wrestling fan could eva' want. For years, it was touted as bein' the best o' the best... no room for balderdash 'n chicanery... no, only the best would do. Ric Flair slams his hand down on the table. [ Ric Flair ] Is this some kinda... kinda' god damn joke!? Havoc turns his head to look at Flair. [ Jimmy Havoc ] If ya' had the slightest bit o' patience, old man, I was soon t' ask you the same thing. Havoc takes a deep breath, breathing it all in... he remains calm... eerily calm. [ Jimmy Havoc ] I walked into Solid Gold Wrestling, the forma' champion of a rival company... 'n you all treated me like an afta'thought... treated me like I was less than nothin'... exiled me into a backstage segment wit' Colt Cabana in a bloody bathroom wit' Disco Inferno and Nick fucking Gage. [ Ric Flair ] That's because you're a disgrace t' this business, kid. [ Jeff Jarrett ] That's enough, Ric. [ Ric Flair ] You don't belong here, Havoc! And ya' know it! Havoc smiles and looks down for a moment. [ Jimmy Havoc ] There it is. Havoc looks back up and meets the gaze of the Committee. [ Jimmy Havoc ] You all put on this front of bein' an all-welcomin', singin' 'n dancin' band o' fun lovin' misfits... come one, come all, enjoy the freedom, enjoy the timeliness of events... take advantage of how Solid Gold Wrestling is everything that the otha' companies aren't... but it's all one big fuckin' lie. Havoc raises the ax and points off at nothing in particular with it. [ Jimmy Havoc ] For one year, I reigned as world heavyweight champion... 'n I walk into this company 'n I get treated like a god damn joke... and everything I've done since that moment in that fucking bathroom, I have done t' shove that slight down your fucking throats. Ric Flair huffs. [ Ric Flair ] You slighted yourself, comin' in here lookin' like that, pal! Without warning, Havoc smashes the butt of the ax handle into Ric Flair's nose, knocking him backward in his chair, sending him tumbling to the floor. Chavo Guerrero quickly rises to his feet and kneels to next Flair, checking on him. [ Jeff Jarrett ] You son of a bitch! I oughtta take you out o' the main event tonight for that! [ Jimmy Havoc ] But ya' won't... 'cause you're a pussy that's gotten soft wit' old age. [ Jeff Jarrett ] Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you-- [ Jimmy Havoc ] I'm the oncomin' storm... I'm the change that's overtakin' this company... when I look around 'ere, I don't see the same prestigious company that used t' stand in its place. I don't see classic, traditional wrestling... I see chaos... I see a recipe for disasta' that you're too scared t' stand up against... well, it's coming, mate. It's coming tonight... and there's nothin'... bloody fuckin' nothin' that you can do about it. Jarrett looks pissed. Venis scowls at Havoc, sweat rolling off his nose. [ Val Venis ] We'll be ready, Havoc. Havoc looks at Venis and smiles. [ Jimmy Havoc ] I bet you will, sunshine. See, I convinced-- Havoc moves the ax, allowing the light to catch it and glimmer along the edge. [ Jimmy Havoc ] --that little secretary out there to show me your top secret memo about the WrestleBrawl 3 world title scene... and while I like what ya' got in mind for Adam Cole, real original, real ambitious-- Havoc winks at Venis. [ Jimmy Havoc ] I really liked what ya' got in mind for me. And then he becomes dead serious. [ Jimmy Havoc ] Bring 'em on. Jarrett looks from Havoc to Venis and back again. [ Jimmy Havoc ] Bring 'em all on. Chavo helps Ric Flair up into his chair, bleeding profusely from his nose. [ Jimmy Havoc ] I will win that championship tonight... 'n I will defend it in the WrestleBrawl match... twenty-nine fucking opponents, lambs being led to the bloody slaughta' is more like it. If ya' that desperate for me t' prove I'm betta' than ya' whole fuckin' company in one night... I will happily oblige. Without another word, Havoc raises the ax and slams it into the boardroom table, leaving it stuck there. Everyone flinches on impact. Havoc takes a final look around the table and offers a sarcastic bow. [ Jimmy Havoc ] Gentlemen... I will see you all later tonight to discuss our plans for the future of Solid Gold Wrestling. And then a smug grin crosses his face. [ Jimmy Havoc ] ...cunts. And then he turns and walks out of the room, leaving everyone sitting in silence. Everyone looks around at each other without saying a word. Jarrett's eyes finally fall on Flair and he looks furious, nearly shouting. [ Jeff Jarrett ] Get Ric Flair's old ass to a damn doctor! Chavo and Bret Hart help Flair out of the room, leaving Jarrett with Edge, Christian, and Venis. The camera slowly zooms out as we fade to black. We don't know what the plan for Adam Cole is just yet but we know that if Jimmy Havoc wins the world championship tonight, he'll be defending it for the first time in the WrestleBrawl match at WrestleBrawl 3! The first time a champion will have defended in the match, ever!
Before the match even gets started, Aliyah and Vanessa Borne assault Toni Storm on her way to the ring, knocking her down to all fours on the ramp and stomping away at her aggressively as Jinny watches on from the center of the ring with a sinister smile on her face! Toni Storm tries to fight back, throwing wild punches and elbows into the mid-sections of her attackers but they won't be denied! The Vision and The Boujee Brat continue their relentless assault before slinging Toni Storm under the bottom rope, into the ring! [ Tony Schiavone ] You've gotta be kidding me! This isn't fair! [ Nigel McGuinness ] Toni Storm has been brutally assaulted by The Highers, only seconds before she was due to compete for the SGW Women's World Championship! You have t' know this was Jinny's plan all along! [ Tony Schiavone ] The so-called locker room leader of the women's division! What a joke! Toni Storm looks beaten to hell and back, struggling to get up to all fours but she's having trouble. Suddenly, the crowd pops huge as Mike Chioda ejects Aliyah and Vanessa Borne from ringside! Aliyah and Vanessa throw a fit but Jinny looks unfazed, pointing toward the back, basically giving them permission to leave. The fans cheer loudly and begin singing the Goodbye song as Aliyah and Vanessa vanish behind the curtain. [ Nigel McGuinness ] Good officiating by Mike Chioda! Get 'em outta here! [ Tony Schiavone ] But Toni Storm still has to compete with the damage already done! Toni forces herself up to one knee and Jinny and charges at her, whipping her down to the mat with a basement flying headscissors! The fans boo loudly as Jinny scrambles back to her feet, snatches Toni up by her wrist... and DRILLS HER WITH THE ACID RAINMAKER! Toni Storm turns inside out and lands on her head! Jinny covers her, planting her forearm across Toni's jaw in a sign of disrespect! ONE! TWO! THR-- TONI STORM KICKS OUT! [ Nigel McGuinness ] Ya' not gonna get Toni Storm that easily! [ Tony Schiavone ] Toni Storm knows that this match is everything she's been working toward since she debuted at Card Subject to Change with a commanding victory over Lacey Evans in the historic first-ever blindfold match! [ Nigel McGuinness ] This match is everything or bloody nothing for Toni Storm! Jinny looks pissed, blowing the hair out of her face. She pulls Toni back up with a handful of hair, dragging her up to all fours before kicking her right in the side of the head! Toni rolls over on her back and Jinny mounts her, drilling her in the head and neck with a series of punches and forearms! Toni struggles to cover up but Jinny lands for more than she misses before standing up and dragging Toni up behind her with two handfuls of hair. Toni fights back as she rises to her knees, plugging away at Jinny with forearms and elbows to the mid-section before landing one that forces her to stagger backward. Toni rises to both feet, pumping her fists and Jinny charges at her with a clothesline! Toni ducks it and nails Jinny with a headbutt! Jinny staggers backward into the ropes and Toni follows her in, taking both ladies over the top rope with a cactus clothesline! Both women tumble to the floor and Toni is up quickly, pumping her fists and shouting "LET'S GOOOO!" as the fans cheer loudly! [ Tony Schiavone ] It looks like Toni Storm is getting a second wind! [ Nigel McGuinness ] She knows this could be 'er only chance! [ Scott Steiner ] Hell yeah! Put that fat ass to work, Toni Storm! Toni grabs a handful of Jinny's hair and pulls her up to her knees. Dragging Jinny to her feet, Toni whips her hard into the guardrail and follows her in with a HIP ATTACK, sandwiching her between her body and the steel rail! Toni grabs Jinny by her hair and her gear before slinging her under the bottom rope and following her inside. Toni posts up in the corner, gripping the top rope and stomping her foot, getting the fans behind her! Jinny slowly rises to one knee and Toni charges at her... AND NAILS HER WITH A RUNNING HIP ATTACK! Jinny sprawls out flat on her back and Toni snatches her up, hoists her onto her shoulders, and DROPS HER WITH STORM ZERO! Toni wastes no time in rolling back to her feet with hands on either side of Jinny's head! She pulls her in... STRONG ZERO PILEDRIVER! [ Tony Schiavone ] THIS IS IT! THIS IS IT! [ Nigel McGuinness ] We're about t' have a new champion! Toni sits on Jinny's chest and hooks the leg! ONE! TWO! THRE-- NO! JINNY KICKS OUT! The fans erupt in boos! Toni can't believe it! Toni rolls back to her feet and pulls Jinny up with two handfuls of hair. She pulls her in for another STRONG ZERO PILEDRIVER but Jinny locks her legs and then drops to one knee before violently shoving Toni backward, sending her colliding into Mike Chioda! Toni's elbow catches Mike in the eye and he staggers backward! Toni tries to check on him and Jinny scrambles outside the ring and grabs the SGW Women's World Championship! She slides back into the ring and Toni turns around... just in time to DUCK an attempted belt shot from the champion! Jinny turns around and quickly throws the championship at Toni! Toni catches it, looking confused, and Jinny charges at her, nailing with the TOUCH OF COUTURE! The belt goes flying and slides under the bottom rope! Jinny snatches Toni up by her wrist... ACID RAINMAKER! Jinny covers and hooks both legs while shrieking "COUNT! BLOODY COUNT, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Mike Chioda drops down slowly and counts! ONE... TWO... THREE! WINNER & STILL CHAMPION - Jinny via Pin Fall in 6:08 The fans erupt in boos as Jinny rolls off of Toni Storm and quickly slides out of the ring to collect her championship belt. Jinny clutches the championship tightly to chest as she backs up the ramp with a sinister smile on her face. [ Nigel McGuinness ] How very disappointing! Toni Storm was so close to making history tonight! [ Tony Schiavone ] Only to have it ripped away from her by the fashionable and nefarious Jinny! With one arm, Jinny raises the championship over her head as she continues to back up the ramp. Once she reaches the stage, she stands there for what feels like forever, soaking in the hatred from the fans. Finally, having had her fill, Jinny turns around and walks through the curtain. Seconds pass the camera dwells on the entranceway... And then Jinny comes staggering out, holding her jaw! The fans pop huge as they realize Jinny has come under attack... but then they pop even louder as CHRISTINA VON EERIE emerges from behind the curtain! Jinny charges back at Christina and they tie up, throwing punches and forearms like women possessed! The championship belts falls by the wayside as Jinny and Von Eerie lay into each other with lefts and rights! [ Tony Schiavone ] Christina Von Eerie is BACK! [ Nigel McGuinness ] She's back with a bloody vengeance! Security and road agents begin to flood out from the back! Lance Storm, D-Von Dudley, Billy Gunn, and Justin Credible are flanked by arena security as they get between the brawling women and separate them! Jinny is losing her shit, shrieking "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU, BITCH!" as she's pulled in the opposite direction! Somewhere in the chaos, Christina Von Eerie has gotten her hands on a microphone and is shouting into it as Storm and Credible try to keep her restrained! [ Christina Von Eerie ] You piece of shit! Fuck you! Big pop. [ Christina Von Eerie ] You think you can just steal my belt and get away with it!? You think you can just shit on everything I built in this company and I'm just gonna fuckin' disappear!? NO FUCKIN' WAY! There's a rumble over the PA as she fumbles the microphone while security tries to hold her back. [ Christina Von Eerie ] GET OFFA' ME! GET THE FUCK OFFA' ME! Jinny manages to wrench herself free and dives over a couple of security guards, reaching for Von Eerie and grabbing a handful of hair before she's met with a couple of punches from Von Eerie and pulled away. Von Eerie keeps shouting. [ Christina Von Eerie ] WE GOT UNFINISHED BUSINESS, YOU PIECE OF SHIT! YOU WANNA FUCK WITH ME AND TEAR ME DOWN!? WRESTLEBRAWL 3! LET'S DO THIS ON THE BIGGEST STAGE OF 'EM ALL, HUH!? The fans pop huge and Jinny looks on, surprise on her face as Dudley and Gunn keep her grounded. [ Christina Von Eerie ] IN A MOTHER FUCKIN' DEATH MATCH! The fans pop even louder and Von Eerie tosse the microphone and tries to get at Jinny again! Both women struggle against the men trying to keep them separated, managing to get handfuls of one another's hair or gear before being pulled apart! [ Nigel McGuinness ] Did ya' hear that, Tony!? [ Tony Schiavone ] Jinny will be defending the SGW Women's World Championship at WrestleBrawl 3 against Christina Von Eerie... IN A DEATH MATCH!? [ Nigel McGuinness ] IN A BLOODY DEATH MATCH! As they continue to fight on the stage, we cut to the back.
Backstage, we see Orange Cassidy slumped over in a chair looking
more like a statue than a human being. On either side of him are
Trent? and Chuck Taylor chugging beers. Chuck finishes his and
spikes the can down on the ground. We fade up with a shot of Cathy Kelley standing in front of the SGW interview backdrop. She has the SGW Lifetime World Championship around her waist. Standing next to her, we see Jimmy Jacobs and Lacey. Lacey has her arms folded against her chest, looking annoyed. Standing in front of her, Jimmy looks deep in thought, dark... he's looking down at the railroad spike he's clutching in his fist. Cathy leans in, ready to get the interview going. [ Cathy Kelley ] Jimmy Jacobs... two weeks ago at Total Destruction, you severely injured Austin Theory after he accidentally struck Lacey during your tag team match. There's genuine concern that Theory could end up losing his eye... at the very least, he has multiple surgeries in his future-- Jimmy mumbles. [ Cathy Kelley ] Excuse me, Jimmy? What was that? Jimmy turns his head and looks at her, his eyes narrowed. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] He deserves worse. Cathy's eyes widen with surprise. Jacobs reaches out and snatches the microphone out of her hand. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] He deserves worse, Cathy. He looks down, his voice becomes quieter. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] He deserves... he deserves to die for what he did to Lacey. Lacey shakes her head, a look of disbelief on her face. [ Lacey ] Jesus Christ, Jimmy! I'm fine! It wasn't even a big deal! Jimmy doesn't even pay attention to her. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] I would take an eye for an eye until the whole world was blind, if it meant protecting Lacey. She... she's my everything, Cathy. Putting hands on her was Austin Theory's first mistake. Showing no remorse for such a horrible act? That was his last. Cathy looks surprised and the fans pop huge as Elias walks into the shot with his guitar over his shoulder. He takes a deep breath and looks down at Jacobs, gently shaking his head. Jacobs averts his eyes but brushes the hair out of his face. Lacey rolls her eyes. [ Lacey ] Oh, here we go again! Look, everyone! It's Elias, the white knight! Here to virtue signal about-- oh wait, that's not it at all! Elias didn't even care that Austin Theory ALMOST KILLED ME two weeks ago! Why, if Elias had his way, I'd still be lying on the floor in a broken heap! Elias just glares at her. Cathy Kelley looks confused by Lacey's sudden change in attitude. [ Lacey ] What are you gonna do about it, Elias? Are you gonna sing another stupid song? Are you gonna put over Christopher Daniels in thirty seconds again?! Pathetic! No one puts over Christopher Daniels! You're a loser! Elias huffs and wipes his mouth, looking visibly annoyed. [ Elias ] What are you thinkin', Jimmy? Jacobs doesn't answer. [ Elias ] First, you abandon me two weeks ago... and then? Then you punched me in my face when I came to you for an explanation. I'm tryin' to help you out! I've been in SGW since day one, I know how things work around here... and you and me, we coulda' had somethin' good goin' on, workin' together! Jimmy won't look up and meet his gaze. [ Elias ] We got a lot in common, little man... even though I'm tall and statuesque, like a greek god and you're smaller, softer, and wear that eye make-up. We coulda' been the musical duet that set this company on fire! Elias gestures toward himself with his free hand. [ Elias ] Look at the two of us... we're a couple of bleedin' souls, brother, paintin' our masterpiece match by match, crafting lyrics from-- [ Jimmy Jacobs ] Shut up, Elias. Elias cocks an eyebrow. Jacobs steps up, getting in his face. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] You don't know me. [ Lacey ] Yeah, you don't know him! You don't know Jimmy Jacobs or you'd know Jimmy Jacobs is a solo act! Jimmy Jacobs is the main event! The headliner! You're just an opening act, Elias! That's all you've ever been since you came to SGW! Jimmy looks over his shoulder at her, confused. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] Do you really mean all that? [ Lacey ] Of course, I mean it! Elias sucks! [ Jimmy Jacobs ] No, I mean... the stuff about me being a solo act... the headliner. Lacey almost vomits in her mouth. [ Lacey ] Ugh, no. I just said it because I wanna SHIT ON ELIAS' WHOLE CAREER! Jimmy nods, seeming satisfied with that answer. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] You better get outta' here, Elias. All you've done since Total Destruction is disrespect Lacey... and when you disrespect Lacey, you disrespect my heart... because my heart belongs to her. [ Elias ] Boy, when they made you, they forgot to put in the common damn sense. Elias points at Lacey. [ Elias ] That woman don't give a damn about you. Jimmy shakes his head, trembling with anger. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] I said leave, Elias... before I... before I have to make you leave. Cathy Kelly steps up, a timid look on her face. [ Cathy Kelley ] Guys, now really isn't the time. Elias and Jimmy glare at each other. Elias nods, sweat rolling off his nose. [ Elias ] You're right, Cathy Kelley. Elias shakes his head. [ Elias ] Now ain't the time. [ Lacey ] Yeah! Now isn't the time! As a matter of fact, you're outta' time! YOU'RE DONE, ELIAS! [ Elias ] The time was two weeks ago... when ya' hit me and thought ya' could get away with it. Elias swings his guitar at Jimmy Jacobs and Jimmy ducks... AND THE GUITAR BLASTS LACEY RIGHT IN THE HEAD! Lacey goes down in a heap! LACEY IS DEAD! Jimmy Jacobs immediately bursts into tears and drops to his knees next to her, removing the frame of the guitar from around her neck and plucking wooden shrapnel from her hair. She isn't moving at all. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] Lacey! Lacey, no! Talk to me! Talk to me, my love! Cathy looks mortified. [ Cathy Kelley ] Elias! Seriously!? What... what have you done!? Elias looks down at Jimmy checking on Lacey with a smug look. [ Elias ] Now, ain't that a damn shame. Without another word, Elias walks off-camera and Cathy Kelley is left behind, tending to Jimmy Jacobs as he tries to wake Lacey up. EMTs and road agents hit the scene as we fade to black.
Fish and Al Snow start for their respective teams, and they lock up.
Snow gets a quick jab in, and grabs Fish and slams him to the mat.
Snow quickly gets and tries and drops an elbow on Fish, but Fish
moves out of the way, and you hear Snow yell out "OW" as he starts
to rub his elbow, and slowly roll his way to his corner. Blue Meanie
tags himself in, and Meanie charges right into the bicep of Fish,
who starts to work him over a bit, and starts to put a leg lock on
him. WINNERS - The JOB Squad via Pin Fall in 8:41
[ Scott Steiner
] WHAT THE?! THESE IDIOTS! We head to the back abruptly.
At the
SGW interview set, Cathy Kelley flashes a big smile to the camera as
she’s flanked by Pentagon, Jr. and Paul Heyman. We suddenly find ourselves in what looks like an abandoned warehouse. We see a woman tied to a chair with a black bag over her head. From what she's wearing from the neck down, we can tell that it's obviously Kris Statlander, still wearing the gear she had on at Total Destruction when she was taken. We see hooded figures walking from one side of the warehouse to a white van, loading up crates of Teremana Tequila. The Rock is pacing back and forth in jeans and a dirty white t-shirt, carrying an axe handle... for some reason dressed like his character from Walking Tall. The Rock addresses the hooded figures, gesturing toward them aggressively. [ The Rock ] The Rock says be careful with that tequila, mama! Load it up! Load it up REE-ULL NICE LIKE, SAYS THE ROCK! YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT! SAYS THE ROCK! THE ROCK LIKES TO SWITCH IT UP EVERY NOW AND THEN, IS THAT A PROBLEM!? The Rock grabs one of the hooded figures and whips him around, staring right into his face. [ The Rock ] THE ROCK ASKED YOU A QUESTION, JABRONI! IS... THAT... A PROBLEM!? [ Scientologist #1 ] N-no, Dwayne... that's not a problem. [ The Rock ] THAT'S RIGHT! THERE'S NO PROBLEM HERE! I'M THE ROCK! The hooded figure nods. [ The Rock ] NOW THANK THE ROCK AND SHAKE HIS HAND! BE A GENTLEMAN! The hooded figure nervously reaches out to shake The Rock's hand... but The Rock just clubs him with an open hand slap that knocks him down to his knees. The other hooded figures look on but they don't dare interfere. [ The Rock ] YEAH! THE ROCK WHIPPED THAT ASS, HOW 'BOUT IT!? The Rock looms over the hooded figure and raises an eyebrow. [ The Rock ] Do ya' the think The Rock just goes and shakes hands with just any whisker biscuit sumbitch that crosses The Rock's path!? UH-UH! THAT AIN'T IT, CHIEF! Now, while you're lyin' there, wallowin' in defeat, SOMETHIN' THE ROCK HAS NEVER KNOWN! THE ROCK WILL ASK YOU ONE QUESTION... AND THE ROCK MEANS... ONE-AHHH QUESTION!? Dramatic pause. His voice echoes throughout the warehouse. [ The Rock ] WHERE'S JOHN!? Another hooded figure rushes over, trying to diffuse the situation. [ Scientologist #2 ] Dwayne, you have to stop using that name. Please. [ The Rock ] What name!? JOHN!? Hey! That reminds The Rock, WHERE'S JOHN!? The Rock grips the axe handle in both hands. He nods and clicks his teeth at the hooded figure. [ The Rock ] Hey, ya' like that? The Rock's carryin' some big wood, mama! The Rock thumps the hooded figure in the chest with the stick. [ The Rock ] Does that get your thetans pumpin', little mama? Give ya' a little wood!? Some mahagonay?! A little teague?! YEAH! THE ROCK'S WALKIN' TALL AND CARRYIN' A BIG STICK! BABY, I'M THE ROCK! There's suddenly a lot of noise as a metal roll-up door begins to rise and a black limousine rolls into the open warehouse. As the limousine pulls into the shot, we see the Scientology logo emblazoned on the side because that's how Scientologists roll, I imagine. The limousine comes to a stop and the driver steps out, walks casually to the back with each footstep echoing in the warehouse, and opens the rear door. Another hooded figure steps out but this one's robe is red and covered in sequins like some kind of cross between Ric Flair and Ministry-era Undertaker. The Rock smiles and shakes his head. [ The Rock ] THERE HE IS! FINALLY! [ Scientologist #2 ] ALL HAIL THE SUPREME BEING! All of the hooded figures kneel, except the one The Rock knocked down earlier. The Rock kneels, leaning forward on the big stick and looking like a character from Arthurian legend, presenting his sword to the king. The Supreme Being motions for everyone to rise and they do. He turns his hooded head toward the fallen man. The Supreme Being sounds annoyed. [ The Supreme Being ] Hey! What happened to Kevin?! One of the hooded men points at The Rock discreetly. [ The Supreme Being ] Dwayne, did you do this to Kevin?! C'mon, man! [ The Rock ] THE ROCK DIDN'T DO NOTHIN'! [ The Supreme Being ] Dwayne, you know how I feel about people layin' hands on my Bacon Bits! [ The Rock ] Maybe The Rock got a little excited and punched Bacon Bits in the face. The Supreme Being shakes his head. [ The Supreme Being ] Well, how's the shipment of your groovy mind altering tequila going? Is that at least going as planned? We need your millions... and millions of fans to consume as much of it as possible. Once we've converted the masses to Scientology... not only can we audit the entire world's Thetan count... but I can finally assume the real... ultimate... power! The Supreme Being turns a semi-circle, addressing everyone and sounding overjoyed. [ The Supreme Being ] I mean, that's why we're all here, after all! Am I right, fella's?! [ Scientologist #2 ] ALL HAIL THE SUPREME BEING! [ The Supreme Being ] Of course, the road to real ultimate power begins with one audit in particular and the cultivation of what power may lie within said audit... I trust you've brought the merchandise, Dwayne? [ The Rock ] Of course The Rock brought the merchandise! WHAT DOES JOHN THINK THIS IS?! SOME KINDA' CLOWN SHOW!? SOME KINDA' UGGLE GRUBER DINGLEBERRY CONVENTION!? THE ROCK'S A PROFESSIONAL, MAMA! THE ROCK PROMISED REAL ULTIMATE POWER... AND THE ROCK WILL DELIVER-UH-RAHHHHHHHH-- He tilts his head back and shouts, wagging his tongue around. [ The Rock ] RE-AWWWLLLLL ULTIMATE POW-RAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! The Supreme Being suddenly sounds dead serious. [ The Supreme Being ] Show her to me. The Rock whips the axe handle off to the side. We hear glass shatter and a cat screech. The Rock power walks toward the chair where Kris Statlander is bound. He gestures toward her. The Supreme Being approaches and takes a knee in front of her. He reaches up and removes the black bag over her head. She shakes her head, getting her hair out of her face. She looks disoriented. The Supreme Being throws back his own hood, revealing his face to the camera. The fans immediately shit all over the revelation. [ John Travolta ] WOO-WEE, YOU GOOD LOOKIN'! Kris Statlander's eyes widen with surprise... with a hint of fear. [ Kris Statlander ] ...father? John Travolta smiles evilly. Fade.
wastes no time getting right in Danielson’s face, reminding him that
they’re not fighting for the Elevation Championship tonight because
of Danielson’s selfishness two weeks ago. Danielson shoves Pentagon
away, but Pentagon raises his hand, proclaiming “CERO!” as the crowd
chants along. Pentagon then shoves his fingers in Danielson's face
as the crowd follows up with “MIEDO!” Danielson bites his fingers and
then snatches Pentagon’s arm, forcing him to the ground! LEBELL
LOCK! WINNER - Bryan Danielson via Pin Fall in 11:27
[ Tony Schiavone
] The vicious streak of Bryan Danielson’s comes out tonight,
resulting in the Dragon coming back into the win column!
soon as we arrive backstage, we’re privy to the four men who will
compete for the SGW Elevation Championship tonight in
mid-conversation. Actually, mid-argument is far more appropriate.
Though the men won this opportunity as a ‘team,’ tonight they are
anything but.
Earlier Today.
Rhodes walks through the doors of the arena with a stoic expression
on his face. His matching royal blue suit stands out in contrast
with Brandi’s black jumpsuit. The normally jubilant and friendly
Rhodes says nothing to anyone… Until he’s stopped dead in his
tracks. We cut backstage where we see Christina Von Eerie walking with purpose. She walking toward the exit. From behind her, we hear someone shouting at her but she keeps walking, staring straight ahead. [ Luster the Legend ] Christina! Hold up! [ Adam Thornstowe ] Yeah! Where you goin'!? Ya' can't just walk out on us! [ Luster the Legend ] We ain't heard from you in weeks! What's goin' on!? Christina doesn't give even give them a glance over her shoulder before she pushes the door open and disappears into the parking lot. Luster and Thornstowe follow her out the door and look around, but she's already gone. They look frustrated. [ Luster the Legend ] God dammit! [ Adam Thornstowe ] Where'd she go!? Luster huffs and storms off-camera. Thornstowe follows him. The camera focuses on the darkness surrounding the exit door. From the darkness, we see a woman appear... but not Christina Von Eerie. It's a woman clad in black leather with silver and black hair. Vipress. [ Vipress ] Mmm... rage... hatred... She smiles. There's a flicker of red in her eye. [ Vipress ] ...delicious. Fade.
more than a split second before Referee Rick Knox calls for the
opening bell to the contest, Maxwell Jacob Friedman delivers a Jake
Elliott-like kick to Aleister Black’s Aleister Sack, doubling the
Demonic Kickboxer over at the waist as the tome sounds around the
Tony Schiavone
soon as the third chime of the bell echoes around the Wells Fargo
Center, Nunzio is instantly off of Black and rolls to the floor,
pushing through doctors and stepping over Sin Cara, making a beeline
for Justin Roberts and his newly earned championship belt! We fade up backstage with a shot of Dahlia Black and TK Cooper in front of the SGW interview set. They're feverishly making out. It's a grotesque sight with tongues on full display. Cathy Kelley is standing by with the SGW Lifetime World Heavyweight Championship around her waist. She clears her throat, trying to get their attention but TK Cooper simply cuts his eyes in her direction, staring her down uncomfortably as he continues sucking on Dahlia's tongue. [ Cathy Kelley ] Um... hi. They keep going. Cathy looks disgusted. [ Cathy Kelley ] There's... a lot of people who would like to hear from you two. You're one of the more talked about signings over the past couple of months... so, could I... like... get a word with you about your plans in SGW? TK keeps staring her down, not saying a word. Dahlia hops up, wrapping her legs around TK's waist, gyrating erotically. Cathy almost openly gags before catching herself. She looks into the camera. [ Cathy Kelley ] Okay, we're done. Let's go. Shane Douglas can have this one if he wants it. Cathy walks off-camera, leaving the camera man to focus on the erotic scene taking place in front of him. TK Cooper's knees finally give out and Dahlia goes down on top of him. They continue making out and gyrating against one another until we mercifully cut to black.
Adam Page is seated at his locker in the dressing room. His suitcase
is spread open and his gear, boots, and clothes are scattered
everywhere in a total mess. Hangman looks ahead, above the camera,
off into the distance.
In a
lavish dressing room backstage, Ted DiBiase is in mid-story as our
camera arrives and the feed begins, hands spread wide and laughing
as he recounts a tale.
two lock up right away, as Adam Page tries to get the power
advantage on Zack Sabre Jr. Sabre lets go of the hold and rolls out
of the ring, trying to get things back to a pace he can easily
manage. Sabre starts to mock Page as he walks around the outside of
the ring, trying to make Page come to the outside. Page finally
listens, coming to the outside, and is met quickly with an uppercut,
which stuns Page for a bit. Sabre throws Page into the barricade and
roles back into the ring, taunting Page and the crowd.
gets back towards Sabre, and starting hitting him with left and
rights, pushing Sabre back and bit as it caught him off guard. Sabre
then quickly takes him down, and starts to punch the back of the
head with force. Sabre makes the cover on Page, but Page quickly
kicks out, and gets back up, and starts hitting left and rights of
his own. Page then throws Sabre outside of the ring, and starts to
get himself motivated again. The crowd chanting for Page to get
Sabre, and he quickly starts to chop the chest of Sabre. Sabre goes
down on a knee, giving Page the opportunity to climb the top rope.
Chioda starts to count and yell at Page to get off the top rope. A
Moonsault on a groggy, standing Sabre! The crowd is chanting for
Hangman, as Sabre gets thrown back in the ring by Page. WINNER - Zack Sabre, Jr. via Submission in 8:09
Tony Schiavone
Hikaru Shida and Shoko Nakajima attack Billie Kay and Peyton Royce before the ring introductions are even over! The fans boo loudly as Shida and Shoko go to work, pummeling the IIconics and putting the boots to them! Shida corners Billie Kay and begins delivering overhand chops and knee lifts in rapid fire succession! Shoko has mounted Peyton Royce on the mat and is raining lefts and rights as Peyton covers up to protect her face! [ Tony Schiavone ] What an onslaught by the members of the Cube Army! [ Nigel McGuinness ] You have to believe that the winna' of this match will earn a position of high favor in regards to the upcoming SGW Twinstar Championship match at WrestleBrawl 3! The Big Kaijus are looking to secure their bloody spot! Rick Knox is desperately trying to get some semblance of order going on in this match but it's not even coming close to happening. Shida hairmares Billie Kay out of the corner and she lands in a seated position toward the center of the ring! Shida runs and hits the ropes! RUNNING KNEE STRIKE TO THE FACE OF BILLIE KAY! [ Nigel McGuinness ] What a hit! Billie Kay could be bloody out of it! Shoko Nakajima stands up and snatches Peyton Royce off the mat... and delivers a SNAP SUPLEX ONTO BILLIE KAY! Billie and Peyton both writhe around on the mat as Shida and Shoko talk back and forth in Japanese. It looks like they're going to continue their dominant onslaught when... CANDY FLOSS EMERGES FROM THE BACK WITH A CANDY CANE COLORED KENDO STICK! She slides under the bottom rope and swings at Hikaru Shida's head but Shida ducks and rolls out of the ring! Shoko Nakajima narrowly avoids contact by ducking and rolling before sliding out of the ring! [ Tony Schiavone ] Candy Floss is HERE! [ Nigel McGuinness ] She's lookin' to even the score wit' the Cube Army afta' what happened at Total Destruction! Candy Floss is saying ENOUGH ALREADY! Shida and Shoko escape over the guardrail and run through the crowd! Candy Floss is in hot pursuit! The fans part as Candy Floss leaps over the rail and follows them into the sea of people! Within seconds, all three women are out of sight and the IIconics are left in the ring! Rick Knox looks around confused and begins the mandatory ten count! Peyton and Billie look at each other, hopeful! Knox reaches ten and the match is over! WINNERS - The IIconics via Count Out in 2:45 The IIconics return to their feet and begin celebrating like they just won a couple of world championships! The fans are booing loudly as they shriek and hug one another while jumping up and down. [ Nigel McGuinness ] Real impressive win, ladies. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the IIconics are attacked from the crowd by Bea Priestley and Jamie Hayter! The fans boo loudly as Hayter takes Peyton Royce's head off with a running lariat! Bea Priestley whips Billie Kay into the ropes and DRILLS HER with a BICYCLE KNEE! [ Tony Schiavone ] Oh my! Jamie Hayter and Bea Priestley are out in full force tonight! [ Nigel McGuinness ] They're looking t' get their bloody names out there! Commanding respect! Priestley and Hayter continue slugging away at the IIconics... until TEAM KICK hits the ring to a big pop! Dakota Kai immediately greets Jamie Hayter with a PUMP KICK right to the face! Hayter goes down and rolls out of the ring! Priestley charges at Dakota and Dakota clips her knee, causing Bea to go down to one knee... where Tegan Nox WIPES HER OUT WITH THE SHINIEST WIZARD! [ Scott Steiner ] What the fuck is goin' on here?! Where's all these bitches comin' from!? The fans are cheering loudly as Tegan and Dakota high five in the middle of the ring... only to turn around into STEREO MISSILE DROPKICKS FROM AZM AND STARLIGHT KID! Dakota and Tegan roll out of the ring, looking disoriented. As Starlight and AZM celebrate what they've done, Trish Stratus walks out onto the stage with a microphone in her hand. She doesn't look thrilled by what she's witnessing. She raises her microphone and speaks in a stern tone. [ Trish Stratus ] Ladies, that's enough! The IIconics are huddled in a corner, looking up the ramp at Trish with concerned looks on their faces. Jamie and Bea have collected themselves at ringside, looking pissed. Tegan and Dakota are watching, both pouting. AZM and Starlight are the only women standing in the ring, looking surprised. [ Trish Stratus ] You're better than this! Do you know what I see when I look at the eight women in and around the ring right now? I see passion! I see excitement! I see eight women who have worked hard to get where they are in Solid Gold Wrestling right now... The fans cheer loudly. Billie Kay points at herself and Peyton, shouting "Yeah, that's us!" [ Trish Stratus ] More importantly, I see eight women that deserve an opportunity to make history at the biggest event in Solid Gold Wrestling history... of course, I'm talking about WrestleBrawl 3! Big pop! [ Trish Stratus ] The IIconics! Team Kick! Onikage-gun! Lightning Star! The fans are buzzing with anticipation. [ Trish Stratus ] Fatal Four Way for the vacant SGW World Twinstar Championship! Trish looks out at the fans and nods, satisfied. Her eyes settle on the ringside area again. [ Trish Stratus ] Get it together, ladies! This is your chance to do something good for this business! Without another word, Trish turns and walks through the curtain as the fans cheer. The IIconics, Hayter and Priestley, Lightning Star, and Team Kick are left speechless at ringside, digesting what they just learned. We quickly cut backstage. We find ourselves in the parking lot, our view jostling, jumping up and down as the camera man gives chase! We see Candy Floss from behind, carrying her striped kendo stick as she gives chase into the rear parking lot. She looks totally enraged! [ Tony Schiavone ] Candy Floss is still on the hunt! [ Nigel McGuinness ] This has gone on too long, Tony! Candy wants to end this tonight! In the distance, we see Hikaru Shida and Shoko Nakajima climbing into a white van and speeding off into the distance! Candy Floss audibly growls with frustration and looks around the area before her eyes fall on her light blue and bright pink Volkswagen Beetle! She slings the door open and tosses her kendo stick inside before looking over the top of the vehicle and shouting at the camera man. [ Candy Floss ] GET IN! The camera man hops in the passenger's side and Candy Floss peels out, giving chase! The fans are fired up, anxious to see what's coming next as we fade to black! We go backstage where we see Starlight Kid and AZM walking through a corridor alone. They both seem excited following the announcement that they will be taking part in the SGW World Twinstar Championship match at WrestleBrawl 3. Starlight Kid is practically jumping up and down with excitement. [ Starlight Kid ] < I am so nervous and excited! What a wonderful opportunity! > [ AZM ] < Yes, I am so excited to have the opportunity to carry you to your first victory! Luckily, one of us has experience winning matches! > [ Starlight Kid ] < You're right! I pinned The Rock! > [ AZM ] < I'm talking about when I defeated AJ Styles and Tommaso Ciampa at the same time, you idiot! Just as I suspected, you really are a grandma under that mask! You are very forgetful and stupid to boot! > As they continue speaking in Japanese to one another, they walk in front of an open janitor's closet. They pay no attention to it, because why would they? But they're suddenly blindsided and shoved inside the closet by... Barbie Blank!? Barbie is already in her wrestling gear but is wearing a flu mask and rubber gloves. She slams the door shut and blocks it with a chair before wiping her forehead with the back of her gloved hand, sighing in relief. [ Barbie Blank ] Into quarantine you go, Hana Kimura and... um... other slightly smaller Hana Kimura! Charlotte Flair walks into the shot, wearing her gear and full entrance robe. She looks at Barbie Blank, rightfully like she's an idiot. Barbie cuts her eyes up in Charlotte's direction, meeting her judgmental gaze, the flu mask hiding the bottom half of her face. [ Charlotte Flair ] What are you doing? Barbie shrugs nervously. [ Charlotte Flair ] Nevermind that... what are you wearing? [ Barbie Blank ] For your information, what I'm doing is protecting the locker room from an outbreak of the coronavirus! So, like, you're welcome! Charlotte nods toward the closet. [ Charlotte Flair ] Let the kids out of the closet. [ Barbie Blank ] Seriously? Do you want to die, Charlotte? Barbie's eyes narrow. [ Barbie Blank ] Because this is how you die. Dramatic pause. [ Barbie Blank ] From coronavirus. Charlotte removes the chair from in front of the door and opens it up. Starlight Kid and AZM walk out casually, appearing unfazed minus AZM's scowl. She glares up at Barbie Blank, radiating hate. Charlotte looks from Lightning Star and then to Barbie. Charlotte raises an eyebrow. [ Charlotte Flair ] Now, apologize. Barbie looks shocked. [ Barbie Blank ] Apologize?! We're in a match with these... one of these two tonight! [ Charlotte Flair ] No, we're not. [ Barbie Blank ] Uh, yes, we are. It's you and me and Nia Fat against the drunk Irish girl, the really really butch lesbian, and one of the Hana Kimura girls. I'm not stupid, Charlotte. We should shove these two back in the closet and give ourselves an advantage-- Charlotte reaches over and pulls down Barbie's flu mask. Barbie immediately grabs her throat and begins gasping for air as she drops to her knees. Charlotte just looks at her in disbelief. AZM frowns as her eyes follow Barbie down. [ Starlight Kid ] < Is she okay? > [ AZM ] < Die slow, bleach blonde grandma. > Charlotte looks down at Barbie and then at Lightning Star. [ Charlotte Flair ] Girls... leave. Without a word, AZM and Starlight Kid quickly vacate the scene. Charlotte grabs Barbie by her top and pulls her up to her feet. She shoves Barbie against the wall and gets right in her face. [ Charlotte Flair ] The disrespect... it stops now, Barbie. You're going to take this match seriously and I'm not gonna put up with this... whatever all this is that you've got going on. You've got Hana Kimura... the real Hana Kimura fired up and ready to kill you... you've upset Nia Jax and I'm not even really sure where she is right now... but I'm heading into tonight's match with a point to make... that what happened two weeks ago against Candy Floss was nothing but a fluke... and I need you and Jax operating at peak performance. Got it? Barbie nods gently. [ Charlotte Flair ] I wanna hear you say it. [ Barbie Blank ] I got it, Charlotte! Jeez! Charlotte lets go of Barbie and Barbie clears her throat, looking disheveled. [ Charlotte Flair ] Good. Charlotte walks off, leaving Barbie alone. Barbie looks around and pulls the flu mask back up over her nose and mouth before walking off-camera swiftly. We head to the ring.
Cody and
Daniels lock up to start things off, but the attention is instantly
drawn away from the match as Dustin Rhodes saunders down the ramp,
dressed in all black, with a steel chair in his hand. At the bottom
of the ramp, he folds the chair out and sits down in it, screaming
loudly for his brother. Brandi walks over to him and begins
belittling him, causing Paul Turner to exit the ring to break it up.
Inside the ring, Cody takes his eyes of Daniels long enough to get
hit with a low blow and the Angel’s Wings! WINNER - Christopher Daniels via Pin Fall in 9:11
Christopher Daniels has his hand raised in the air by Paul Turner
but his celebration is short-lived as Dustin enters the ring and
dumps Daniels over the top rope, sending him crashing hard on the
outside! With Cody clutching the back of his head from the chair
shot, Dustin reaches out of the ring and demands a microphone. Once
it’s secured, Dustin walks to the center of the ring, picks the
dented-chair back up and folds it out, and sits down. With his face
buried in his hands, the fans are booing him. Cody finally rolls to
the outside where he’s met by Brandi. Dustin raises his head and
brings the mic slowly to his lips.
As we
transition backstage, our screens are filled with the stern,
emotionless face of a woman who, for all intents and purposes, is
not like most girls. We fade up backstage where we see Shayna Baszler, Hana Kimura, and Becky Lynch all standing together backstage. The live crowd boos loudly upon seeing them. All three women look standoffish, like they don't want to be here and definitely don't want to be here together. Hana Kimura rolls her eyes. [ Hana Kimura ] < I hope that no one comes down here to see me standing with you two. I have a reputation as the most cutest and sexiest competitor to maintain. I have standards, you know. > Shayna and Becky both look at her, clearly not understanding anything she said. Someone is heard walking in from off-camera. After a few seconds, we see Ted Dibiase walk into the shot, a smug look on his face. [ Ted Dibiase ] Ladies, I assume you know why I called you here tonight. [ Becky Lynch ] Can't say that I do, Teddy. Better be good, though. [ Shayna Baszler ] I already work for you. Doesn't really matter to me. Dibiase chuckles. [ Ted Dibiase ] Well, ladies... chance brought you together but right here, right now, it's money that will keep you together! [ Becky Lynch ] What makes ya' so sure o' that, eh? Dibiase reaches into his jacket and removes a gigantic wad of cash. [ Becky Lynch ] Keep talkin'. [ Ted Dibiase ] See, now that I've conquered the SGW World Tag Team division with my vicious and delicious Ice Creams, I'm looking to expand my venture into the women's division! Now, I've already got precious Shayna on the payroll but I want full coverage! Not only do I want the SGW Women's World Championship... but I want those shiny new Twinstar straps, too! Shayna scoffs. [ Shayna Baszler ] Seriously? I don't need these broads helpin' me! I mean, it's bad enough that the one chick that doesn't speak any english but you want me to team up with the coppertop curse, too? We'll never win anything with that kinda' bad luck on our side! Becky squares up, looking Shayna up and down. [ Becky Lynch ] You wanna say that t' my face, lassie!? I'll slap that greasy head off yer shoulders! [ Hana Kimura ] < I will only join these two if I am the leader! OKAY!? OKAY! > Dibiase is distracted by Lynch and Baszler preparing to thrown hands. He looks at Kimura, flustered, and nods. [ Ted Dibiase ] Yes! Of course! Whatever you want! [ Hana Kimura ] < GREAT SUCCESS! NOW THESE STUBBORN ROUND EYES MUST DO AS I SAY! YES SIR! > Baszler and Lynch stop arguing and look at Kimura as she continues jabbering at no one in particular. [ Becky Lynch ] What's that dope talkin' about?! [ Shayna Baszler ] Who knows? Who cares! We've got a match to win tonight! [ Ted Dibiase ] Don't mind her! Just work together and get the job done tonight! It's time to send a message to the women's division... that just like every man, every woman has a price! And every woman... IS GONNA PAY! HAHAHAHAHA! We cut to the ring for our next match.
As soon as the bell rings, Andrade charges across the ring full speed and goes flying, driving double knees into the top turnbuckle as Ruby Riott ducks out of the way! Almas lands on his feet, facing the corner, and Ruby begins drilling him in the back with forearms until he throws a back elbow and nails her in the eye, causing her to spin out and stagger toward the center of the ring! Almas charges at her from the rear and takes her head off with a lariat to the back of the head, causing her to do a somersault and land in a seated position, appearing out of it! [ Tony Schiavone ] What a shot! [ Nigel McGuinness ] Almas is not 'ere t' play t'night, gentlemen! He's 'ere to make a statement! [ Tony Schiavone ] I've heard through the grapevine that Andrade might not have taken kindly to be being booked against Ruby Riott tonight. If he took it as an insult, he's definitely taking it out on her right now! [ Nigel McGuinness ] There could certainly be a mindset in the locker room amongst some that it may be considered a step down to engage in intergender competition but that's the name of the game in the Limitless division, Tony! Anyone can compete against one another! Ruby Riott has more than proven her mettle against the men in the dressing room, having defeated Zack Sabre, Jr. and Christopher Daniels at Card Subject to Change! [ Scott Steiner ] Andrade or whatever his name is, is doin' exactly what I'd be doin' in there! Whether you wanna fight a woman or not, it's better to beat that ass into the ground and make sure she stays down than to play around and get pinned! Might as well hang up your boots... or burn 'em and get the fuck outta the business! [ Nigel McGuinness ] And there's that mindset I was talkin' about. Almas snatches Ruby up by her hair and pulls her into a suplex position before drilling her into the mat with a BRAINBUSTER! Almas sits up, dusting off his hands and slides over on top of her for a cover! One! Two! Ruby gets a shoulder up! Zelina Vega pounds on the mat, shouting at Andrade to stay on the offensive. Andrade springs back to his feet with a sinister smirk on his face. He grabs Ruby by her hair and pulls her up to her feet. She's standing on spaghetti legs. Andrade holds her up, hands on either side of her head. He looks directly into her eyes, muttering something to her in Spanish, and then goes for a scoop slam but she manages to slip out over his shoulder and land behind him! She grabs him around the waist and pushes him forward into the ropes. He grabs onto the top rope as she pulls back and he remains still, causing her to tumble backward and rolls back to her feet. Almas quickly turns and charges at her but she ducks a clothesline and hits the ropes. Almas turns around and Ruby explodes, nailing him with a SHOTGUN DROPKICK that sends him flailing backward! Almas rolls under the bottom rope, looking to be in pain as he touches his chest. Zelina checks on him, trying to ensure her meal ticket is still in good condition. [ Nigel McGuinness ] That's why ya' don't unda'estimate Ruby Riott! [ Tony Schiavone ] She's got a long way to go, though! [ Scott Steiner ] I hope that beaked broad packed a lunch 'cause I got a feelin' beatin' this jacked up cartel lookin' mofo is gonna be an all day job! I know I wouldn't be givin' up easy if I had to keep that spicy senorita with the ASS FOR DAYS happy! Before Almas can return to the ring, he looks up in surprise and shoves Salina out of the way as Ruby Riott wipes him out with a suicide dive! Almas lands in a seated position against the guardrail, blinking erratically, obviously knocked silly. Ruby is breathing heavily, having already taken a good deal of damage. She manages to make it to her feet first and grabs Almas by the hair, struggling to get him to his feet. Almas suddenly comes alive, grabs Ruby the front of her tights, and pulls her down face first into the guardrail! Almas rises slowly, grabs the top of the rail, and plants his boot on Ruby's throat, choking her violently as Zelina applauds, barking orders in Spanish. Finally, Almas snatches Ruby up off the mat, picks her up in a suplex position and drapes her legs across the rail... before planting her with a spinning neckbreaker on the floor! [ Nigel McGuinness ] Jesus Christ! Just call the damn match, Aubrey! [ Scott Steiner ] That broad is dead! Even if she ain't dead, she's fuckin' dead! [ Tony Schiavone ] It has to be over. Ruby can't have anything left after that. Almas snatches her up off the floor with two handfuls of tights and slings her under the bottom rope. He follows her in and scrambles to cover, hooking the leg! One! Two! Thre-- RUBY KICKS OUT WITH FORCE! The fans cheer loudly as Ruby rolls over onto her stomach and tries to push herself up onto all fours! Almas looks like he can't believe it! Almas stands and sizes her up... before field goal kicking her in the ribs! Ruby goes back down, panting heavily. Almas pulls her back to her feet and throws her into the corner where she falls into a seated position against the bottom turnbuckle. Almas turns and hits the ropes... RUNNING DOUBLE KNEES TO THE FACE! Almas pulls Ruby out by her hair and sets her up for the HAMMERLOCK DDT but before he can drop it, Ruby spins out, using Almas' own grip on her wrist against him... and NAILS THE RIOTT KICK! [ Nigel McGuinness ] Oh my goodness, she got it! [ Tony Schiavone ] She's still in the fight! [ Scott Steiner ] But for how long, god dammit!? It's only a matter of time before Scarface puts her down for good! I can feel it in my fuckin' bones! She's only delayin' the inevitable! Almas and Riott are both down and Aubrey Edwards begins the mandatory ten count! However, the fans stop counting along and begin booing as Gregory Helms and Sami Zayn walk out onto the stage. Zayn has the Limitless Championship over his shoulder. They both watch what's going on with great interest. [ Scott Steiner ] What's this jack-off doin' out here?! [ Nigel McGuinness ] He's scouting the opposition! Whoeva' wins this match will no doubt receive a title opportunity in the near future, you have to imagine! [ Tony Schiavone ] That remains to be seen! Sami Zayn has been in no hurry to defend the Limitless Championship against Ruby Riott. We've seen him back down from the challenge more than once, I believe! [ Scott Steiner ] Didn't he beat a god damn kid!? Anybody can do that! I do that every day! Riott rises to her feet, using the ropes. Almas begins to stir but is much slower to rise, rolling over on his side. Ruby steps out onto the apron and begins painstakingly climing the ropes. She perches on the top rope... and Sami Zayn is suddenly on the apron, distracting Aubrey Edwards! The fans are booing loudly as Zayn keeps her attention... while Gregory Helms PUSHES RUBY RIOTT OFF THE TOP ROPE! Ruby crashes and burns! Ruby tries to return to her feet and Helms is already inside, sizing her up! Ruby finally stands just in time for Almas to come charging at her with RUNNING DOUBLE KNEES... and she moves, causing him to collide with Gregory Helms! Helms goes flying and rolls under the bottom rope! Almas looks confused by what just happened and turns around... RIOTT KICK OUT OF NOWHERE! Ruby covers him and Aubrey turns around! ONE! TWO! THREE! WINNER - Ruby Riott via Pin Fall in 10:11 The fans pop huge and Ruby quickly rolls out of the ring and makes her way up the ramp where Aubrey Edwards meets her and raises her arm in victory. Almas rolls out of the ring where he's checked on by Zelina Vega. Inside the ring, Sami Zayn and Gregory Helms look alarmed by what Helms just caused. Once Ruby reaches the stage, she grabs a microphone. She's beat up and out of breath but begins to speak. [ Ruby Riott ] Sami... Sami Zayn! The fans boo. Sami Zayn looks around, confused. Helms embraces it, throwing up a middle finger to someone in the front row. Ruby goes down to one knee on the stage, looking down the ramp at the ring. [ Ruby Riott ] I won't be denied, Sami... not anymore. She points at herself. [ Ruby Riott ] I've earned a shot at that belt... these fans know it... Big pop. [ Ruby Riott ] But most of all... YOU know it! Zayn and Helms look at each other. Zayn bites his bottom lip. Helms walks over to the ropes and grabs a microphone from Justin Roberts. Helms stands next to Zayn and looks down at the mic for a second before raising it up and speaking. [ Gregory Helms ] Ruby Riott! You talentless hack! You really think you deserve a shot at the REAL MAN and the Limitless Championship around his smooth belly!? WASSUPWITDAT?! On behalf of Sami Zayn and all o' his fans in the SAMI ZAYN UNIVERSE... I SAY HELL NAWWWW! Zayn places his hand on top of the microphone, cutting Helms off. Zayn grabs Helms by the wrist and brings the microphone up to his own lips. You can tell Zayn hates to do it... but he has to. [ Sami Zayn ] I'll do it. The fans cheer loudly. Helms looks shocked, yelling "WHAT ARE YOU DOIN'!?" [ Sami Zayn ] I'll defend this belt against you, Ruby Riott... at WrestleBrawl 3... so the largest audience in SGW history can see without a shadow of a doubt... that you may be good... you may even be great... but you're not better than ME! Helms slaps Sami Zayn on the back, shouting "MY MAN GOIN' HARD!" The camera pans over to Ruby Riott on the stage, a confident smile crossing her face. She raises her microphone one last time. [ Ruby Riott ] You're on. The fans are cheering loudly as we fade to black.
Adam Cole
is in his locker room getting his gear on for tonight’s title
defense. Once his gear and pads are on to suit him, he puts his
sleeveless shirt on and his dog tags. The camera slowly pans out to
show Britt Baker looking at her phone. Cole shows nervous energy,
exhaling as Arn Anderson and Steve Corino enter the scene, big
smiles on their faces as they greet the champion.
match opens with Matt Riddle and Sami Zayn squaring up. They circle
each other for a few seconds before finally locking up. There is a
short push and pull before Riddle is able to transition into a rear
grapple. Zayn is quick to try to get out, throwing elbows behind him
that find nothing but air. He finally resorts to running towards the
ropes, grabbing the top rope and jerking back which does get Riddle
of him...only for Riddle to rush back forward and hit Zayn squarely
with a dropkick to the jaw. Zayn falls to his knees, checking his
chin after the impact as the crowd starts a “Bro! Bro! Bro!” chant.
WINNERS - Matt Riddle & Paul London via Pin Fall in 15:03 Riddle and London immediately dive out of the ring and escape up the ramp with Brian Kendrick in tow! The fans are cheering wildly as Helms and Hagar hit the ring at the same time, raging out over what just happened. We're suddenly in the car with Candy Floss as she continues to give chase to the white van carrying the Big Kaijus! We see the white van pull into a parking lot in front of a warehouse and come to a screeching halt. The side door slides open and Hikaru Shida and Shoko Nakajima dives out and run inside the warehouse. Candy Floss whips the cotton candy colored Volkswagen into the parking lot and comes to a stop. She looks up at the warehouse through the windshield, gripping the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles turn white. She chews her bottom lip. [ Candy Floss ] This must be Dr. Cube's secret lair! Come on! Candy Floss gets out of the vehicle and runs toward the warehouse, sneaking in through a side door. The camera man follows her closely as she sneaks through the dark corridors, finally ending up on a balcony, overlooking the main room of the warehouse. She sees hooded figures loading white vans and... The Rock conversing with John Travolta. She looks deeply confused, even more confused than usual. [ Candy Floss ] What... the bloody hell? We hear a door slam suddenly. Hikaru Shida and Shoko Nakajima emerge from the shadows and approach Travolta and The Rock, speaking to them in Japanese which Travolta appears to speak fluently. Travolta nods and then snaps his fingers, getting the attention of several hooded figures. [ John Travolta ] Find this... this Candy Floss! And then he shouts even louder. [ John Travolta ] FIND HER! Another door slams... and Dr. Cube emerges in a lab coat with Tucor shambling behind him. From the balcony, we can hear him begin speaking in a boisterous tone. [ Dr. Cube ] What is all this commotion, I ask!? I'm in the process of turning this vile tequila into a most suitable mind control potion and yet, all I hear from outside my door is noise! Noise! Most unsatisfying noise! Unacceptable! Dr. Cube gestures toward The Rock. [ Dr. Cube ] It's bad enough that I must endure hearing this slab of meat talk himself up! But-- We see John Travolta lean in and whisper something to Dr. Cube. Dr. Cube looks surprised... well, his face doesn't look surprised... but his body language... it certainly gives you the impression that he is surprised. [ Dr. Cube ] Candy Floss? Here? How!? How did she find us! Troubling! This is very troubling! Cube turns to Tucor. [ Dr. Cube ] Tucor! Find her! Destroy her! And don't let me down this time! And then Cube raises his wrist watch to his "mouth." [ Dr. Cube ] Nurse Ratchet! I have need of you! There is suffering that need be inflicted! Within seconds, the area has emptied out. Everyone... EVERYONE is looking for Candy Floss, leaving Kris Statlander unguarded. Candy Floss looks around nervously and descends from the balcony, walking down the metal steps while trying not to make any noise. She approaches Statlander's chair from behind and begins to untie her hands. Statlander looks over her shoulder and a smile crosses her face. [ Kris Statlander ] Earthling Floss! You came for me! Dramatic pause. [ Kris Statlander ] You should go before they find you! I am soon to serve my purpose on this planet! Candy Floss continues fumbling with the restraints. [ Candy Floss ] What purpose? All these people are crazy! [ Kris Statlander ] I am to provide real ultimate power to my father, The Supreme Being! [ Candy Floss ] The creepy guy from Grease? That's so not your father. [ Kris Statlander ] Why do you doubt that knowledge? [ Candy Floss ] Look, there's enough baby mama drama goin' on in SGW right now. We really, really don't need another dramatic twist about somebody's parentage... and I mean, it's kinda' bloody obvious, really. The guy from Hairspray is just usin' you, Kris. We have t' get you t' safety! WrestleBrawl 3 is right around the corna' and I don't think ya' could live with ya' self if ya' were t' miss it because ya' let these loonies cut you open or whateva' madness they're plotting! Statlander tilts her head to the side. [ Kris Statlander ] Your terms are confusing but agreeable. Perhaps I will join you at WrestleBrawl 3 and revisit the possibility of channeling real ultimate power to my father at a later date. [ Candy Floss ] Yeah, sure! Sounds like a right good plan! Candy Floss finally cuts Kris Statlander free but as soon as she stands up, they both look around and realize they're surrounded by hooded scientologists, armed Dr. Cube soldiers, The Rock, John Travolta, Tucor, Nurse Ratchet, the Big Kaijus, and Dr. Cube himself. There's no way out. Candy Floss huffs, looking defeated. [ Candy Floss ] Well, this is certainly not ideal. [ John Travolta ] Normally, this is where I would offer up a villainesque explanation for what's going on and why I can't allow you two to leave... but I've got millions of people to brainwash and real ultimate power to usurp so I think I'm cool with just... having you killed. He laughs, gesturing toward Candy Floss. [ John Travolta ] Well, having you killed for sure. And then he points at Kris Statlander. [ John Travolta ] I still need to audit her Thetans and harvest her power... but then she'll join you. Cool? He reaches into his robe and removes what looks like a laser gun out of a 50's sci-fi movie. [ John Travolta ] Cool! Dr. Cube points toward Candy Floss. [ Dr. Cube ] Tucor! It's time! Do your duty and EAT Candy Floss! He clenches his fists as Tucor takes a step forward. [ Dr. Cube ] SUCK THE MARROW FROM HER TROUBLESOME BONES! [ John Travolta ] God damn! You're a mad man! I love it! Tucor advances and Floss and Statlander hug one another, knowing this is the end with nowhere to go! However, as Tucor gets closer and closer... there's a loud explosion on the opposite side of the warehouse! Everyone turns, looking on in fear as flames and rubble go in every direction! A purple stretch limousine monster truck explodes through the side of the warehouse and sits there, the engine rumbles so loudly that no one can hear anything. John Travolta looks furious. [ John Travolta ] WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT!? [ Dr. Cube ] No... No, no, NO! It can't be! A single figure leans halfway out the driver's side window. He removes his aviator shades and smiles. [ Tom Cruise ] Catch you fuckers at a bad time? Travolta rages out, his face turning red as he shouts. [ John Travolta ] GOD DAMMIT, TOM! NO! Without another word, Tom slides back into the driver's seat, revs the engine, and barrels toward the crowd of monsters and soldiers and scientologists! Everyone scatters and the limousine monster truck comes to a stop only a few feet away from Tucor, Candy Floss, Kris Statlander, and our camera man. Tom Cruise shouts out the window. [ Tom Cruise ] Come with me if you wanna live! Candy Floss and Kris Statlander begin climbing to get inside. Dr. Cube shouts from the side. [ Dr. Cube ] Tucor! Stop them! Kill them! I command you, my most timeliest of monsters! But Tucor just watches them escape, making no effort to stop them! As Candy Floss reaches the passenger's side door and prepares to climb inside, she turns and looks down at Tucor, who just looks back up at her with sad eyes. [ Candy Floss ] Come with us, Tucor! Tucor teases taking a step forward... but shakes his head and takes a step back. [ Dr. Cube ] Tucor! Do not let them escape! You shall suffer the most heinous of consequences! Kris Statlander makes it inside. Candy Floss looks sad that Tucor won't join but she can't wait any longer. Candy Floss climbs inside the purple limousine and our camera man joins them. The monster truck revs up and peels out, running over EVERY SINGLE ONE of the white vans, destroying them and the mind altering tequila inside! John Travolta loses his mind. [ John Travolta ] MOTHER FUCKER! HE DID THAT SHIT ON PURPOSE! We leave the Cube Army and the Scientologists behind, following the monster truck. In the front seat. Tom Cruise is smiling that movie star smile as he blazes down the street, running over innocent cars with people inside with reckless abandon. Statlander and Candy Floss both look uneasy as Tom Cruise leaves death and destruction in his wake. Floss swallows hard. [ Candy Floss ] So, um... where did you get this... purple limousine monster truck? [ Tom Cruise ] It's a long story. [ Candy Floss ] Oh. Okay. Nevermind, then. [ Tom Cruise ] I won it from Val Venis in a poker game backstage at WrestleBrawl 2. [ Candy Floss ] Wow, super long story. [ Tom Cruise ] Don't be glib. That was the show where he told me he respects me. Cruise chuckles and places his aviators back on his face. [ Tom Cruise ] Val Venis respects me. Fuck yeah! He fist pump as we fade out as Floss and Statlander wonder where this ride will take them.
opening bell rings and Philadelphia is absolutely prepared for a war
– one which will settle the even slate between Tetsuya Naito and
PAC. With one victory apiece, the strategy used by both men would
normally be considered ‘timid,’ though knowing the history of these
rivals in Solid Gold Wrestling, it is easy to agree that both
competitors are falling more towards ‘reserved.’ WINNER - PAC via Pin Fall in 8:58
Philadelphia is on their feet, clapping and cheering raucously as
“Boom Boom Tap” plays again, an auditory signal of victory for the
Sabre Jr. is walking backstage with four bottles of beer stuffed in
the front of his tights. Exhausted after his match, he flops down in
the closest chair to him. After wiping the sweat off of his brow, he
reaches down and pulls one of the beers out and twists the top off.
As soon as the bell rings, Nia Jax snatches up Barbie Blank and DRILLS HER with a Samoan Drop! The fans pop huge as Nia Jax destroys her very own partner! Charlotte shouts at her from the corner, "Hey! What the hell, Nia!?" but Nia Jax just looms over the fallen Barbie Blank, shouting "WHO'S FAT NOW, BARBIE! YOU CALLED ME FAT AND MADE ME SAD! SO I GAVE YOU A SAMOAN DROP AND MADE YOU SAD! HOW DO YOU LIKE IT!?" Barbie curls up in a fetal position, gasping for air but manages to eek out "I'm really, really sad!" [ Tony Schiavone ] This is quite unexpected! [ Nigel McGuinness ] Well, if ya' been payin' attention, Tony, Barbie Blank has gone out of her way to offend Nia Jax, making fun of her weight during the build-up to this match and, t' say the least, Nia Jax was not appreciative of Barbie Blank's comments! [ Scott Steiner ] Nia Jax ain't exactly what I'd call a genetic freak but she's strong as fuck! That big broad oughtta' be proud o' them tree trunk legs and that FAT ASS! Before we can sort out the issue between Barbie and Nia Jax any further, Shayna Baszler, Becky Lynch, and Hana Kimura all three assault Nia Jax from behind, pummeling her relentlessly until she goes down to all fours! Finally, Shayna delivers a brutal kick to the side of Nia's head and she tumbles over the bottom rope, onto the apron, and down to the floor! Ted Dibiase laughs at ringside, counting a stack of $100 bills! [ Tony Schiavone ] It looks like Shayna Baszler, Hana Kimura, and the debuting Becky Lynch have formed some kind of alliance with Ted Dibiase! [ Nigel McGuinness ] And now they've got Barbie Blank right where they bloody want 'er! Becky and Shayna return to the apron while Hana Kimura stalks Barbie Blank. Hana steps on Barbie's back and claps her hands together, almost as though she wants to rally the fans behind her but the fans just respond by booing. Finally, Hana hits the ropes and dropkicks Barbie right in the side as she tries to get to all fours! Charlotte shouts at Barbie to get up from the apron but Barbie is manhandled by Hana Kimura, getting hit rapid fire by a scoop slam, snap suplex, and basement dropkick to the back of the head! Hana shouts in Japanese as she goes to work and pulls Barbie back to her feet. Holding Barbie up by two handfuls of hair, she spits right in her face only to have Barbie spit right back in her face! Hana and Barbie begin slapping each other viciously before trading forearms! They fight to one corner of the ring where Shayna Baszler makes a blind tag! They fight to the other corner where Charlotte makes a blind tag... and then they tie up and drop before rolling under the bottom rope, fighting each other viciously, pulling hair, spitting, scratching and clawing! [ Scott Steiner ] This is the kinda' women's match I can get behind! Fuck yeah! [ Nigel McGuinness ] Clearly, these two still have some issues t' work through following what happened at Total Destruction! [ Tony Schiavone ] They're brawling straight out of the ringside area! Hana and Barbie fight all the way up the ramp and through the curtain, vacating the ringside area! The fans are going wild the entire time! Shayna and Charlotte eye each other from the apron, across the ring. They both slowly get inside the ring... but once they're inside, they run at each other and clash together, trading forearms and chops! The fans are going wild as Charlotte and Shayna rip and tear at each other, doing everything they can to knock the other off their feet! [ Nigel McGuinness ] This is a titanic battle of two of the best in the business! [ Tony Schiavone ] Imagine the clout Shayna Baszler will earn if she knocks off the daughter of former SGW World Heavyweight Champion, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair! [ Scott Steiner ] Fuck Ric Flair! Crooked tooth bastard! Shayna takes over and drags Charlotte to her corner where she tags in Becky Lynch. Becky and Shayna take over on Charlotte, whipping her into the ropes and hitting her with a double clothesline as Ted Dibiase laughs at ringside. Becky and Shayna pick up Charlotte and set her up for a double suplex but NIA JAX returns to the ring, clubs Becky in the back and hooks her around the neck... so that Charlotte and Nia Jax can double suplex Becky and Shayna at the same time! Nia Jax is up immediately, flailing her arms around and JAXING UP! Shayna Baszler rises to her feet first and Nia Jax charges at her, clotheslining her over the top rope! Baszler lands on the apron and Nia Jax sends her flying off onto the ramp with a RUNNING AVALANCHE! [ Nigel McGuinness ] Nia Jax is running wild! [ Scott Steiner ] God damn right! Put a hurtin' on them scrawny girls! Shayna slowly returns to her feet and turns around into a DOUBLE AXE HANDLE OFF THE APRON from Nia Jax! Shayna doesn't go down! She fights back, throwing forearms and punches at Jax! Jax doesn't back down, throwing forearms and punches of her own! Shayna and Baszler and Nia Jax continue brawling all the way up the ramp and then through the curtain, leaving Charlotte and Becky in the ring! Charlotte posts up in the corner, motioning for Becky to get up! Becky slowly returns to her feet and turns around... SPEAR FROM CHARLOTTE! NO! BECKY LEAPFROGS THE SPEAR! Charlotte stops herself in the opposite corner and turns around just in time to see Becky Lynch coming in with a CORNER SPLASH! Charlotte moves and Becky eats the top turnbuckle! Becky spins out of the corner and Charlotte meets her staggering out with a RUNNING BIG BOOT! But Becky catches, traps Charlotte, and PLANTS HER WITH THE BEXPLODER! [ Nigel McGuinness ] Good lord! [ Tony Schiavone ] Neither woman is giving an inch! Becky goes for the cover! One! Two! Charlotte throws her shoulder up... and Becky uses the momentum from the movement to flip Charlotte over in the DIS-ARM-HER! The fans are going nuts, wondering if this is it! Charlotte is only inches away from the ropes and she reaches and reaches! She manages to pull Becky along with her... and grabs the bottom rope! Paul Turner calls for the rope break! Becky continues pulling back on the hold until Turner reaches the count of four! Becky releases the hold and stands up, walking arrogantly to the center of the ring with her arms outstretched. Becky shouts "WHO'S DE QUEEN NOO'!?" drawing heat from the fans. Charlotte hangs onto the bottom rope and Ted Dibiase gets in her face, yelling at her and throwing $100 bills at her! Charlotte lashes out and grabs Dibiase by his tie, pulling him up onto the apron! Charlotte and Dibiase stand face to face and it looks like she might swing on him... but Becky charges in! Charlotte moves and Becky collides with Dibiase! Dibiase tumbles off the apron and money goes everywhere! Becky staggers backward and lands in a seated position just as Charlotte is coming off the ropes... NATURAL SELECTION! Charlotte covers Becky and hooks both legs! ONE! TWO! THREE! WINNERS - Charlotte Flair, Barbie Blank, & Nia Jax via Pin Fall in 12:11 The fans cheer loudly as Charlotte rolls off of Becky and pumps her fists in victory. Becky rolls out of the ring and leaves with Dibiase, both of them looking pissed. Charlotte stands up, looking worse for wear, and calls for a microphone. She receives one quickly. She leans on the top rope with an arrogant smile on her face. She raises the microphone, speaking through labored breaths. [ Charlotte Flair ] See that? That... is more like it! The fans cheer. [ Charlotte Flair ] Like I said at Total Destruction, I'm not just here to honor my father's legacy in Solid Gold Wrestling... I'm here to create my own. My debut was spoiled by children playing games... well, I'm not here to play games, I'm here to establish my legacy and become the SGW Women's World Champion! They cheer even louder. Charlotte walks to the center of the ring. [ Charlotte Flair ] I can't speak to or for the ladies who abandoned this match halfway through... but I will say this... Becky Lynch, I respect the hell out of the effort you put in here in this ring tonight... any time, any place, if you ever want a rematch... you got it, sister. Charlotte looks around at the cheering fans. She nods in approval of their praise. [ Charlotte Flair ] Standing right here, right now... I'm staking my claim... and I'm laying out a challenge... whoever walks out of WrestleBrawl 3 as the SGW Women's World Champion... I'm calling you out-- The fans begin booing loudly as Gionna Daddio walks out onto the stage with Zahra Schreiber in tow. They're both in stylish, all black attire. Gionna has a microphone in her hand and a knowing smile on her face. She waits for the boos to die down a bit and then raises the microphone. [ Gionna Daddio ] Blah... blah... blah. Charlotte doesn't look amused. Gionna continues smiling. [ Gionna Daddio ] I think we've heard just about enough out of little miss... I don't need my dad's legacy to succeed but I'm still gonna mention him every chance I get. Zahra smiles. Gionna looks around at the booing fans. [ Gionna Daddio ] Am I right? And then she suddenly becomes serious, glaring at Charlotte. [ Gionna Daddio ] You're insufferable. Charlotte folds her arms across her chest and mouths "oh, really?" [ Gionna Daddio ] Ever since SGW management announced your arrival, I've been curious about how you'd handle yourself here... I was so curious, Charlotte, that I felt like I needed a front row seat to your debut match at Total Destruction. I listened to the words you said about your plan for the women's division... but mostly, I listened to all your talk about your daddy's legacy and how you were gonna follow in his footsteps but... you... don't want to ride his coattails? Gionna shakes her head, looking annoyed. [ Gionna Daddio ] Sweetie, ya' can't have it both ways. Charlotte gestures toward Gionna, inviting her to the ring. Gionna stays put on the stage, not falling for it. Zahra places her hand on Gionna's shoulder, patting it, showing her support. [ Gionna Daddio ] Imagine my surprise when big bad Charlotte squared up against Candy Floss... and failed. I don't care if it was a disqualification or whatever... ya' didn't get the job done. Stumbled right outta' the gate... what a joke. The fans boo. [ Gionna Daddio ] You wanna make a difference in this division? Send it off in a new direction... make a challenge for the championship when you've done nothing... literally nothing to deserve it? I don't think so. Not gonna happen! Charlotte shakes her head, frustrated. [ Gionna Daddio ] As far as I'm concerned, you're little legacy ends here... and it ends with me. See, I'm looking to carve out a little legacy of my own... except, I'm not really in the legacy business, Charlotte. I'm in the empire business... and I intend to build mine on top of the corpse of your career! If you wanna go further in this company... if you wanna succeed... you gotta get through me... at WrestleBrawl 3! Gionna smiles evilly, nodding. [ Gionna Daddio ] That's right... Charlotte Flair... versus Gionna... DADDIO! Gionna holds her arms out to the side, soaking in the strong negative reaction. Charlotte smirks and raises her microphone. [ Charlotte Flair ] Ya' know what? It might not be the women's title match... but since I don't have anything better to do at WrestleBrawl 3... what the hell... I don't have a problem kicking your ass and making you bow to the queen in front of the largest audience in SGW history! The fans cheer loudly. Charlotte's smile gets even bigger. [ Charlotte Flair ] You're on, Daddio. I just hope you're ready! Without another word, Daddio and Schreiber walk to the back, leaving Charlotte in the ring to continue her celebration as abruptly cut to the back. We go backstage where we see Hana Kimura and Barbie Blank are still fighting, throwing wild punches and slaps while Kimura does her best to maintain control with a handful of hair. Lance Storm, D-Von Dudley, and a handful of arena security are doing their best to separate Kimura and Blank but Kimura refuses to budge and absolutely will not let go of Barbie's hair, holding her in place as she lands punches and slaps to the side of Barbie's face before spitting on her. [ Barbie Blank ] Gross! Now I'm definitely gonna get the coronavirus! [ Hana Kimura ] < IDIOT GIRL! I WILL REARRANGE YOUR UGLY FACE! > Barbie reaches up and thumbs Hana in the eye, causing her to back off and allowing Lance Storm to grab her around the waist and pull her away! She kicks violently in Barbie's direction as she's separated from her. D-Von pushes Barbie back, keeping her away as well, though Barbie looks far less anxious to get back into the fight. Before things can escalate, Trish Stratus walks into the shot with a frustrated look on her face. [ Trish Stratus ] That's enough! I've seen enough from you two! Hana and Barbie both look at Trish, confused. [ Trish Stratus ] You've barely been here two weeks and it's already come to this? Why? What issue could you two possibly have? No one has an answer. [ Trish Stratus ] Whatever. I'm settling it. Next week, you two are going to team up against opponents of my choosing... and if you can't make it work out, then you're not going to like what comes next. Trish walks off-camera in a huff. Without any other words, Lance Storm and D-Von Dudley get Hana Kimura and Barbie Blank away from each other and we cut to another area backstage.
We find
ourselves backstage inside the Disrespect U locker room where
Christopher Daniels is dousing himself with a bottle of champagne
while Chris Dickinson looks on in disgust. Luke Harper is propped
against the wall, smoking a cigarette and reading a Playboy
As the
cameras return to ringside, we see Heath Slater standing in the
middle of the ring holding a microphone. He flashes a big smile as
he takes a deep breath and yells into the microphone. We fade up inside a hospital hallway where we see Jimmy Jacobs pacing back and forth in front of the camera. He's trembling with anger, pulling at his hair with both hands. Drool rolls off his bottom lip. Jacobs is manic... just absolutely losing his shit. The camera focuses on him, following him back and forth as he paces, wheezing through tears. Finally, he stops in front of the camera and brushes the hair out of his face. His eye make-up is running down his cheeks. He takes a deep breath and begins to speak. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] Elias... you... you monster! He sniffs hard and wipes one of his eyes. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] You can say whatever you want... about what happened tonight... you can claim you tried to hit me with your guitar and missed... but I know that isn't the case... you tried to hit Lacey! You... you WANTED to hit Lacey... because you're jealous, Elias! You're jealous of what me and Lacey have! He runs his fingers through his hair, leaving it all sticking straight up like a mad scientist. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] You wanted a duet... you wanted a god damn duet but I already have a duet, Elias! I have the love of my life! And you... you can't stand it! You hoped if you took Lacey out of the picture, you could slide right in and take her place but you can't! You can never take her place... and now... He looks down, sobbing violently. He wipes his eyes with his sleeves. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] Now I have to kill you, Elias. He points off-camera. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] Now you have to go away like Austin Theory! And then he looks into the camera, deeply... passionately. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] But not with a railroad spike to the eye... that's too good for you, Elias! That's better than you deserve! No... it has to be more. It has be violent... and brutal... and full of... full of passion. It has to be at WrestleBrawl 3... on the grandest stage of them all. He breathes heavily. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] You said it yourself, Elias... you wanted to set this company on fire with me. He glares at the camera, barely forcing the words past gritted teeth. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] Well... well, what if I set you on fire, Elias? He throws his arms out to the side. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] What if we surrounded the ring with fire at WrestleBrawl 3, huh? How would you like that, Elias!? How would you like it if we surrounded the ring with fire and the only way to win... was for one of us... to light the other one... on fire? Jimmy leans in, his eyes become darker, more sinister. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] We can call it... The Ring of Fire. Jimmy smiles evilly and nods, pointing at his temple to show you how smart he is. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] And just like my heart... burns with love for Lacey... His voice becomes lower. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] Your flesh will burn... your FLESH will BURN... with my hate. He chokes back a laugh and wipes away another tear. He points at the camera. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] That's passion, Elias. A pause. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] That... is... passion. He begins to back away from the camera. [ Jimmy Jacobs ] Something you're going to learn a lot about at WrestleBrawl 3. We fade out.
The match begins with Jimmy Havoc and Adam Cole standing in their corners, staring one another down from across the ring. Arn Anderson stands at ringside, glaring at Havoc with a look absolute disgust. Next to him is Britt Baker, who can be seen muttering something to Anderson, prompting a nod from the former owner of Solid Gold Wrestling. [ Tony Schiavone ] Folks, this is it. One of the most anticipated matches in the history of Solid Gold Wrestling! Adam Cole's first defense of the SGW World Heavyweight Championship against "The King of the Goths" Jimmy Havoc! [ Nigel McGuinness ] Jimmy Havoc! The first man to win the Elevation Championship and defend it three times, thus earning this title shot tonight at Heartbreaker! [ Tony Schiavone ] The state of WrestleBrawl 3 rides on the result of this match tonight! We learned earlier tonight that if Jimmy Havoc wins the SGW World Heavyweight Championship, he will be forced to defend it against twenty-nine other men in the WrestleBrawl match! [ Nigel McGuinness ] But if Adam Cole wins... who bloody knows? Val Venis says he has a plan in place to ensure that Adam Cole doesn't leave WrestleBrawl 3 with the championship, if he somehow manages to survive Mr. James Havoc tonight! [ Scott Steiner ] You wanna guarantee Adam Cole doesn't leave with the world title, there's only one fuckin' option in my eyes... and that's put him across the ring from the one, the only, the five time SGW World Heavyweight Champion... THE BIG BAD... BOOTY DADDY! Cole and Havoc meet in the center of the ring... and as soon as the bell rings, Havoc nails Adam Cole with a big right hand! Cole staggers back and Havoc stays on him, peppering him with lefts and rights until he's backed Cole into the corner! Cole covers up as Havoc continues laying into him. Aubrey Edwards tries to get them out of the corner, forcing a break. As Havoc takes a step back, Cole pushes past Aubrey and punches Havoc right in the eye! Havoc staggers back and Cole stays on him, laying into him with right hands before clotheslining him over the top rope to the floor! Havoc lands on his feet and staggers back against the guardrail. However, as soon as Havoc finds his balance, Adam Cole crashes into him with a suicide dive that takes both men over the rail and into the front row! [ Nigel McGuinness ] My goodness! The impact! [ Tony Schiavone ] Some fans just got a lucky souvenir! Havoc and Cole both rise to their feet at the same time and begin trading punches and forearms as the fans go wild! Aubrey Edwards is freaking out, trying to regain control, shouting at both men to return to the ring! They don't listen, instead continuing to drill one another with shot after shot! The fans around them are screaming with excitement but still trying to avoid catching a stray fist or elbow as they swing on one another like men possessed! Finally, Cole boots Havoc in the stomach and dumps him over the rail and into the ringside area. Havoc scrambles back to his feet just in time for Adam Cole to springboard off the rail with a flying clothesline! Havoc catches him with a clubbing blow the the stomach, which turns Cole inside out in mid-air! [ Scott Steiner ] That emo skeleton is lettin' it all hang out! [ Nigel McGuinness ] Jimmy Havoc is quite resourceful in a pinch, gentlemen! Havoc grabs Cole by the hair and drags him to his feet. Britt Baker sneaks up on Havoc from behind but Havoc catches her and whips around, staring a hole through her. She backs away in fear... allowing Cole to nail Havoc from behind, sending him sprawling forward! Britt Baker laughs and Cole snatches Havoc up off the floor and whips him into the guardrail! Cole follows him in and Havoc ducks, backdropping Cole the rail and into the first row of fans! Cole lands on his feet! Havoc turns around and is met with a forearm to the jaw from Cole! Havoc staggers back, turning his back on Cole. Cole climbs onto the rail and springboards off, nailing Havoc with a FLYING KNEE TO THE BACK! Both men crash but Cole rolls straight back to his feet. He snatches Havoc up off the floor and DRILLS HIM WITH A BRAINBUSTER! Havoc is OUT! Cole struggles to get the limp Havoc off the floor but finally gets him up and shoves him under the bottom rope! [ Tony Schiavone ] The pin fall is academic! [ Nigel McGuinness ] Ya' can't count out Jimmy Havoc that easily! [ Scott Steiner ] Bullshit! He's dead! Look how skinny that emo skeleton is! He's got NO PADDING! He took all that impact! Send 'is ass back t' the damn graveyard he came from! Cole follows him in and covers him! He hooks the leg! One! Two! Jimmy Havoc kicks out! Cole immediately pulls Havoc up and hooks him for another brainbuster! He lifts him up and Havoc knees Cole in the head! Havoc lands behind Cole and pushes him forward. Cole staggers forward a couple steps but then turns back around... into a ROLLING ELBOW from Havoc! The impact staggers Cole but he doesn't go down! Havoc steps back, bouncing off the ropes, and nails Cole with ANOTHER ROLLING ELBOW! Cole goes down and Havoc falls on top of him! One! Two! Cole kicks out! Havoc smiles, expecting that, and pulls Cole back up to his knees. Cole looks up at Havoc as Havoc clenches his fist and then begins drilling Cole right in the side of the head with a series of punches! The fans are losing it as the light fades in Cole's eyes with every blow! Cole slumps backward, flat on his back, and Havoc circles him, dragging his thumb across his throat! [ Nigel McGuinness ] It looks like Jimmy is ready t' finish 'im off! [ Tony Schiavone ] We could be looking at a new SGW World Heavyweight Champion, folks! [ Scott Steiner ] God fuckin' help us! Cole slowly gets up to one knee and Havoc snatches his wrist and pulls him in... ACID RAINMAKER! NO! COLE DUCKS IT! Cole hits the ropes as Havoc turns around... CORONA KICK! Cole doesn't waste any time! He pulls Havoc up off the mat and lifts him into a suplex position... BRAINBUSTER ONTO HIS KNEE! Cole covers! One! Two! TH-- Havoc kicks out! Cole sneers and pulls Havoc back to his feet. He whips Havoc into the ropes! Cole goes for a clothesline but Havoc ducks it! Havoc rebounds off the opposite side and goes for a ROLLING ELBOW but Cole ducks THAT! Havoc turns around... SUPERKICK TO THE KNEE! Havoc goes down to one knee! SUPERKICK TO THE FACE! Havoc goes down! Cole covers! One! Two! TH-- HAVOC KICKS OUT! [ Nigel McGuinness ] HE WON'T. STAY. DOWN! The fans are rallying behind the nefarious Havoc for the guts he's showing by taking this beating and refusing to stay down! Cole pulls his hair and shouts at Havoc, "STAY DOWN, YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!" Cole stands and pulls Havoc up behind him by a handful of hair. The fans are booing loudly. Havoc lands a couple shots to Cole's mid-section but Cole no-sells it. Havoc is on his knees, looking out of it. Cole, still gripping Havoc's hair, loudly proclaims "AND NOW IT'S TIME... FOR YOU TO SUCK! MY! DICK!" Cole hits the ropes, runs past Havoc, comes up behind... LAST SHOT! NO! HAVOC DUCKS IT! Havoc rises to his feet as Cole turns around! Cole freaks and goes for a big right hand but Havoc catches his wrist... ACID RAINMAKER! [ Tony Schiavone ] MY GOD THAT'S HIS MOVE! Havoc covers! ONE! TWO! THRE-- NO! BRITT BAKER PULLED AUBREY EDWARDS OUT OF THE RING! The fans boo loudly as Aubrey gets in Britt's face and the fans begin chanting "WHOOP THAT TRICK!" over and over! Britt gets in Aubrey's face and Aubrey shoves her down! Inside the ring, Havoc looks furious that his victory was just stolen from him. Cole is down and Havoc returns to his feet... only to be whipped around by Arn Anderson... AND PLANTED WITH AN ANDERSON SPINE BUSTER! The fans erupt in boos as Anderson spits on Havoc, throws Cole on top of him, and rolls out of the ring! Aubrey slides back under the bottom rope and counts! ONE! TWO! THRE-- HAVOC KICKS OUT! [ Tony Schiavone ] Arn Anderson! That son of a bitch! [ Nigel McGuinness ] He learned everything he knows from the dirtiest playa' in the game! [ Scott Steiner ] Fuck Ric Flair! Havoc and Cole are both down, looking utterly defeated! The fans are chanting and cheering, anxious to see this match continue! Anderson is fuming at ringside, pissed that his plan didn't work! Adam Cole is up first, looking disheveled. Havoc struggles up to both knees. He looks up at Cole and flips him off! The fans cheer loudly and Cole sneers before hitting the ropes... LAST SHOT! NO! HAVOC SWEEPS COLE"S LEG! Cole goes down and Havoc immediately rises and takes Cole by the wrist, yanking him back up to his feet! ACID RAINMAKER! NO! COLE DUCKS IT! Cole executes a go-behind, wrapping his arms around Havoc's waist! Havoc struggles to get free before throwing elbows backward into the sides of Cole's head! Cole lets go and staggers back against the ropes! Havoc charges at him but Cole ducks and pulls down the top rope, causing Havoc to tumble over onto the apron and to the floor below! [ Tony Schiavone ] Jimmy Havoc's momentum... halted! Adam Cole scrambles on his knees toward Audrey, wrapping his arms around her waist, turning her away from where Havoc landed! Havoc uses the apron to return to his feet but he's blindsided by STEVE CORINO and SHANE DOUGLAS! The fans erupt in boos as Corino and Douglas rain punches down on Havoc until he's lying on the floor in a fetal position! Arn Anderson directs traffic before reaching into the back of his jeans and producing... TWO PAIRS OF HANDCUFFS! [ Tony Schiavone ] Where did he get those!? Why did he even have those on him! [ Nigel McGuinness ] I take it ya' haven't watched many Horsemen matches, eh, Tony? He tosses one to Corino and one set to Douglas! They each sling Havoc against the guardrail and handcuff his wrists to the rail! Havoc struggles hard but he's fully restrained! Douglas rains down some extra punches on Havoc's head and then Corino tees off and kicks Havoc right in the balls! Douglas spits on Havoc and he and Corino walk away, leaving him to hang against the rail, barely alive! [ Tony Schiavone ] Despicable! Absolutely despicable behavior by The Origin! [ Scott Steiner ] Bullshit, I say! You're tellin' me Adam Cole needed help beatin' that anemic lookin' piece o' shit!? Get that belt off Cole and onto a real man! A real champion! Like me! BIG POPPA PUMP! Cole finally lets Aubrey go and she begins paying attention to what's going on at ringside... and begins the ten count! ONE! TWO! Havoc hangs limp against the rail, barely stirring! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! Havoc eyes flicker and he begins to pull at his restraints! SIX! SEVEN! Havoc comes to fully and begins fighting hard, doing everything he can to get free! EIGHT! HAVOC ACTUALLY MANAGES TO SNAP ONE OF THE CHAINS! NINE! HAVOC IS PULLING HARD! HE'S TRYING SLIP HIS HAND OUT! AND HE DOES IT! JIMMY HAVOC HAS BROKEN HIS OWN HAND TO ESCAPE! HE RUSHES FOR THE APRON... TEN! WINNER & STILL CHAMPION - Adam Cole via Count Out in 18:31 Havoc slides into the ring and Cole immediately dives on him, bringing his foot down on Havoc's broken hand! Steve Corino and Shane Douglas hit the ring and mob Havoc, stomping away at him before he can even get back to his feet! The fans are booing loudly as all three members of The Origin stomp and kick away at Havoc! Arn Anderson and Britt Baker climb into the ring. As soon as Britt hits the ring, she shoves Aubrey down out of the way and kicks her out of the ring violently! Anderson is directing traffic as The Origin goes to work! [ Tony Schiavone ] Dammit! That's enough! I dislike Havoc as much as anyone else but this is three on one! It's not fair! Finally, the locker room empties out with Lance Storm, D-Von Dudley, Billy Gunn, and Justin Credible hitting the ring with arena security to break up the violence! They push Cole, Corino, and Douglas back as arena security forces Jimmy Havoc out of the ring where a medic is waiting to check on his hand. Havoc refuses to be restrained and punches the medic in the face before struggling to get back in the ring! Credible and D-Von break off to help restrain Havoc, keeping him outside the ring as Storm and Gunn manage The Origin with some members of security. [ Nigel McGuinness ] They've got to get some control in there! Before the violence can escalate any further, Val Venis walks out onto the stage in slacks and a light purple polo shirt. He has a microphone in his hand. The action in the ring grinds to a halt as all attention falls on the former SGW World Heavyweight Champion. He raises the microphone. [ Val Venis ] Congratulations, Adam Cole. Venis smirks. [ Val Venis ] Congratulations on another well deserved, hard fought victory. The fans boo loudly. Cole holds up the championship belt and points at himself, shouting "I DO DESERVE THIS! I'M THE DAMN CHAMPION!" Venis nods, that smirk transforming into a smug grin. [ Val Venis ] But I'm afraid I'm about to have to have to rain on your parade... see? We had a plan in place just in case Jimmy Havoc won the belt... but I had a completely different plan in place, Cole. Whether you won tonight or not, your road only led in one direction... and it's a direction that I had to think long and hard about... Venis bows his head, appearing to think it over again. [ Val Venis ] See, when a competitor signs on to become a member of the SGW Championship Committee, they give up all their rights and their legal ability to compete in an SGW ring... and for a member to accept a match of any type, they would forfeit their seat on the Committee... forever. The fans "OoooOoOooo" as they realize what's coming. [ Val Venis ] Let me tell you something, Adam Cole... something a lot of people know but not many of them understand... I love Solid Gold Wrestling... I love this company more than life itself. It's the source of my greatest triumphs and my greatest failures... without this company, I wouldn't be the man that stands here right now... I wasn't asked to be a member of the original Championship Committee and that hurt... it hurt real deep down... but when I was asked... I jumped at the opportunity... because loyalty... because my love for this company supersedes any humiliation or hard feelings I might have felt... Venis looks back up and glares hard at the ring. [ Val Venis ] I take my role on the Championship Committee very seriously... more seriously than I've taken anything in years... but I will not stand idly by while Arn Anderson, a man I once respected, tries to tear down everything we built... brick by damn brick! Not on my watch! Not... going... to happen! Venis is trembling with intensity. Anderson and Cole are talking to one another, confused. [ Val Venis ] So... I had a little talk with Edge, Christian, Jarrett, and the rest of the boys on the Committee... and I brought up a little idea I had and they asked me one simple question... is it worth it to lose my spot on the Championship Commitee... forever... The fans begin buzzing with anticipation. [ Val Venis ] ...for one more shot at the gold? The fans are ready to pop... but they control themselves. [ Val Venis ] You bet your ass, it is. And they pop... huge. Cole freaks out! Douglas is spinning in circles, shouting "NO! NO! FUCKING NOOOOO!" Steve Corino drops to his knees and places both hands on either side of his head! Britt Baker is trying to calm Adam Cole down! Suddenly, Jeff Jarrett, Edge, Christian, Chavo Guerrero, Jr., Bret Hart, and Ric Flair, with tape on his nose, all walk out from the back with stern looks on their faces. They stand behind Venis, offering up their full support. Venis takes a step forward, his eyes wide with intensity. [ Val Venis ] I WILL SEE YOU AT WRESTLEBRAWL 3, ADAM COLE! Venis points down at the ring, his finger trembling. [ Val Venis ] AND I WILL FIGHT YOU WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE! MY FISTS! MY HEART! MY SOUL! I WILL THROW EVERYTHING AT YOU DOWN TO MY EYE TEETH... AND I GRANT YOU THIS, COLE! WIN OR LOSE... YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN, YOU SON OF A BITCH! The fans are blowing the roof off the place. Cole runs his hand down his face, trying to calm himself. [ Val Venis ] ON THE GRANDEST STAGE OF THEM ALL, IN FRONT OF THE LARGEST AUDIENCE IN SOLID GOLD WRESTLING HISTORY... NOT ONLY WILL I BECOME A TWO TIME SGW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... I WILL PUT THE ORIGIN TO REST ONCE AND FOR ALL... His eyes go wide. [ Val Venis ] AND I... WILL... END YOU! Cole drops to his knees in the ring, clutching the SGW championship tightly to his chest. The camera zooms in slowly on Val Venis standing on the stage with gritted teeth as we slowly fade to black. End transmission. |