Caged Heat |
July 1st, 2006 | Live From:
Mobile, Alabama
| Commentators: Joey
Styles & Don Callis
Richards & Chris Benoit
Joey Ryan & Colt Cabana
Title on the Line:
Charles Robinson
Winners: Stevie Richards & Chris Benoit via Submission
Title on the Line:
Scott James
Winner: Matt Striker via Pin Fall
[ Stevie Richards ] Yeah! We did it, Benoit!! -[[ Stevie is very excited about this win.. ]]- [ Stevie Richards ] Can you believe it!? -[[ He punches the air.. ]]- [ Stevie Richards ] Wham! Bam! Cross face! -[[ He grabs Benoit by the shoulder.. ]]- [ Stevie Richards ] You are the man! -[[ He calms down a little bit when he realizes Benoit doesn't share his excitement.. ]]- [ Stevie Richards ] What's wrong, man? We won! -[[ Stevie smiles really big. ]]- [ Stevie Richards ] We WON! Yes! -[[ Benoit stops in his tracks.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] I realize that, Steven.. [ Stevie Richards ] Well, come on, man... Celebrate! [ Chris Benoit ] Now.. Is not the time. -[[ Stevie looks at the Meanie and back at Benoit.. He's confused.. ]]- [ Stevie Richards ] ..Why not? -[[ Benoit hesitates.. Finally delivering.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] Your friend.. Raven.. Is still injured.. -[[ Stevie nods.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] Perhaps... You should go to him. [ Stevie Richards ] ..But-- [ Chris Benoit ] But nothing.. Just go.. -[[ Stevie still seems unsure... ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] I will visit him later. -[[ Stevie nods.. Offering his hand.. ]]- [ Stevie Richards ] Thanks for being there, Chris.. -[[ Benoit accepts it, they shake. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] It was.. The right thing to do. -[[ Richards nods and turns to leave.. The Meanie goes with him.. Woman speaks.. ]]- [ Woman ] Go on to the dressing room, Chris.. I'll go get some drinks. -[[ Benoit nods.. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and they go their separate ways.. The camera follows Benoit on his way to the dressing room.. After a few moments, he reaches his destination and opens the door.. He goes inside and removes the Hardcore championship from the chair he left it laying in while he wrestled.. He throws it onto a table and sits down.. Benoit runs his hands over his head, trying to relax, but failing miserably.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] What.. Do I have to do.... -[[ The events that have been transpiring are taking a toll on him.. However, before he can continue dwelling on those facts.. There's a knock on the door.. Benoit stands up, weary of this.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] ..Nancy? -[[ No answer.. Benoit assumes a stance, ready for battle.. He walks up carefully and rips the door open and finds himself face to face with....... CHARLES ROBINSON! Charles Robinson, in his referee garb takes a step back when he sees Benoit's stance.. He does NOT want to get his ass kicked.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] Charles... What do you want? -[[ Robinson swallows hard.. ]]- [ Charles Robinson ] Chris.. Man, you need to get out to the parking lot.. [ Chris Benoit ] What? Why? [ Charles Robinson ] It's your wife-- -[[ Benoit shakes his head, pushing Robinson out of the way.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] What the hell.. Would she be doing out there!? -[[ Robinson watches Benoit leave with a bit of fear in his eyes.. Benoit is a man on a mission, stomping through the backstage area with purpose in his step.. He makes it to the back exit that leads to the parking lot and throws the door open.. And he sees his wife laying on the pavement, not moving.. Benoit's eyes go wide.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] .....NANCY! -[[ He begins running toward her.. But is quickly cut off.. By Alex Shelley and Rob Conway!! Conway and Shelley take a few steps up on Benoit.. Benoit looks at them, back and forth, ready to begin brawling.. ]]- [ Alex Shelley ] Why the hurry, Wolverine? -[[ Benoit's voice is so low, it's almost a hiss. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] ..What have you done? -[[ Conway looks back at the woman laying on the pavement and back at Benoit.. ]]- [ Rob Conway ] What? That? -[[ He laughs.. ]]- [ Rob Conway ] Nothin' we won't do to you, bud... Only worse! -[[ Benoit immediately kicks Conway in the gut and shoves him away before turning and chopping Alex Shelley right across the face!! Shelley backs away, holding his face.. And Benoit runs toward his wife.. He kneels down next to her.. She's face down.. ]]- [ Chris Benoit ] ..Nancy! ....NANCY, WAKE UP!! -[[ He turns her over and-- It's not Nancy Benoit.. It's JILLIAN HALL IN A BLACK WIG!! Benoit's eyes go wide... And she fills them with MACE!! Benoit backs up, clawing at his eyes... And Alex Shelley BLASTS HIM from behind with a base ball bat!! Chris Benoit goes down, clutching the back of his head, tapping his foot on the ground instinctively, groaning, almost growling in pain... Alex Shelley begins strutting around Benoit's body, twirling the bat. ]]- [ Alex Shelley ] HOOOOOOME RUN! -[[ He struts some more, a look on his face that tells you, he knows he's hot shit. ]]- [ Alex Shelley ] Whoa, daddio! ..COOL, DADDIO! -[[ Jillian stands up, wearing Woman's dress.. She removes the black wig and throws it aside.. And Vince Russo emerges from the shadows with Nancy.. In her bra and panties... They used her actual dress, no replicas used in this plan... Jillian looks down at the dress she's wearing with a sick look on her face. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] This is so.. Tacky! -[[ Russo throws Woman down on Benoit.. She immediately begins trying to check on him despite her near-naked appearance.. Russo squats down next to her.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] Tell ya' man when he wakes up.. That this is the future o' the business.. -[[ She looks up at him with hate in her eyes.. ]]- [ Vince Russo ] We're bringin' enta'taaaainment.. Back to the main event..
Russo stands up.. He,
Shelley, Conway and Jillian leave as Woman screams for help..
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Kurt Angle
Title on the Line:
Jimmy Cordaris
Winner: Kurt Angle via Submission
Caribbean Cool
Shawn Michaels
Title on the Line:
Charles Robinson
Winner: Carlito Caribbean Cool via Pin Fall
[ Kurt Angle ] What happened tonight.. Was a disgrace.. -[[ Cabana nods.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] Your victory tonight was important to me.. -[[ Joey Ryan just stands there, a sad look on his face.. Cabana seems visibly shaken by this dress-down... ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] It was important to the team.. And you let the team down! -[[ Angle nods, sweat dripping off his nose.. He is PISSED. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] Now.. I can stand here and blame John Cena.. But John Cena didn't make you tap out, Joey.. -[[ Joey looks up at Angle, he swallows hard. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] I've talked to Jeff.. Oh, it's true.. And I'm getting my hands on John Cena at WrestleBrawl.. -[[ Angle nods, smiling an evil smile.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] Oh yeah.. Believe it.. And there's going to be a stipulation.. -[[ Angle is getting into this. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] And I'm going to reveal that stipulation later tonight.. But.. First.. -[[ Angle motions toward Joey Ryan.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] Joey, step into my office. -[[ Joey looks at him.. ]]- [ Joey Ryan ] ..Why? -[[ Angle screams.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] BECAUSE YOU'RE FREAKIN' FIRED!! -[[ Joey looks like his heart has been ripped out.. Cabana's eyes are wide.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] What are you waiting on, Cabana!? -[[ Cabana looks around frantically.. Confused. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] ..KICK HIS FREAKIN' BUTT!! -[[ Joey Ryan turns and looks at Cabana just as he nails him with a big right hand!! Colt Cabana knocks Ryan to the floor and begins stomping away at him before he yanks him up off of the floor and Angle grabs him.. ANGLE SLAM ON THE FLOOR!! Angle springs back up and yanks down the straps.. There's a commotion somewhere else in the dressing room.. We pan over and see the Spirit Squad watching this.. ]]- [ Mitch ] FIGHT! [ Kenny ] WOO! [ Mikey ] THEY'RE LIKE KICKING AND STUFF! NARHARHARHARHARYEAH! [ Nicky ] YEAH! [ Johnny ] VAL VENIS SUCKS! -[[ They rush over to get a closer look at the fight.. Kurt Angle and Colt Cabana finish off Ryan and throw him aside like yesterday's garbage... They turn and see the Spirit Squad watching them... Angle pays them no mind, turning back to Cabana and putting his hand on his shoulder.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] What happened tonight wasn't your fault. -[[ Cabana nods.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] Try hard not to be like him.. He's a loser.. A real- -[[ Quotation fingers. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] Garbage person. [ Colt Cabana ] I dig it. [ Kurt Angle ] Good.. -[[ There's an uncomfortable silence.. And they turn and see the Spirit Squad is still watching them in awe.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] Can I help you? [ Kenny ] YEAH! YEAH! -[[ Mikey springs forward. ]]- [ Mikey ] HE'S RED, WHITE AND BLUE AND STUFF! HAHAHA! -[[ Cabana and Angle look at each other.. And then back at the Spirit Squad. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] Alright.. You're in. -[[ They're in? There was an offer? There was.. Anything? Regardless of this, they all begin jumping around and celebrating like they've just won a match.. Angle tries to calm them down.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] But first.. I have a job for you... All of you.. -[[ He nods, looking in control now.. ]]- [ Kurt Angle ] Now, listen up.
They all lean in..
Fade. ]]- |
Chris Kanyon
Title on the Line:
Mike Chioda
Winner: Edge via Pin Fall
[ Jeff Jarrett ] What's got ya' down? -[[ Before she can answer. ]]- [ Jeff Jarrett ] That con ya' pulled with Russo and his boys was damn good.. -[[ She sighs. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] It's nothing to do with that.. -[[ A pause.. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] I just don't want you to leave.. I mean.. You can't retire! -[[ Jarrett smirks.. ]]- [ Jeff Jarrett ] Ya' act like I'm leavin' ya' behind.. -[[ He walks up closer to the desk.. ]]- [ Jeff Jarrett ] You're comin' with me, ya' know.. -[[ She nods.. ]]- [ Jeff Jarrett ] It's just time to move on.. -[[ He turns his back to the desk.. Pacing now. ]]- [ Jeff Jarrett ] What else can I do? Stick around another few years and beat guys I already beat twice over? Win a world title I already won? For the fourth time? What happened at Total Destruction put everything into perspective.. When I went in there.. And walked out without the championship.. I felt somethin' I ain't never felt after a match.. -[[ He turns back toward her.. She's listening.. ]]- [ Jeff Jarrett ] ..Nothin'. -[[ He walks closer to the desk again.. ]]- [ Jeff Jarrett ] That tells me it's over. -[[ She looks ready to begin bawling at any second.. ]]- [ Jeff Jarrett ] Screw the title.. Screw Orton.. Austin.. Storm.. Screw'em all.. -[[ He's dead serious. ]]- [ Jeff Jarrett ] I'm done. -[[ The phone on Jarrett's desk rings.. Jillian reaches over and picks it up.. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] ..Jeff Jarrett's office.. This is Jillian. -[[ Someone on the other line speaks.. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] W-..what? -[[ More speaking.. Jarrett raises an eyebrow, seeing her surprise. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] Okay... I'll... I'll tell him.. -[[ She shakily hangs up the phone and looks up at Jarrett.. ]]- [ Jeff Jarrett ] Well... The hell was that? -[[ She looks like she's having trouble spitting it out. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] ..Ric Flair. -[[ Jarrett's jaw drops. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] He said he heard your announcement.. -[[ Silence. ]]- [ Jillian Hall ] And he'll be here next week...
Jarrett just stands
there in shock.
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